Unsure, how well infrastructure is prepared to handle such requests.
Why to change?
Manually adding each missing import is a burden (though I am unsure that such action even exists). This is one of the key features in other language servers. It removes a lot of routine work.
Implementation considerations
First, KLSP has to find out which symbols are missing in a current file. Then, it has to resolve these symbols. KLSP may try to find every symbol with matching name in a workspace. Symbols with the same name but different fully qualified name may exist. In such case we have to provide user with a choice which symbol to pick.
Notice, that files located in the exactly same directory does not need to be imported.
Implement "Add missing imports" code action according to Implementation considerations.
Enhance developer experience.
State of art
Unsure, how well infrastructure is prepared to handle such requests.
Why to change?
Manually adding each missing import is a burden (though I am unsure that such action even exists). This is one of the key features in other language servers. It removes a lot of routine work.
Implementation considerations
First, KLSP has to find out which symbols are missing in a current file. Then, it has to resolve these symbols. KLSP may try to find every symbol with matching name in a workspace. Symbols with the same name but different fully qualified name may exist. In such case we have to provide user with a choice which symbol to pick.
Notice, that files located in the exactly same directory does not need to be imported.
Implement "Add missing imports" code action according to Implementation considerations.