Closed enesaltinkaya closed 1 year ago
I think it's inaccessible from Java due to it being an inline class. Try accessing it from Kotlin maybe?
Thanks but I don't use or even know Kotlin.
So, I tried on the fly to add a @get:JvmName("getVtxBuffer")
on that
Theoretically now the cmdList.getVtxBuffer()
should works
I backed quickly another fat jar, but I cant host it here jars, so I sent you per email
let us know
Thanks for taking the time. There is no attachment on the email tho :)
wtf, it said it was over 25 so it had to use gdrive, so it uploaded but it didn't paste the link..
I did it manually now
Alright! Thanks a bunch. I can get the vertex buffer now.
You're welcome
That's was 1.89.3, which I was just about to publish normally
is there any other props you cant get, so I can add that before the release?
Haven't had a chance to explore much into this library. But I might have a problem on the next steps.
Because I couldn't render an image inside ImGui window using Spair/imgui-java library I wanted to take a shot at kotlin-graphics/imgui. I opened an issue there, but no answers yet, Basically ImGui::Image expects a VkDescriptorSet, a 64bit pointer. But library takes int as an argument, 32bits.
I checked and kotlin-graphics/imgui is also expecting an int for it's imgui.image() method.
So I wonder, if while using kotlin-graphics/imgui with Vulkan is it possible to render images inside imgui windows.
Uhm, ok, so a VkDescriptorSet
is, under Lwjgl a Long
, so what about converting that to a Long
in order to have it compatible at the same time with GL and VK?
That would most likely work for that other library, Spair/imgui-java, because that Long/VkDescriptorSet would be redirected to
I tried to see how it works here in kotlin-graphics/imgui but couldn't understand much :)
We might give it a shot tho by changing it to Long.
Let's try, sent
Google drive is slow for some reason, ill let you know asap.
Also I just noticed I can't reach getGlyphRangesJapanese() method in FontAtlas class :)
It didn't work im afraid. It's picking font atlas texture.
imgui.begin("Test Window", (KMutableProperty0<Boolean>) null, WindowFlag.AlwaysUseWindowPadding.INSTANCE);
imgui.image(tempDescriptor.set.get(0), new Vec2(400, 400), new Vec2(0), new Vec2(1), new Vec4(1), new Vec4(1));
I went back to c++ to make sure and it works there.
ImGui::Begin("Test Window", nullptr, winFlags);
ImGui::Image(descriptor.set, {400, 400}, {0, 0}, {1, 1}, {1, 1, 1, 1}, {1, 1, 1, 1});
When using kotlin-graphics/imgui at 144 fps, VisualVM tells me 5.5 megabytes are allocated per second. That will cause frequent garbage collections and maybe stutters.
Maybe caused by excessive usage of 'new's or kotlin-java translation, is that a thing? :)
This line alone allocates 2.5 kb/s at 144fps for some reason.
So I'll go back to c++ or build something small for my needs. But thanks a lot for helping me today. Wish you the best of luck.
, which in Java is imgui.font.glyphRanges.INSTANCE.getJapanese()
It didn't work im afraid. It's picking font atlas texture.
have you load the image after initializing Vulkan loader?
anything from the validation layer?
When using kotlin-graphics/imgui at 144 fps, VisualVM tells me 5.5 megabytes are allocated per second. That will cause frequent garbage collections and maybe stutters.
Well, I never had performance issues so far, that's why I never spent time tons of time optimizing in that direction
Maybe caused by excessive usage of 'new's or kotlin-java translation, is that a thing? :)
It should be definitely that, although I'd expect the jdk to avoid most of them via escape analysis
For curiosity, which jdk are you using?
This line alone allocates 2.5 kb/s at 144fps for some reason.
That's super weird, because displaySize
is a simple Vec2
class and getY
resolve to a simple get from a primitive array
I'd guess VisualVM has some wrong offset regarding the line
So I'll go back to c++ or build something small for my needs. But thanks a lot for helping me today. Wish you the best of luck.
I'm sorry for that, but if you feel ever again to give it another try, I'm here
It didn't work im afraid. It's picking font atlas texture.
have you load the image after initializing Vulkan loader?
anything from the validation layer?
Vulkan implemantion is not included in the jar. I tried to download "vk.jar" from an older release but couldn't make it work.
So I set it up using my own Vulkan abstraction methods, along the lines of;
private void createRenderpass() {
.addColorAttachment(VulkanState.swapchain.vkbSwapchain.image_format, 1,
.addClearValue(0f, 0f, 0f, 1f)
private void createPipeline() {
.depthStencil(true, true, VK_COMPARE_OP_LESS_OR_EQUAL)
.viewport(1, 1).multiSample(1, false, 0)
.addShaderStage(getClass(), "shaders/vertex.vert", VK_SHADER_STAGE_VERTEX_BIT)
.addShaderStage(getClass(), "shaders/fragment.frag", VK_SHADER_STAGE_FRAGMENT_BIT)
.addPushConstant(VK_SHADER_STAGE_VERTEX_BIT, 0, 8)
.addVertexAttribute(0, 0, VK_FORMAT_R32G32_SFLOAT, 0)
.addVertexAttribute(1, 0, VK_FORMAT_R32G32_SFLOAT, 8)
.addVertexAttribute(2, 0, VK_FORMAT_R8G8B8A8_UNORM, 16)
.addVertexBinding(0, 20, VK_VERTEX_INPUT_RATE_VERTEX)
I fill vertex and index buffers each frame then loop cmdlist to draw.
I'm using zulu 20 jdk.
This line alone allocates 2.5 kb/s at 144fps for some reason.
That's super weird, because
is a simpleVec2
class andgetY
resolve to a simple get from a primitive arrayI'd guess VisualVM has some wrong offset regarding the line
What I do to see memory allocations is to remove/add lines, then check VisualVM -> Sampler -> Memory -> Per thread allocations -> 1_render thread.
I commented out every ImGui related line, only kept "io.getDisplaySize().getY();" line and to my surprise I saw 2.5kb/s allocation. Removed it, allocation gone. Added it back 2.5kb again :)
That's curious..
Can you try just io
and then just io.getDisplaySize()
Also, is the project public? I'd like to take a look myself and/or submit as an issue to Kotlin
Can you try just
and then justio.getDisplaySize()
Just "io;" doesn't compile.
But io.getDisplaySize()
does and it doesn't allocate.
I think i figured it;
private int[] array;
public Integer getX() {
return this.array[this.ofs];
It's an int array but getX returns Integer object, so it has to create a new Integer every time it is called.
Also, is the project public? I'd like to take a look myself and/or submit as an issue to Kotlin
It's not public but it's not a secret either, sort of scratch book for me, I'll email to you.
Ok, that explains the allocation then
This can be related to this, but I don't get why
override var y: Int
get() = array[ofs + 1]
gets translated to Integer
That I'm afraid i have no knowledge of :)
I'll dig into that, thanks for pointing that out though, valuable
explained in the other issue why this happens, its is by the jvm design, not a bug in kotlin (but they could optimize it but that'd be dirty)
It didn't work im afraid. It's picking font atlas texture.
have you load the image after initializing Vulkan loader?
anything from the validation layer?
Changing textureId to Long actually worked. Didn't work for me first because I made a mistake. I always used font texture descriptor. We need to bind font texture descriptor if drawCmd.getTexID() returns -1. If not bind the returned texture id;
long textureId = drawCmd.getTexID();
if (textureId == -1) {
descriptorSetPointerBuffer.put(0, fontDescriptor.set.get(0));
} else {
descriptorSetPointerBuffer.put(0, textureId);
vkCmdBindDescriptorSets(commandBuffer.cmd, VK_PIPELINE_BIND_POINT_GRAPHICS, pipeline.pipelineLayout.get(0), 0, descriptorSetPointerBuffer, null);
So, yay!
Hi, I downloaded imgui-1.89.2-all.jar from Releases page and added to my project. When I try to get vertex buffer data from draw list i get the following error.
Can I get it some other way? Thanks