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Tech Interview Prep/LeetCode Study Group #52

Open kronicka opened 3 years ago

kronicka commented 3 years ago

This issue is about


Subject: A study group to do LeetCode-like problems twice+ a week.

Term/duration: Duration:


Keywords: leetcode, study group, interviews, interview prep, algorithms, data structures, programming problems

General description: I am a Python backend developer actively studying for FAANG-style tech interviews. Most of my current preparation is doing LeetCode-like problems every day. I am seeking enthusiastic people who want to do programming problems together, share knowledge, tips, tricks, approaches -- or just be there to hold each other accountable.

I will not act as a teacher or mentor, since I am fairly new to competitive-style programming problems and have a lot to learn. I have, however, accumulated a fair amount of tips and methods. This is an accountability partnership / knowledge-sharing offer.

Your skill level or job status does not matter to me, as long as you have a beginner/intermediate-level knowledge of at least one programming language. (You've written functions and classes, and have the surface knowledge of data structures like queues or heaps -- or at least actively willing to learn about them). I prefer Python, but you can pick whatever floats your boat. Problem-solving is language-agnostic at its core.

You do want to hang out with me if you're interested in at least one of the following:

I tend to do preparation based on cherrypicked problems instead of blindly going through LeetCodes. Study outline will involve the following resources you're free to finish at your own pace. Presently, I need a study group to finish and review these 3 things:

I'm halfway through AlgoExpert, and I genuinely promise you, it's a lot of work, especially if you're just starting out. But if you're willing to stick with me, we are going to level up together.

Ping me on Telegram if you're interested or leave a comment.

smillims commented 3 years ago

Hey, good idea! But I would suggest learning online, not offline 🥸, because many people here from different cities and countries.

kronicka commented 3 years ago

Hey, good idea! But I would suggest learning online, not offline 🥸, because many people here from different cities and countries.

Hey, thanks for the response! My apologies, for whatever reason, I was under the impression it's a Kyiv-centric group. Likely because of the search terms I used to find it (:

The online format is fantastic, but doesn't quite work as well as the in-person meetings for this specific purpose for me. I would still like to gather with at least a single accountability buddy. I'm very open to any recommendations of any pre-existing online groups, though.