Closed aregng closed 2 years ago
This is expected. Your application (or one of your dependencies) is using the aligned_alloc
function, which is currently unimplemented in Bytehound.
Can you rerun your application with MEMORY_PROFILER_USE_SHADOW_STACK=0
set? This won't fix it, but should make the panic backtrace show us what exactly is using aligned_alloc
in your application.
Thanks for the hint. After running with MEMORY_PROFILER_USE_SHADOW_STACK=0 it turned out that "aligned_alloc" is used by rocksdb implementation:
12: 0x7f135f75353c - std::sys_common::backtrace::__rust_end_short_backtrace::h444863965d46291e
at /rustc/a37499ae66ec5fc52a93d71493b78fb141c32f6b/library/std/src/sys_common/
13: 0x7f135f753511 - rust_begin_unwind
at /rustc/a37499ae66ec5fc52a93d71493b78fb141c32f6b/library/std/src/
14: 0x7f135f6b0ea2 - core::panicking::panic_fmt::h3fce1d62b588c5f8
at /rustc/a37499ae66ec5fc52a93d71493b78fb141c32f6b/library/core/src/
15: 0x7f135f6f2baf - aligned_alloc
at /workspace/supra/examples/bytehound/preload/src/
16: 0x7f135f546bf6 - _ZnwmSt11align_val_t
17: 0x5639119112c6 - _ZN7rocksdb6DBImpl4OpenERKNS_9DBOptionsERKNSt7__cxx1112basic_stringIcSt11char_traitsIcESaIcEEERKSt6vectorINS_22ColumnFamilyDescriptorESaISD_EEPSC_IPNS_18ColumnFamilyHandleESaISJ_EEPPNS_2DBEbb
at /home/areg/.cargo/registry/src/
18: 0x5639119105ad - _ZN7rocksdb2DB4OpenERKNS_9DBOptionsERKNSt7__cxx1112basic_stringIcSt11char_traitsIcESaIcEEERKSt6vectorINS_22ColumnFamilyDescriptorESaISD_EEPSC_IPNS_18ColumnFamilyHandleESaISJ_EEPPS0_
at /home/areg/.cargo/registry/src/
19: 0x56391182354c - rocksdb_open_column_families
at /home/areg/.cargo/registry/src/
20: 0x56391174c002 - rocksdb::db::DBCommon<T,rocksdb::db::DBWithThreadModeInner>::open_cf_raw::h3610a311cf8d9c40
at /home/areg/.cargo/registry/src/
21: 0x56391174ccee - rocksdb::db::DBCommon<T,rocksdb::db::DBWithThreadModeInner>::open_cf_descriptors_internal::h037e47976a5d926e
at /home/areg/.cargo/registry/src/
22: 0x56391174d93e - rocksdb::db::DBCommon<T,rocksdb::db::DBWithThreadModeInner>::open_cf::hc28b03a86869aba8
at /home/areg/.cargo/registry/src/
23: 0x56391179ffa5 - storage::db::rocksdb::RocksDb::open::h594d1a948b126357
This is very interesting; I regularly profile programs using rocksdb and I've never seen it calling aligned_alloc
. From the stack trace is looks like it's called by C++'s new
, so it's probably either due to the newer version of rocksdb suddenly allocating aligned memory where it previously didn't, or due to the particular version of the C++'s standard library and/or the compiler you're using.
Thanks for the report; I'll fix this.
It might be the case. rocksdb version used by application is "0.19.0".
Fixed on master
Failed to profile rust application due to error
used command
Tried with local build from the latest master, and with pre-built versions Target OS: Ubuntu 20.04
Please let me know if any option is missing to run tool properly, or rust applications are not support for now. Thanks in advance.