kotlin-hands-on / jvm-js-fullstack

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There is no index.html in distributions folder #27

Open HaitianZhuu opened 1 year ago

HaitianZhuu commented 1 year ago

In the tutorial and codebase, previously index.html file is in the src/commonMain/resources folder. But now with new project structure in IDEA, when we select project template as Full-Stack Web Application, we don't have index.html in src/commonMain/resources folder explicitly, instead we have such code in jvmMain/kotlin/Server.kt:

fun HTML.index() {
    head {
        title("Hello from Ktor!")
    body {
        div {
            id = "root"
        script(src = "/static/MyFullStackWeb.js") {}
routing {
        get("/") {
            call.respondHtml(HttpStatusCode.OK, HTML::index)
        static("/static") {

After ./gradlew build, we don't see *.html under /build/distributions folder, only
