kotelnik / plasma-applet-active-window-control

Plasma 5 applet for controlling currently active window.
GNU General Public License v2.0
119 stars 18 forks source link

Title not showing #41

Closed bkrith closed 7 years ago

bkrith commented 7 years ago

Hi, I just start using kde after 10 years away. And I'm trying to use the plasmoid but title is not there.. buttons and mouse actions working perfect but no title. (I have enable title from the options). I did something in wrong way or what? I'm in Kubuntu 16.10 plasma 5.8.5 kde 5.28.0 qt 5.6.1. Btw is very useful applet! Thanks for your work!

kotelnik commented 7 years ago

Hello! Thanks for your feedback :). Not showing title is weird, I wonder what version of the widget you currently have. Did you build it yourself or have you installed it from KDE store? Anyway I've just created a new version (1.7.0). Please try it from KDE store or from here. If it is still not working, report back, I'm sure we'll resolve this :).

bkrith commented 7 years ago

Hi! Thanks for your reply! I tried both kde store and github versions.. nothing! I tried the newest master but nothing also! Before any installation I remove completely anything from the applet. Buttons, mouse actions and tooltip working! Also the text Plasma Desktop shows when im in desktop but no window title. I dont know what is wrong.. in compiling i use "cmake make sudo make install" which output has no errors! I change in main.qml the line(s) where you set the window title text and set it to simple plain text like "Hello World!" (I used also the function i18n) but nothing again. Not showing even simple text but tooltip working (no sense for me! if tooltip works, title must works also.. but not). (Sorry for my english) Thank you for your time!

ps. also no icon

bkrith commented 7 years ago

I searched little the code and I found that the delegate Item cant see model:activeWindowModel because also this is the same problem with icon. Also tooltip and buttons not working if i dont unlock/lock widgets! Im thinking this is a problem of qt version..

kotelnik commented 7 years ago

That would explain a lot. But I've never stumbled on such problems. I'll also try installing Kubuntu to virtualbox and see what happens.

bkrith commented 7 years ago

I cant manage to get model works... I make a fix for my situation and I pass data via global variant. This is the code (I dont understand QML and I cant find any tutorial for plasmoids).. ` /*

Item { id: main

property bool vertical: (plasmoid.formFactor == PlasmaCore.Types.Vertical)

property double horizontalScreenWidthPercent: plasmoid.configuration.horizontalScreenWidthPercent
property double buttonSize: plasmoid.configuration.buttonSize
property bool autoFillWidth: plasmoid.configuration.autoFillWidth
property double widthForHorizontalPanel: (Screen.width * horizontalScreenWidthPercent + plasmoid.configuration.widthFineTuning) - ((!controlButtonsArea.visible && buttonsStandalone && plasmoid.configuration.buttonsDynamicWidth) ? controlButtonsArea.width : 0)
anchors.fill: parent
Layout.fillWidth: plasmoid.configuration.autoFillWidth
Layout.preferredWidth: autoFillWidth ? -1 : (vertical ? parent.width : (widthForHorizontalPanel > 0 ? widthForHorizontalPanel : 0.0001))
Layout.minimumWidth: Layout.preferredWidth
Layout.maximumWidth: Layout.preferredWidth
Layout.preferredHeight: parent === null ? 0 : vertical ? Math.min(theme.defaultFont.pointSize * 4, parent.width) : parent.height
Layout.minimumHeight: Layout.preferredHeight
Layout.maximumHeight: Layout.preferredHeight

property int textType: plasmoid.configuration.textType
property int fitText: plasmoid.configuration.fitText
property int tooltipTextType: plasmoid.configuration.tooltipTextType
property string tooltipText: ''
property string titleText: ''

property bool windowIconOnTheRight: plasmoid.configuration.windowIconOnTheRight
property double iconAndTextSpacing: plasmoid.configuration.iconAndTextSpacing
property bool slidingIconAndText: plasmoid.configuration.slidingIconAndText
property double fontPixelSize: theme.defaultFont.pixelSize * plasmoid.configuration.fontSizeScale
property bool fontBold: plasmoid.configuration.boldFontWeight
property string fontFamily: plasmoid.configuration.fontFamily

property bool noWindowVisible: true
property bool currentWindowMaximized: false
property bool canShowButtonsAccordingMaximized: showButtonOnlyWhenMaximized ? currentWindowMaximized : true

property int controlButtonsSpacing: plasmoid.configuration.controlButtonsSpacing

property int bp: plasmoid.configuration.buttonsPosition;
property bool buttonsVerticalCenter: plasmoid.configuration.buttonsVerticalCenter
property bool showControlButtons: plasmoid.configuration.showControlButtons
property bool showButtonOnlyWhenMaximized: plasmoid.configuration.showButtonOnlyWhenMaximized
property bool showMinimize: showControlButtons && plasmoid.configuration.showMinimize
property bool showMaximize: showControlButtons && plasmoid.configuration.showMaximize
property bool showPinToAllDesktops: showControlButtons && plasmoid.configuration.showPinToAllDesktops
property string buttonOrder: plasmoid.configuration.buttonOrder
property bool doubleClickMaximizes: plasmoid.configuration.doubleClickMaximizes
property int leftClickAction: plasmoid.configuration.leftClickAction
property string chosenLeftClickSource: leftClickAction === 1 ? shortcutDS.presentWindows : leftClickAction === 2 ? shortcutDS.presentWindowsAll : leftClickAction === 3 ? shortcutDS.presentWindowsClass : ''
property bool middleClickClose: plasmoid.configuration.middleClickAction === 1
property bool middleClickFullscreen: plasmoid.configuration.middleClickAction === 2
property bool wheelUpMaximizes: plasmoid.configuration.wheelUpMaximizes
property bool wheelDownMinimizes: plasmoid.configuration.wheelDownAction === 1
property bool wheelDownUnmaximizes: plasmoid.configuration.wheelDownAction === 2

property bool buttonsStandalone: showControlButtons && plasmoid.configuration.buttonsStandalone
property bool doNotHideControlButtons: showControlButtons && plasmoid.configuration.doNotHideControlButtons

property bool textColorLight: ((theme.textColor.r + theme.textColor.g + theme.textColor.b) / 3) > 0.5

property bool mouseHover: false
property bool isActiveWindowPinned: false
property bool isActiveWindowMaximized: false

property bool appmenuNextToIconAndText: plasmoid.configuration.appmenuNextToIconAndText

Plasmoid.preferredRepresentation: Plasmoid.fullRepresentation

// Variant to pass through activeTask
property variant firstTask: activeTask()

TaskManager.TasksModel {
    id: tasksModel
    sortMode: TaskManager.TasksModel.SortVirtualDesktop
    groupMode: TaskManager.TasksModel.GroupDisabled

    // Its not need it but I left them
    virtualDesktop: virtualDesktopInfo.currentDesktop
    screenGeometry: plasmoid.screenGeometry

    onActiveTaskChanged: {
        activeWindowModel.sourceModel = tasksModel
        updateTooltip() // Also update here

// Also I left them
TaskManager.VirtualDesktopInfo {
    id: virtualDesktopInfo

// should return always one item
PlasmaCore.SortFilterModel {
    id: activeWindowModel
    filterRole: 'IsActive'
    filterRegExp: 'true'
    sourceModel: tasksModel
    onDataChanged: {

function activeTask() {
    return activeWindowModel.get(0) || {}

onTooltipTextTypeChanged: updateTooltip()

function updateTooltip() {
    if (tooltipTextType === 1) {
        tooltipText = replaceTitle(firstTask.display || '')
    } else if (tooltipTextType === 2) {
        tooltipText = firstTask.AppName || ''
    } else {
        tooltipText = ''

    updateTitle() // With tooltip I update the Title also

// Function for update Title
function updateTitle() {
    if (textType === 1 && firstTask.AppName) {
        titleText = firstTask.AppName
    } else if (firstTask.display){
        titleText = replaceTitle(firstTask.display)
    } else {
        titleText = i18n('Plasma Desktop')

function updateActiveWindowInfo() {
    firstTask = activeTask()
    noWindowVisible = activeWindowModel.count === 0 || firstTask.IsActive !== true
    currentWindowMaximized = !noWindowVisible && firstTask.IsMaximized === true
    isActiveWindowPinned = firstTask.VirtualDesktop === -1

function toggleMaximized() {

function toggleMinimized() {

function toggleClose() {

function toggleFullscreen() {

function togglePinToAllDesktops() {
    tasksModel.requestVirtualDesktop(tasksModel.activeTask, 0);

function setMaximized(maximized) {
    if ((maximized && !activeTask().IsMaximized)
        || (!maximized && activeTask().IsMaximized)) {
        print('toggle maximized')

function setMinimized() {
    if (!activeTask().IsMinimized) {

PlasmaComponents.Label {
    id: noWindowText
    property double noWindowTextMargin: (parent.height - implicitHeight) / 2
    anchors.verticalCenter: parent.verticalCenter
    anchors.leftMargin: noWindowTextMargin
    anchors.left: parent.left
    text: i18n('Plasma Desktop')
    font.pixelSize: fontPixelSize
    font.pointSize: -1
    font.weight: fontBold ? Font.Bold : theme.defaultFont.weight
    font.family: fontFamily || theme.defaultFont.family
    width: parent.width - noWindowTextMargin * 2
    elide: Text.ElideRight
    visible: noWindowVisible && plasmoid.configuration.showWindowTitle && !appmenu.visible

ListView {
    id: activeWindowListView

    // I keep the model because without it I have no data change

    anchors.top: parent.top
    anchors.bottom: parent.bottom

    property double appmenuOffsetLeft: (bp === 0 || bp === 2) ? appmenu.appmenuOffsetWidth : 0
    property double appmenuOffsetRight: (bp === 1 || bp === 3) ? appmenu.appmenuOffsetWidth : 0

    anchors.left: parent.left
    anchors.leftMargin: buttonsStandalone && (bp === 0 || bp === 2) && (!slidingIconAndText || controlButtonsArea.mouseInWidget || doNotHideControlButtons) && (canShowButtonsAccordingMaximized || !slidingIconAndText) ? controlButtonsArea.width + appmenuOffsetLeft : 0 + appmenuOffsetLeft
    anchors.right: parent.right
    anchors.rightMargin: buttonsStandalone && (bp === 1 || bp === 3) && (!slidingIconAndText || controlButtonsArea.mouseInWidget || doNotHideControlButtons) && (canShowButtonsAccordingMaximized || !slidingIconAndText) ? controlButtonsArea.width + appmenuOffsetRight : 0 + appmenuOffsetRight

    Behavior on anchors.leftMargin {
        NumberAnimation {
            duration: 150
            easing.type: Easing.Linear
    Behavior on anchors.rightMargin {
        NumberAnimation {
            duration: 150
            easing.type: Easing.Linear

    width: parent.width - anchors.leftMargin - anchors.rightMargin

    visible: !noWindowVisible
    opacity: appmenu.visible && !appmenuNextToIconAndText ? 0.2 : 1

    // I removed the delegate Item
    Item {
        width: parent.width
        height: main.height

        property double iconMargin: (plasmoid.configuration.showWindowIcon ? iconItem.width : 0)

        // window icon
        PlasmaCore.IconItem {
            id: iconItem

            anchors.left: parent.left
            anchors.leftMargin: windowIconOnTheRight ? parent.width - iconItem.width : 5 // 5: Extra margin for buttons - icons

            width: parent.height
            height: parent.height

            source: firstTask.decoration
            visible: plasmoid.configuration.showWindowIcon

        // window title
        PlasmaComponents.Label {
            id: windowTitleText

            property double properWidth: parent.width - (plasmoid.configuration.showWindowIcon ? iconItem.width : 0) - plasmoid.configuration.iconAndTextSpacing - 5 // 5: Extra margin for buttons - icons
            property double properHeight: parent.height
            property bool noElide: fitText === 2 || (fitText === 1 && mouseHover)
            property int allowFontSizeChange: 3
            property int minimumPixelSize: 8

            anchors.left: parent.left
            anchors.leftMargin: windowIconOnTheRight ? 0 : (plasmoid.configuration.showWindowIcon ? iconItem.width : 0) + plasmoid.configuration.iconAndTextSpacing + 5 // 5: Extra margin for buttons - icons
            anchors.top: parent.top
            anchors.bottom: parent.bottom
            verticalAlignment: Text.AlignVCenter
            text: titleText // I pass the title text like tooltip text
            wrapMode: Text.Wrap
            width: properWidth
            elide: noElide ? Text.ElideNone : Text.ElideRight
            visible: plasmoid.configuration.showWindowTitle
            font.pixelSize: fontPixelSize
            font.pointSize: -1
            font.weight: fontBold ? Font.Bold : theme.defaultFont.weight
            font.family: fontFamily || theme.defaultFont.family

            onTextChanged: {
                font.pixelSize = fontPixelSize
                allowFontSizeChange = 3

            onNoElideChanged: {
                font.pixelSize = fontPixelSize
                allowFontSizeChange = 3

            onPaintedHeightChanged: {
                if (allowFontSizeChange > 0 && noElide && paintedHeight > properHeight) {
                    var newPixelSize = (properHeight / paintedHeight) * fontPixelSize
                    font.pixelSize = newPixelSize < minimumPixelSize ? minimumPixelSize : newPixelSize


function replaceTitle(title) {
    if (!plasmoid.configuration.useWindowTitleReplace) {
        return title
    return title.replace(new RegExp(plasmoid.configuration.replaceTextRegex), plasmoid.configuration.replaceTextReplacement);

MouseArea {
    anchors.fill: parent

    hoverEnabled: true

    acceptedButtons: Qt.LeftButton | Qt.MiddleButton

    onEntered: {
        mouseHover = true
        controlButtonsArea.mouseInWidget = showControlButtons && !noWindowVisible

    onExited: {
        mouseHover = false
        controlButtonsArea.mouseInWidget = false

    onWheel: {
        if (wheel.angleDelta.y > 0) {
            if (wheelUpMaximizes) {
        } else {
            if (wheelDownMinimizes) {
            } else if (wheelDownUnmaximizes) {

    onDoubleClicked: {
        if (doubleClickMaximizes && mouse.button == Qt.LeftButton) {

    onClicked: {
        if (chosenLeftClickSource !== '' && !doubleClickMaximizes && mouse.button == Qt.LeftButton) {
            controlButtonsArea.mouseInWidget = false
        if (mouse.button == Qt.MiddleButton) {
            if (middleClickFullscreen) {
            } else if (middleClickClose) {

    PlasmaCore.ToolTipArea {

        anchors.fill: parent

        active: tooltipTextType > 0
        interactive: true
        location: plasmoid.location

        mainItem: Row {

            spacing: 0

            Layout.minimumWidth: fullText.width + units.largeSpacing
            Layout.minimumHeight: childrenRect.height
            Layout.maximumWidth: Layout.minimumWidth
            Layout.maximumHeight: Layout.minimumHeight

            Item {
                width: units.largeSpacing / 2
                height: 2

            PlasmaComponents.Label {
                id: fullText
                text: tooltipText

    AppMenu {
        id: appmenu

    ListView {
        id: controlButtonsArea

        property bool mouseInWidget: false
        property double controlButtonsHeight: parent.height * buttonSize

        orientation: ListView.Horizontal
        visible: showControlButtons && (doNotHideControlButtons || mouseInWidget) && (currentWindowMaximized || !showButtonOnlyWhenMaximized) && !noWindowVisible

        spacing: controlButtonsSpacing

        height: buttonsVerticalCenter ? parent.height : controlButtonsHeight
        width: controlButtonsHeight + ((controlButtonsModel.count - 1) * (controlButtonsHeight + controlButtonsSpacing))

        anchors.top: parent.top
        anchors.left: parent.left

        anchors.leftMargin: (bp === 1 || bp === 3) ? parent.width - width : 0
        anchors.topMargin: (bp === 2 || bp === 3) ? parent.height - height : 0

        model: controlButtonsModel

        delegate: ControlButton { }


ListModel {
    id: controlButtonsModel

function addButton(preparedArray, buttonName) {
    if (buttonName === 'close') {
            iconName: 'close',
            windowOperation: 'close'
    } else if (buttonName === 'maximize' && showMaximize) {
            iconName: 'maximize',
            windowOperation: 'toggleMaximized'
    } else if (buttonName === 'minimize' && showMinimize) {
            iconName: 'minimize',
            windowOperation: 'toggleMinimized'
    } else if (buttonName === 'pin' && showPinToAllDesktops) {
            iconName: 'pin',
            windowOperation: 'togglePinToAllDesktops'

function initializeControlButtonsModel() {

    var preparedArray = []
    buttonOrder.split('|').forEach(function (buttonName) {
        addButton(preparedArray, buttonName);


    if (bp === 1 || bp === 3) {
        for (var i = preparedArray.length - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
    } else {
        for (var i = 0; i < preparedArray.length; i++) {

function performActiveWindowAction(windowOperation) {
    if (bp === 4 || !controlButtonsArea.visible) {
    if (windowOperation === 'close') {
    } else if (windowOperation === 'toggleMaximized') {
    } else if (windowOperation === 'toggleMinimized') {
    } else if (windowOperation === 'togglePinToAllDesktops') {

function action_close() {

function action_maximise() {

function action_minimise() {

function action_pinToAllDesktops() {

Component.onCompleted: {
    plasmoid.setAction('close', i18n('Close'), 'window-close');
    plasmoid.setAction('maximise', i18n('Toggle Maximise'), 'arrow-up-double');
    plasmoid.setAction('minimise', i18n('Minimise'), 'draw-arrow-down');
    plasmoid.setAction('pinToAllDesktops', i18n('Pin To All Desktops'), 'window-pin');

onShowMaximizeChanged: initializeControlButtonsModel()
onShowMinimizeChanged: initializeControlButtonsModel()
onShowPinToAllDesktopsChanged: initializeControlButtonsModel()
onBpChanged: initializeControlButtonsModel()
onButtonOrderChanged: initializeControlButtonsModel()

PlasmaCore.DataSource {
    id: shortcutDS
    engine: 'executable'

    property string presentWindows: 'qdbus org.kde.kglobalaccel /component/kwin invokeShortcut "Expose"'
    property string presentWindowsAll: 'qdbus org.kde.kglobalaccel /component/kwin invokeShortcut "ExposeAll"'
    property string presentWindowsClass: 'qdbus org.kde.kglobalaccel /component/kwin invokeShortcut "ExposeClass"'

    connectedSources: []

    onNewData: {
        connectedSources.length = 0

} `

bkrith commented 7 years ago

But I keep the problem with lock/unlock widgets to make it works! When desktop start the plasmoid works but without updates.. for example if I open dolphin in home folder change title to "home - dolphin".. if navigate to documents the title stays "home - dolphin". I must deactivate and activate again the window to see the change. If I do any action from "cashew" like lock, unlock, configure desktop, lock screen, etc. then the plasmoid works perfectely! The active task from tasksmodel not refreshed! Do you have any idea what's going on?

bkrith commented 7 years ago

Thank you very much for your support! Kubuntu WAS fresh install and I had this weird issue.. so, I get on with manjaro now! all parts - components in EXACTLY same versions and your plasmoid is AMAZING! I updated all the system to the newer versions and continues working perfectely!!!

Thank you again for your amazing work and tell me if you need any help in any way with this project or a new!


kotelnik commented 7 years ago

Thanks a lot! Sorry that I'm quite slow to respond. I actually installed Kubuntu 16.10 to Virtualbox and was able to replicate your issue. But since you resolved that by installing Manjaro, I'll postpone working on this compatibility (I mean using mostly code you've provided:)) for later and try to do some feature work instead. Anyway thanks for your help offer, greek translation and positive words - all appreciated!