kouprlabs / voltaserve

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Add support for 3DM file previews #122

Open dsonck92 opened 2 weeks ago

dsonck92 commented 2 weeks ago

In my creative work, I use Rhino3D a lot. Under Windows, Rhino3D actually has preview support in Explorer. After diving into this a bit, there's a rough code snippet that details how this thumbnail works: https://developer.rhino3d.com/guides/cpp/extracting-thumbnail-preview-images/

From what I see, ON refers to "OpenNurbs" which is some initiative by them to make 3DM files more universally accepted. I think it could be nice to use this to try and extract a preview for the conversion project.

I want to see if I can actually get this into the conversion service myself. It seems like this library should also compile under Linux. Or otherwise, the limited scope of the functions needed might be portable somehow.

bouassaba commented 2 weeks ago

I believe adding support for Rhino3D/3DM will be bring great value! that's because Voltaserve wants to provide first class support for anything that 3D artists need. I totally encourage you to get into conversion service, and I will be available to assist you in anything you need to get started. Regarding Linux, yes! Voltaserve compiles and runs natively on Linux, in fact I was building and running Voltaserve on Linux from the very early beginning.

Would you like me to assign this GitHub issue to you so you can get started?

dsonck92 commented 2 weeks ago


Oh regarding Linux, I meant whether the OpenNurbs library would compile. But I tried it just now and the CMakeLists.txt they provided worked as-is. So I just need to figure out a way to bind it nicely to the go code.

I think the initial step to extract the thumbnail will be nice. Beyond that, I think there is supposed to be a JavaScript based engine that can provide a more interactive view but that can be a future step.