koumoul-dev / vuetify-jsonschema-form

Create beautiful and low-effort forms that output valid data. Published on npm as @koumoul/vjsf.
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Fix disabled and readonly props on v-form wrapper #396

Open KozakoPolako opened 1 year ago

KozakoPolako commented 1 year ago

VForm api have disabled and readonly porps to control form inputs state. image Its work based on isDisabled and IsReadonly computed properties in inputs like VTextField, which is now set to undefined due to override "form" provided variable. I extend form object and make it computed property to bring back support of this features

albanm commented 1 year ago

Ok, this makes sense but I need to work on it some more. The way it works alongside the disableAll option has to be clear and it probably should be propagated down the contexts of custom components in slots.

So basically this should probably have been the way I implemented disabling vjsf from the start but it wasn't and I now I must be careful not to introduce complexity and ambiguity.