koursaros-ai / nboost

NBoost is a scalable, search-api-boosting platform for deploying transformer models to improve the relevance of search results on different platforms (i.e. Elasticsearch)
Apache License 2.0
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Boolean Elastic Search query #87

Open kapish5467 opened 4 years ago

kapish5467 commented 4 years ago

Hi , I am trying to run the following ES boolean query-

'query' : {
'bool' : { 
  'must' :[{'match': {'Description':{"query":desc}}},
               {'match': {'Industry':{"query":" Legal, Search Engine, Software"}}}

And I using the following json body for nboost request-

'nboost': { 'uhost': 'localhost', 'uport': 9200, 'query_path': 'body.query.bool.must.match.', 'topk_path': 'body.size', 'default_topk': 10, 'topn': 50, 'choices_path': 'body.hits', 'cvalues_path': '_source.' }

I am getting the below error - {'doc': 'Could not parse query in request', 'msg': '()', 'type': 'MissingQuery'}

I tried to follow up with similar issues available but could not find a definte answer.

codeAshu commented 3 years ago

what is the --search_route ?

kapish5467 commented 3 years ago

Not using search route as I am running the query through python script.

samtamp95 commented 3 years ago

did you get this too work by any chance? I have trying something similar. apparently you are able to do a dynamic selecting fields to rerank but I haven't seem to be able to get to work.

something similar was brought: https://github.com/koursaros-ai/nboost/issues/24

we29758143 commented 3 years ago

same question