kottans / Kottans_Web_Game

Pet project for Kottans Full Stack Course :game_die:
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Changes for education #11

Closed m-vv closed 7 years ago

m-vv commented 7 years ago

If our project have educational purpose too I propose: do this steps of commit

  1. make Feathers application without nothing
  2. make it working in Docker
  3. add service that can work with MondoDB
  4. add user auth
  5. only after that add some frontend ... All files should have explanation in comment and maybe we can write our own tutorial. I'm open for ideas how we can make this work more helpful for future learners.
lempiy commented 7 years ago

I think that will slow down our work hardly. Its only yours training project, I had no sharing purposes when I've started. Any steps of our work will be saved in commit history.

m-vv commented 7 years ago

Maybe you wright, but as we can see we already do refactoring based on Feathers.