koushikruidas / HotelRegistar

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Add Hotel button for user type owner #1

Open koushikruidas opened 3 months ago

koushikruidas commented 3 months ago

In the current scenario if for a Owner there no hotels added then from UI there is no option to add hotels. Currently if there is no hotel then it is throwing errors.

please use the below api to add hotels:

https://ec2-13-127-66-53.ap-south-1.compute.amazonaws.com:9000//hotels -> POST Body:

{ "name": "Hotel Digonto Mela", "address": "Darjeeling", "phoneNumbers": [ "9000252103", "8002662116" ], "gstNumber": "19AAACH7409R1ZC", "employeeIds": [ 0 ] }

koushikruidas commented 3 months ago

/hotels api need to send 204 in case there is no resources in the database. -- Done

koushikruidas commented 3 months ago

/hotels/{hotelId}/employees/{empId} -> need to change this api as a put request with list of empIds.

updated new path is for putmapping -> /hotel//{hotelId}/employees -> send userList in body.

koushikruidas commented 3 months ago

hotels/("/{hotelId}/availability") -> need to send the bookingId with the response.

Button -> HotelList for the User/Owner (call /hotels (GETMapping)) -> BookingList as per the hotel (/bookings/hotel/{hotelId}/startDate/{startDate}/endDate/{endDate} -> Now no each booking there will be two option 1) add services. 2) checkout