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2019/11/07 scoop #122

Open kothru opened 4 years ago

kothru commented 4 years ago

ScoopでWindowsにおける開発環境構築を最適化しよう https://blog.satotaichi.info/scoop/

kothru commented 4 years ago

【Windows】Scoop+VSCode+PHPでローカルデバッグ環境を構築する https://qiita.com/nimzo6689/items/e3ae6280f34539bb8680

Scoopで利用できるBucketごとの解説(scoop bucket known 限定) https://qiita.com/nimzo6689/items/5ead753169dbad72e4eb

kothru commented 4 years ago

【Windows】Scoop で実現する PHP のバージョン切り替え http://bashalog.c-brains.jp/18/08/20-120000.php

kothru commented 4 years ago

PHP Startup: Unable to load dynamic library 'pdo_mysql' https://c292n7.blogspot.com/2018/11/extensionphppdo.html

kothru commented 4 years ago

scoop - wiki Apache with PHP https://github.com/lukesampson/scoop/wiki/Apache-with-PHP