I am not super familiar with web development but I am trying to use embedded viewer on just-the-docs themed jekyll website. I keep getting the error e.Clone not a function both when setting the edges or the environment. I am a bit puzzled and can't figure out exactly what I am doing wrong. The most recent build is included in the js/o3dv and as far as I can tell correctly addressed.
Here is the website:
Here is the code for the viewer
window.addEventListener('load', () => {
// get the parent element of the viewer
let parentDiv = document.getElementById('viewer-chamber');
// initialize the viewer with the parent element and some parameters
let viewer = new OV.EmbeddedViewer(parentDiv, {
backgroundColor: new OV.RGBAColor(255, 255, 255, 255),
defaultColor: new OV.RGBColor(200, 200, 200),
environmentSettings: {
environmentMap: [],
backgroundIsEnvMap: false
onModelLoaded: () => {
let model = viewer.GetModel();
// do something with the model if needed
// load the STL model
window.siteBaseurl + "/assets/models/chamber.stl"
layout: default
title: Hardware
nav_order: 3
has_children: true
permalink: docs/hardware
## Hardware
FlyVISTA aims to capture micron scale behaviors over many hours in freely behaving flies.
### Behavioral Chambers
<div id="viewer-chamber" style="width: 600px; height: 400px;"></div>
<script src="{{ site.baseurl }}/assets/js/o3dv/o3dv.min.js"></script>
window.addEventListener('load', () => {
// get the parent element of the viewer
let parentDiv = document.getElementById('viewer-chamber');
// initialize the viewer with the parent element and some parameters
let viewer = new OV.EmbeddedViewer(parentDiv, {
backgroundColor: new OV.RGBAColor(255, 255, 255, 255),
defaultColor: new OV.RGBColor(127, 127, 127),
edgeSettings: {
showEdges: true,
edgeColor: new OV.RGBColor(0, 0, 0),
edgeThreshold: 0.5
environmentSettings: {
environmentMap: [],
backgroundIsEnvMap: false
onModelLoaded: () => {
let model = viewer.GetModel();
// do something with the model if needed
// load the STL model
"{{ site.baseurl }}/assets/models/chamber.stl"
here is the error:
o3dv.min.js:3938 Uncaught TypeError: e.Clone is not a function
at sl.SetEnvironmentMapSettings (o3dv.min.js:3938:124125)
at new ol (o3dv.min.js:3938:130252)
at viewer.js:6:18
I am not super familiar with web development but I am trying to use embedded viewer on just-the-docs themed jekyll website. I keep getting the error e.Clone not a function both when setting the edges or the environment. I am a bit puzzled and can't figure out exactly what I am doing wrong. The most recent build is included in the js/o3dv and as far as I can tell correctly addressed. Here is the website: https://mfkeles.github.io/FlyVISTA/docs/hardware
Here is the code for the viewer
here is the error: