koush / electron-chrome

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Installation problem #30

Open WuerfelDev opened 6 years ago

WuerfelDev commented 6 years ago

I don't see where the error is, maybe someone can have a look. Here is the verbose output of npm install: https://paste.ee/p/3CMuS

I'm sorry that I can't describe the problem :disappointed:

I just found https://github.com/koush/electron-chrome/issues/24 so I updated node to 8.5 and npm to 5.3. But after another try to install it still didn't worked. Seems to be another problem(?)

salgadobreno commented 6 years ago

Did not work for me either.

MTRNord commented 6 years ago

You need to run npm install -g electron or yarn global add electron

salgadobreno commented 6 years ago

Thanks @MTRNord. It seems both commands do not add executables to path... I was able to make it work w/ yarn global add electron and then running the executable in ~/.yarn/bin/electron(now symlinked to my /usr/bin), with npm I couldn't find an executable anywhere. Maybe the instructions could be added to the project documentation ;)

PhillipBoegh commented 6 years ago

In addition to MTRNord's comment, you can find the executable electron using #find / -iname electron -executable In my case: /home/userphillip/electronecrome/node_modules/.bin/electron worked perfect ;-). (P.s. you need to have a working 'node' command to execute javascript on your local computer).

PhillipBoegh commented 6 years ago

If you prefer 'electron' to work on a local app, you need where the /path-to/chromeAPP refers to. That place I have not found - any idea/examples, what directory the chrome apps could be?

More help for download and installation of the 'vysor' app to chrome (for remote controll of androids phones on computers), is available at: https://github.com/koush/vysor.io/issues/242 and of cause at: vysor.io ;-) Using "vysor" you can even recover files from a broken Android phone: https://youtu.be/8j0N9bndQUE - and probably easier when already installed?

cbriseno commented 6 years ago

This command worked for me:

sudo npm install -g electron --unsafe-perm=true --allow-root