kovacsv / JSModeler

A JavaScript framework to create and visualize 3D models.
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SVG node ids and JSM.Model #6

Closed saadfaisal closed 9 years ago

saadfaisal commented 9 years ago

In my CSV , i have number of nodes(paths actually) with their specific IDs, is there a way that i can refer to the created JSM.Models from JSM.SvgToModel(), using their SVG ids with something like the following

var modelAndMaterials = JSM.SvgToModel (svgObject, 5, 5);
var model = modelAndMaterials[0];

var head_model = model.GetModelById("head_node");

and in my SVG node, i have two paths with ids set to "head_node" and "body_node", so now i am sure that the JSM.Model that i have just got is for the "head_node" path.

I hope i am clear in my requirement.

kovacsv commented 9 years ago

It is not possible to find bodies by id, but the index should be the same. So you can get the corresponding body by model.GetBody (pathIndex).

saadfaisal commented 9 years ago

Index is not the same that is the issue, the path that have defined first comes second in the Index and the path that i have second comes first.

kovacsv commented 9 years ago

Can you paste your svg file?

saadfaisal commented 9 years ago

sure , however i think the easier approach is to keep your shapes in different svg nodes and convert them individually with SvgToModel , that will be the easiest thing to do at this , however here is the svg for your reference. I have set the height and width parameter to 1 and set the style to hidden to keep the svg invisible.

<svg height="1" width="1" version="1.1" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg" xmlns:svg="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg" xmlns:rdf="http://www.w3.org/1999/02/22-rdf-syntax-ns#" xmlns:cc="http://creativecommons.org/ns#" xmlns:dc="http://purl.org/dc/elements/1.1/" style="visibility: hidden;" id="svgid">
<g id="layer1">
   d="m 25.502398,783.90809 c -7.98199,0 -14.407063,5.69317 -14.407063,12.77293 l 0,46.08926 c 0,7.07976 6.425073,12.7896 14.407063,12.7896 l 350.788632,0 c 7.98198,0 14.40706,-5.70984 14.40706,-12.7896 l 0,-46.08926 c 0,-7.07976 -6.42508,-12.77293 -14.40706,-12.77293 l -350.788632,0 z m 31.432075,10.6719 c 13.998076,0 25.345756,10.75044 25.345756,24.01177 0,13.26133 -11.34768,24.01177 -25.345756,24.01177 -13.998076,0 -25.345758,-10.75044 -25.345758,-24.01177 0,-13.26133 11.347682,-24.01177 25.345758,-24.01177 z m 55.894067,0 221.82541,0 c 7.98199,0 14.40706,5.90523 14.40706,13.23982 l 0,21.5439 c 0,7.33458 -6.42507,13.23982 -14.40706,13.23982 l -221.82541,0 c -7.98199,0 -14.407065,-5.90524 -14.407065,-13.23982 l 0,-21.5439 c 0,-7.33459 6.425075,-13.23982 14.407065,-13.23982 z"
   id="STONEHEAD-000001" />

<path fill="#ffff00" d="M304 146C242.5142822265625 146 189.93736267089844 176.41582489013672 168.5625 219.4375L126 219.4375L126 485.4375L486 485.4375L486 219.4375L439.4375 219.4375C418.05596923828125 176.4159164428711 365.4692077636719 146 304 146z " id="BASE-000001" />
<defs id="SvgjsDefs1001"><pattern patternUnits="userSpaceOnUse" height="100" width="100" y="0" x="0" id="SvgjsPattern1011"><image height="128" width="128" xlink:href="img/egyptian_marble_128.jpg" id="SvgjsImage1012"></image></pattern></defs>
kovacsv commented 9 years ago

For me it appears that the body indices are the same as svg indices of path elements: 0.: The red shape with the hole on the bottom of the model. 1.: The yellow shape on the top of the model.

But if it not works, you can convert every path separately.

saadfaisal commented 9 years ago

Yes you are absolutely right , i was mistaken at the identification of the svg indices.