koumoul-dev / vuetify-jsonschema-form

Create beautiful and low-effort forms that output valid data. Published on npm as @koumoul/vjsf.
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Collapsible Array Elements #417

Open ai-nikolai opened 1 year ago

ai-nikolai commented 1 year ago

We are looking for a way of making array elements collapsible. This would be a great feature.

An example of what we mean can be found here: https://ncform.github.io/ncform/ncform-show/playground/index.html#tpl=basic-array-type

ai-nikolai commented 1 year ago

@albanm any comments on that?

albanm commented 1 year ago

I don't know if this is such a common user interface need. I suppose making stuff collapsible would not be limited to arrays, the same arguments could be make at least for sections.

A difficulty of making stuff collapsible is error management. If there is an error in the collapsed content it will be hidden to the user who might be stuck with an invalid form but no visible clue on how to fix it. So if it was to be done there would have to be some strategy (like forcefully uncollapse contents with errors, or have a red border, etc).

All in all I don't think I will include this in the current version that is in low maintenance mode waiting for the next major (sorry things are not going fast on this).

ai-nikolai commented 1 year ago

Thanks @albanm.

Two quick questions:

  1. What is the ETA for the new version?
  2. Are there particular features that other could contrbute to?
albanm commented 1 year ago

ETA is end of year. But it depends on my ability to dedicate a few weeks of full-time work on this topic, it should be doable but I can't be certain. I need to achieve a pre-alpha at some point this summer and open the discussion with users for testing and contributions, this is not possible at this stage.

See https://github.com/koumoul-dev/vuetify-jsonschema-form/issues/409

ai-nikolai commented 12 months ago

Thanks a lot @albanm. Happy to be alpha tester, once ready.