kotelnik / plasma-applet-weather-widget

Plasma 5 applet for displaying weather information from yr.no server.
GNU General Public License v2.0
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configs get "lost" in tray with plasma 5.7 #37

Open holgersson32644 opened 8 years ago

holgersson32644 commented 8 years ago


I’m running the widget inside the systray and at every plasmashell restart (either via killall or logout/login) a new config JSON file in “~/.cache/plasmashell/plasmoids/org.kde.weatherWidget/“ is created while the old one is still there.

Currently as a workaround I can copy the old JSON into the new one, restart plasma-shell and have the widget with proper settings back.

I’m running plasma 5.7.2 with Qt 5.6.2 at Gentoo/Linux. What other informations I can provide you with?

Greetings, holgersson

msva commented 8 years ago

Have the same on 5.7.1/5.7.2 and had the same on 5.6 too

kotelnik commented 8 years ago

Sorry for my late response. I think widget in tray has always different plasmoidID so the cache is always recreated with the new plasmashell start. I'll try to create the cache with plasmoidID of the tray. When it is done, I get back to you.

kotelnik commented 8 years ago

Please try the latest commits and let me know if it is fixed for you. Thanks!

holgersson32644 commented 8 years ago

Yes, works for me here (Plasma 5.7.3 now). Thank you! :+1: I'm closing the issue report. If msva or other ones still get that bug, they might reopen or open a new one.

msva commented 8 years ago

@holgersson32644 actually, it is only you and @kotelnik who can reopen this exact issue.

And, talking about the bug itself, unfortunatelly, it still reproduces for me (at least, under "clean" user, with empty homedir before starting experiment).

I just tried to create "clean" user, log into KDE, add plasmoid to the tray, change default Bonn@yr.no && NewYork@owm towns to Tomsk@yr.no, saved that settings, then logged out, then logged in again, and there is Bonn & NewYork again.

holgersson32644 commented 8 years ago

@msva How did you test? On Gentoo the weather-widget is “packed“ as a separate one and I can build it from git sources there. Now, if I add a widget and move it into my panel everything works fine and the bug is fixed, but when I add the weather widget through the systray I still get the bug. Therefore I’m not sure if I have just two versions installed (one from extra package, fixed, one from plasma itself, buggy) or if directly in panel and via systray actually means sth. differnet for that plasmoid.

kotelnik commented 8 years ago

I think that the problem you are describing is different. You lost all settings, not only cache itself. I've heard the same thing from some people using redshift plasmoid in tray (https://github.com/kotelnik/plasma-applet-redshift-control/issues/23). I believe this has something to do with systray implementation but I need to investigate more so I can always replicate the issue and file a bug or discover the bottom of this.