kotelnik / plasma-applet-thermal-monitor

Plasma 5 applet for monitoring CPU, GPU and other available temperature sensors.
GNU General Public License v2.0
113 stars 64 forks source link

CPU temperature goes to off state #53

Open tairosonloa opened 5 years ago

tairosonloa commented 5 years ago

I use this applet to show my CPU, GPU, SSD and HDD temperature. However, I have a problem with the CPU temperature.

When I start the computer, all the temperatures show its values except CPU, which shows an "off" message. Also, when I'm using my computer, sometimes I realize CPU temperature is "off" again. This can be manually fixed by right clicking on the applet and left click on "Reload temperature sources".

My CPU is a AMD Ryzen 5 1500x and I'm using the lmsensors/nct6795-isa-0a20/CPUTIN

I think this can be "patched" if a new feature to auto reload temperature sources on these situations is added.

alium commented 5 years ago

same problem with intel

tairosonloa commented 5 years ago

Also, I saw a day ago an user (Nano-Ocelot) wrote a comment on the kde store. I copy and paste:

I have a weird bug where I have to 'refresh sources' after logon to display cpu core group temperatures (highest temp core shown). Otherwise it remains blank. However gpu temp (single temp source) works correctly on initial widget load.

To see the original comment: https://store.kde.org/p/998915/#ratings-panel

GuerreroNinja commented 5 years ago

Same problem here with Manjaro. Seems something updated and broke the initial temp readings of the widget with CPU. I am on Intel btw. EDIT: Seems this is the same issue as #16

ademcal commented 5 years ago

There is same problem I am using Manjaro on Dell Vostro 5568.

emilio-aburto commented 5 years ago

I'm also seeing this issue, Intel CPU and AntergOS. Seems like the problem was caused by some update in archlinux, but really don't know.

lvxejay commented 5 years ago

Issue still persists on Arch Linux-LTS Kernel v4.19.14-1, Intel i7 5820k CPU

cryzed commented 5 years ago

Same issue here, same kernel and OS as @lvxejay, CPU is Intel i7-7770K.

roachsinai commented 5 years ago

Same issue, Manjaro KDE, cup fan shows OFF also.

afettouhi commented 5 years ago

Can confirm this on Arch Linux as well since updating to the latest major KDE release 5.14. Using the latest git of plasma-applet-thermal-monitor btw.

severnaside commented 5 years ago

Same problem, but I found a solution (of sorts). I installed Plasma 5 'Simple System Monitor' which sits on the desktop and I have Thermal Monitor in the panel. Reboot - now Thermal Monitor has the CPU temperature loaded! How this works I do not know, but maybe there's a clue for someone smarter than me to get Thermal Monitor showing CPU temperature at startup, by itself. Arch Linux, LTS kernel 4.19.15-1, Intel i7-7500U

roachsinai commented 5 years ago

@severnaside you mean this plasmoid?

severnaside commented 5 years ago

@roachsinai Yes

roachsinai commented 5 years ago

I think this issue #52 is useful, cause I comment https://github.com/kotelnik/plasma-applet-thermal-monitor/blob/783536952c38bf26aefadb36d2dadd50c8ddc2c0/package/contents/ui/main.qml#L312 thisl line. No need refresh by yourself. But it's not a so good method.

Cause I don't konw how to debug a plasmoid and have not learn javascript(just know a very little), someone maybe could debug the QML type error.

roachsinai commented 5 years ago

Maybe solve the problem as I found var systemmonitorAvailableSources should be an array, change the code according to var QML Basic Type... Made a pull request #54 , check it and update if you have a better solution.

alium commented 5 years ago

pull #54 fixed problem with manual reload not, i tested the patch today. After restart the computer came again OFF

roachsinai commented 5 years ago

@alium What's your Linux Distro? I only test it on Manjaro. For me there are 3 way to let cpu OFF disappear.

  1. comment systemmonitorAvailableSources.push(source) at plasma-applet-thermal-monitor/package/contents/ui/main.qml line 312
  2. change property var systemmonitorAvailableSources to property var systemmonitorAvailableSources: [] at plasma-applet-thermal-monitor/package/contents/ui/main.qml line 58
  3. pull #54

So, I think maybe you could try others.

And make sure after you pull #54 , you also update code at /usr/share/plasma/plasmoids/org.kde.thermalMonitor (maybe some difference according to Distro). Or just update manually.

So sorry that only you reply Not Work, haven't get a Work reply(but 2 thumb up at my previous reply).

alium commented 5 years ago

@roachsinai i try your instructions, but ended with error: file:///usr/share/plasma/plasmoids/org.kde.thermalMonitor/contents/ui/main.qml:312:1: Expected token `}'

seems as problem with comment "systemmonitorAvailableSources.push(source)"

use Archlinux with OpenRC (also Artix Linux)

roachsinai commented 5 years ago

First,those 3 method is mutually exclusive.

And for now I think the different between your sittuation an my is I installed systemed version Manjaro. So, I can't reproduce it. And I think the error is wierd.

Do you get the error message on booting?

roachsinai commented 5 years ago

What I did is try to solve #52 which let got the idea that systemmonitorAvailableSources maybe not support push method. But maybe this is something different in problem, though change systemmonitorAvailableSources to an array is work for me.

alium commented 5 years ago

@roachsinai oh, ok! now i understand :-) i try all 3 methods

alium commented 5 years ago
  1. comment systemmonitorAvailableSources.push(source) at plasma-applet-thermal-monitor/package/contents/ui/main.qml line 312
    1. change property var systemmonitorAvailableSources to property var systemmonitorAvailableSources: [] at plasma-applet-thermal-monitor/package/contents/ui/main.qml line 58
    2. pull #54
  1. works not for me, file:///usr/share/plasma/plasmoids/org.kde.thermalMonitor/contents/ui/main.qml:312:1: Expected token `}'
  2. works and fix this bug #53 :-D
  3. fix this bug not


severnaside commented 5 years ago


So sorry that only you reply Not Work, haven't get a Work reply(but 2 thumb up at my previous reply).

Yes, pull #54 worked for me. Arch Linux, LTS kernel 4.19.15-1, Intel i7-7500U

roachsinai commented 5 years ago

@alium @severnaside glad to hear that.

Termuellinator commented 5 years ago

Applying pull https://github.com/kotelnik/plasma-applet-thermal-monitor/pull/54 to ~/.local/share/plasma/plasmoids/org.kde.thermalMonitor/contents/ui/main.qml (no thermalMonitor in /usr/share/ ) worked for me, too. (using manjaro)

roachsinai commented 5 years ago

Hi everyone, I got same effect with another plasmoid named kargos. And the effect is more better for me that as I use Bumblebee. Will show GPU temperature if I use nvidia and no GPU info completely if I'm not using GPU.

Not using Nvidia: sys_info

Using Nvidia: sys_info_with_gpu

And kargos makes your simple script works like a plasmoid, so I write a bash script.

What's more, kargos is compatible with Bitbar which provide lots of useful scripts. Check it at k-argos-plugins and another two k-argos plugin.

sgparry commented 5 years ago

54 Works for me

GuerreroNinja commented 5 years ago

I use kargos with hdsentinel to monitor my HDs health and temperature. Works like charm.

Pull #54 works also for me btw.

varlesh commented 5 years ago

DEB-package for bionic (with #54 PR): https://launchpad.net/~varlesh-l/+archive/ubuntu/bionic/+files/plasma-applet-thermal-monitor_1.2.9git20190121_amd64.deb

Lastique commented 5 years ago

@varlesh That package still displays OFF for CPU temps for me in Kubuntu 19.04. I suppose, it means https://github.com/kotelnik/plasma-applet-thermal-monitor/pull/54 doesn't work.

varlesh commented 5 years ago

@Lastique Worked, but after reboot plasma. Added CPU temp sensor > killall plasmashell > ALT+F2 > plasmashell image

Lastique commented 5 years ago

@varlesh Indeed, after a system reboot CPU temps tend to show up, although after a delay. I wasn't sure this behavior was reliable, I've only rebooted a couple of times since I installed the package. Thanks!

fleamour commented 5 years ago

sudo nano ~/.local/share/plasma/plasmoids/org.kde.thermalMonitor/contents/ui/main.qml

change: property var systemmonitorAvailableSources to: property var systemmonitorAvailableSources: []

Works under openSUSE Tumbleweed.

hellbenthorse commented 5 years ago

sudo nano ~/.local/share/plasma/plasmoids/org.kde.thermalMonitor/contents/ui/main.qml

change: property var systemmonitorAvailableSources to: property var systemmonitorAvailableSources: []

Works under openSUSE Tumbleweed.

Can confirm this works under Gentoo also, and I dare say any other Distro for that matter.

lr222gw commented 5 years ago

sudo nano ~/.local/share/plasma/plasmoids/org.kde.thermalMonitor/contents/ui/main.qml

change: property var systemmonitorAvailableSources to: property var systemmonitorAvailableSources: []

Works under openSUSE Tumbleweed.

I just did this on Manjaro, now the widget works without having to reload it! :+1:

lvxejay commented 5 years ago

Is this plasma applet unmaintained? Could submit a PR if this fixed it

msdobrescu commented 5 years ago

Under Sabayon Linux works for kernel version 4 but not for 5, where needs manual reload.

Rush commented 5 years ago

I am glad I found this thread. It's a very annoying issue. Thanks for the solution.

Robiocop commented 5 years ago

It works for me under KDE Neon Bionic. Thanks for this tip.

msdobrescu commented 5 years ago

Hi, do you refer to this poor workaround as tip? It is not intended as tip, it just reveals some kernel version 4 vs version 5 difference as reason of the problem. I'd rather drop the applet than stick with an old kernel. Probably, the simplest workaround would be to do some refresh at the applet starting, as it manually does and works.

fleamour commented 5 years ago

Can anyone submit a pull request?

roachsinai commented 5 years ago


In fact, I've already made that pr 7 months ago.

There is an alternative choice: k-argos-plugins.

And maybe the pr title is no good, I will rename it.


Renamed it as Solution #53: CPU temperature goes to off state #54 .

Rush commented 5 years ago

@roachsinai k-argos is not an alternative. It seems it's doing a lot more than just temperature. I don't need a Chinese calendar.

roachsinai commented 5 years ago

@Rush what you need is just sysinfo.3s.sh, each script for a different task(like a plasmoid) with the help of kargos in that repo. Maybe you should first take a peek at kargos. If it is not what you want , just forget it.

msdobrescu commented 5 years ago

Thermal monitor works for various sensors I have, I use it for CPU and video temperature and for CPU fan speed. It simply needs some update to be able to start the CPU temperature and CPU fan automatically, and possibly some more sensors, but the video temperature works from the start... I don't see the point of discussing alternatives here.

roachsinai commented 5 years ago

@msdobrescu Yeah you're right man, so I made #54 when I found solution to solve this problem 7 months ago. And people always first go to issues to find whether there is a solution but not check at pull requests right? What's more, maybe another grammer chage, etc, of next kde version will break it again, and it's hard for a newbie of qml like me to find the error and solve it.

So I just share another way can do same thing or more, sysinfo.3s.sh now support Cpu temp, Gpu temp, Cpu speed, Cpu usage, memory usage. As the maintainer big @kotelnik not in active, for me more choice will be better.

msdobrescu commented 5 years ago

Indeed, somebody should look at the pull requests when they come, assess and accept it or reject it. Maybe the maintainer does not work on it anymore? Or has no time? In this case, a fork might be the solution.

roachsinai commented 5 years ago

Don't know, @kotelnik only made an issue last year. Waiting for the return of @kotelnik and keep going.

afettouhi commented 5 years ago

@roachsinai I tried out the kargos widget. I can't get it to work. I downloaded the kargos widget and downloaded the sysinfo.3s.sh from the plugin github page and set it up. But it only the widget only says starting... and nothing more

roachsinai commented 5 years ago

@afettouhi maybe you forgot to add run permission, if so use chmod +x sysinfo.3s.sh.

afettouhi commented 5 years ago

@afettouhi maybe you forgot to add run permission, if so use chmod +x sysinfo.3s.sh.

Just tried that and still just starting... as output.