koutto / jok3r

Jok3r v3 BETA 2 - Network and Web Pentest Automation Framework
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AttributeError: 'str' object has no attribute 'is_service_supported' #33

Open dabula-s opened 5 years ago

dabula-s commented 5 years ago
[*] Check if service is reachable...
[*] A matching service has been found in the database
[+] Updated: host ***.***.***.*** | port 21/tcp | service ftp
[+] Target reachable: host ***.***.***.*** | port 21/tcp | service ftp
[*] Products detected for this target:
| Type       | Name   | Version |
| ftp-server | Vsftpd | 2.3.4   |
[*] [SMART] SmartStart processing to initialize context...
[*] [SMART] Product detected from banner: ftp-server = Vsftpd 2.3.4
[*] [SMART] Product detected: ftp-server=Vsftpd 2.3.4. Not updated because already in db
[!] Unexpected error occured: 'str' object has no attribute 'is_service_supported'
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "jok3r.py", line 44, in __init__
  File "/root/jok3r/lib/controller/MainController.py", line 23, in run
    }.get(self.arguments.mode)(self.arguments, self.settings, self.sqlsess).run()
  File "/root/jok3r/lib/controller/AttackController.py", line 88, in run
  File "/root/jok3r/lib/controller/AttackController.py", line 224, in __run_for_multi_targets
  File "/root/jok3r/lib/core/AttackScope.py", line 163, in attack
    self.__attack_target(target, attack_progress)
  File "/root/jok3r/lib/core/AttackScope.py", line 199, in __attack_target
  File "/root/jok3r/lib/core/ServiceChecks.py", line 150, in run
  File "/root/jok3r/lib/core/ServiceChecks.py", line 325, in __run_special_mode
    if not attack_profile.is_service_supported(target.get_service_name()):
AttributeError: 'str' object has no attribute 'is_service_supported'

Your docker image is used. So my steps to reproduce the issue:

  1. Run the command from your simple examples: python3 jok3r.py attack -m <mission_name> --profile <some_profile_name> --fast
  2. Profit.
cyrinux commented 5 years ago

I tried from my side, and I can't reproduce the problem for the moment with red-team and fast-scan profile. Maybe tried to backup your current sqlite joker database and retry while there is no database upgrade management (will come).

TheTechromancer commented 4 years ago

Keep bumping up against this issue in the docker image. Happens regardless of the profile selected.

zwatkins15 commented 2 years ago

I had this issue as well. Running specifically the red-team profile against a mission I imported hosts via nmap XML. I just removed the --profile red-team and the attack ran.