koush / ion

Android Asynchronous Networking and Image Loading
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Image blinking when reloading #753

Open deAngelisAlex opened 8 years ago

deAngelisAlex commented 8 years ago

Hi @koush,

first of all, thank you for your hard work.

Everything was working until I made some tests. The images, when loaded using your library, blink for some milliseconds, rendering the UX a bit disappointing. here is the code I use:

public static void queryImage(ImageView iv, int placeholder, String url) {
asker517 commented 8 years ago

the same issue ...

deAngelisAlex commented 8 years ago

( @asker517 thank you for your confirmation 😄 ) I would like to give out some details :

The images are reloaded though are still the same. I use a fragment system, where fragments are stored but reused. Every time it is reused, the images load again and even if they're the same, the image tile blinks for a few seconds.

Any solutions for that? @koush

koush commented 8 years ago


koush commented 8 years ago

Should also be recycling views if you are not.

asker517 commented 7 years ago

@koush this blinks will appear first time reload images, when you reload second time everything be nice, no blinks. Actions example: load images in recyclerView --- pull to refresh perform reload(blinks here)----pull to refresh again(no blinks)