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Web browser plasmoid (plasma applet) for KDE5 Plasma 2 #1

Open MurzNN opened 8 years ago

MurzNN commented 8 years ago

Hello! Seems that you actively porting old kde4 plasma widgets to new KDE5 and Plasma 2. I can't find the way how to contact with you via github, so create an issue.

KDE5 and Plasma 2 misses many plasmoids, so people that use plasmods in work will stay on KDE4.

For me there are very bad that Plasma 2 misses normal Web browser plasmoid. Integrated one works very bad and have too poor usability.

There are exists Webslice plasmoid: http://kde-look.org/content/show.php/Webslice?content=169878 but it have same problems, described here: https://github.com/Cqoicebordel/webslice-plasmoid/issues/1 https://github.com/Cqoicebordel/webslice-plasmoid/issues/2 and author don't know how to fix this.

Very useful plasmoid is MiniWeb http://kde-apps.org/content/show.php?content=138924 but it not working on KDE5, and I can't find how to port it.

Can you port MiniWeb plasma applet to KDE5 & Plasma2 or maybe try to create new plasmoid with same functional? Thanks!

kotelnik commented 8 years ago

Hi! I'm not sure whether I am more experienced then cqoicebordel. He seems to know what he is doing. But I can at least look at his code and if I by chance manage to make some of your requirements functional I'll give him advice or make a pull request or something... :)

MurzNN commented 8 years ago

Thanks for the reply! I'm not a good programmer, but can and want to help you with testing and ideas! Seems that integrated in KDE5 WebView functional can't do this, so maybe better to create new separate plasmoid that use some another widget, like in MiniWeb plasmoid (seems that it use QWebPage in python script)?

Cqoicebordel commented 8 years ago

Just saw this discussion, do you mind if I chime in ?

My aim is not to do a full browser with webslice. More having one page (that could reload itself) always present on the desktop. It's useful to have the weather, a remote control of a connected TV, the mails and agenda...

So if you are looking for a full featured browser, it seems to me that there is already a plasmoid doing exactly that, as there is a picture in this article : https://dot.kde.org/2015/01/27/plasma-52-beautiful-and-featureful

Also, you can't use any other language in a Plasma2 plasmoid than QML and C++. So porting from python isn't an option. And I hate C++ too much to go in it.

Finally, my skills in QML are null. I learned doing this plasmoid, and spent a lot of time trying to find how to do things. For example, right now, I'm trying to understand why the i18n doesn't work. And nobody seems to know why...

Anyway, I'm still actively developping Webslice, and trying to implement what you asked for. But it will take time and sweat...

MurzNN commented 8 years ago

Thanks for the discussion, I already test full web browser plasmoid, but it have same problem - no menu on right click, annoying touch drag interface, and no way to open links in full browser (instead of widget). So I search another plasmoids with web browsing functional and find Webslice.

I don't need full web browser in plasmoid too, I need to display one page (corporate portal front page with task list) with ability to open other pages (task pages with comment functional) into plasmoid via links and go back. And open other links in full default system browser.

Today I use for this MiniWeb plasmoid and searching alternative for KDE5.

MurzNN commented 7 years ago

I create issue in KDE5 about problem with web browser plasmoid functional: https://bugs.kde.org/show_bug.cgi?id=371023 - can you confirm and vote for it too? I hope that KDE developers will fix something in near future.