kovan-testnet / faucet

Faucet service for verified developers to receive Kovan Testnet Ether
459 stars 146 forks source link

Important! Request large amount of KETH here https://forum.poa.network/c/kovan-testnet/faucet-requests/107 #128

Open igorbarinov opened 4 years ago

igorbarinov commented 4 years ago

Please ask for large amounts of KETH here on the forum


igorbarinov commented 3 years ago

Here, under your comment or post a separate issue?

I posted a separate issue, but if it's should be here.

We need around 50 to 100 kETH for testing market prediction page.


Thank you.

on the forum

ClimateFutures01 commented 3 years ago

Hi thank you for your help. We need 20 kETH to test the bonus and other functions of our 1PLANET smart contract: 0x91a1a4884bBa1922E6835F6d679043345D5d15a3 Please send to 0x7c291b05A332Fe6Ad1B6F5A1070ec8C0B9dcc04E

jordan663994 commented 3 years ago

I need the kETH to run a bitcoin miner on the koven testnet, then use the btc to buy scrypt hashpower on nicehash and reduce the litecoin blocktime, then use the profits to buy GPUs for mainnet eth mining with a txn fee set to 1 gwei

please send to: 0x751329B3A2a92FBEffDAC3Eaa5F9fBeA7584a0bC

jordan663994 commented 3 years ago

the problem is i need around 100k

MattThurling commented 3 years ago

Hi. We need 100 KETH in order to recreate an issue with handling of large numbers on a live server. Please send to 0x43A0e3D7bF73911a3FcCB92362B649De90750dF4

igorbarinov commented 3 years ago

Hi. We need 100 KETH in order to recreate an issue with handling of large numbers on a live server. Please send to 0x43A0e3D7bF73911a3FcCB92362B649De90750dF4

Sent. Please sent your request here https://forum.poa.network/c/kovan-testnet/62 next time

WhatsUPCrypto commented 3 years ago

Hi. We need 100 KETH in order to recreate an issue with handling of large numbers on a live server. Please send to 0x43A0e3D7bF73911a3FcCB92362B649De90750dF4

I sent you 50keth .. Didn't need them. Cheers.

syglee7 commented 3 years ago

could I get some KETH for test? (over 100) thank you :) 0xF3398c7158d03515125293D69ef74F50Cb5D5bFb

lfpedroza commented 3 years ago

Can I please have 10 KETH? Thanks 0x05B256927b8b4e6D931dA099Ce522eD88E5648f6

maverickfalcon commented 3 years ago

10 KETH 0x7fe3B7668a6bD06BE8F995F47070910Eff167e26

hashketchup commented 3 years ago

Could someone send me some Keth please? 0x36D5974141cC07CadF50cD1Af440C34bA6637ec5

If we're requesting large amounts 50Keth+ please would be amazing. Thank youuuuu!!

zzq1314 commented 3 years ago

Can I please have 10 KETH? Thanks 0x8CF643a219B84D523090c856AA774Da10354aD9C

zzq1314 commented 3 years ago


idyjj commented 3 years ago

Pls I need 10 KETH 0x12372551717E6a3dA24f055eF049c36B52e1079d

VitosVirtyos commented 3 years ago

Hi ....need 20KETH 0x080715E7D90D35ec181BD7CFB70E3adA0bE7A406

hoytcn commented 3 years ago

Hello, I now need 100KETH to test DAPP. Currently, KETH cannot be obtained in other places such as faucets. Thank you! 0x55Eadc762046646e46351f5D2eda8554362C62b2

jeky138 commented 3 years ago

你好。我们需要100 KETH才能在活动服务器上重现大量处理问题。请发送到 0x59abf5961Cc1929865bb8F8606C2F5c157C3528b

whitenode32 commented 3 years ago

Hi, 50 kETH please, if you would.


Shanghai-Bill commented 3 years ago

helo, i have multiple contracts that are interacting with each other requiring a larger amount of KETH. 100 would be ideal, so i can add decent liquidity.


hknnr commented 3 years ago


Thank you. I need kETH

Samathi27 commented 3 years ago

May I have kETH please! 0x28AA94E017fD9d98924EDe94980ef7e7826ff6eD

mnzlj2021 commented 3 years ago

May I have kETH please! 0x19443B60bD8BFd3A897B7Cc833C62F8F8F2F771e

mnzlj2021 commented 3 years ago

I need kETH 0x19443B60bD8BFd3A897B7Cc833C62F8F8F2F771e

lting1 commented 3 years ago


Muhsin7777 commented 3 years ago

Hello ! I need 10KETH please for testing Polymeth Wallet 0xB52f369a9C67dB3e104Eb7d808D2A2656A2eD221

vladimirbonchev commented 3 years ago


krotos-arch commented 3 years ago

Our development team now we need 100 keth to test the settlement system Please send to 0x7302509251F3bdA6428365bAe08206D4C3D3173C

malkidev commented 3 years ago

hi we are devlopping a platform and need keth for test please send 100 keth to 0xC5dF1C8726D16F01Df1514960c19B0A0ba7b58a7

malkidev commented 3 years ago

Our development team now we need 100 keth to test the settlement system Please send to 0x7302509251F3bdA6428365bAe08206D4C3D3173C

did you already receive keth pleaase?

vascofcd commented 3 years ago

Hello guys, I just need 10 kovan eth to test my contracts. Any help would be much appreciated

egecikrikci commented 3 years ago

Hello, we need +1K ETH for testing our new Dynamic NFT contract that includes;

Link Oracle (Alarm Clock / Keeper Network ) Minting function w/ Link funded contract

Please send to 0xe63c0C0Cc7547dFbC9309977b290CD95532deBd2

abmprotocol commented 3 years ago

WE NEED 100 kETH FOR TESTING THE PROTOCOL our website: www.abmprotocol.com this request is made from our official github account address: 0x9be74b5ef410bc39a67e71ad01fa5b4f3d2e48a1

sujithsomraaj commented 3 years ago

Our team is developing AAVE like contract, that spend 10 ETH on every complete deployment. I would like to request 100 kETH to 150 kETH for testing AAVE fork contract. Please send all the tokens to 0xE835B08e763c2c79522c5c24cE4D465D53A51F4F

Thanks for your support.

LeaTaka commented 3 years ago

Just 1 kETH (faucet is down): 0x0C30033A5980514e169B9859D5b299a9449B9f34

CHRISTINIMA commented 3 years ago

Our development team now we need 20keth to test the settlement system Please send to 0x5e50cBB482354ac81C2b01387a0e2F9120b49463

racs commented 3 years ago

Just 1 KETH (faucet is down): 0x8451B0b82762245d4819ae34F40DF37baF6689D4

jiyilanzhou commented 3 years ago

Just 20 KETH (faucet is down) develop Balancer LBP: 0xbcAf727812A103a7350554B814Afa940B9f8b87D

Univdev99 commented 3 years ago

Hi Thanks for your great support. I hope to test market as need 100 KETH 0x9CD7BB857Da9c33e3a380C65Ad74FAdd2017e819

Univdev99 commented 3 years ago

And also 0x246BbACCb1472a654532f8dD47aE1DfE6ECA2c2c


amritatripathi11 commented 3 years ago

Could you please send me 50 KETH ? My wallet address is 0x2acb9719c174b7cf82e9431a992eda899a169330. Thanks

thekilladro commented 3 years ago

can i please get 100KETH its for Tokenbridge tests I'm running 0xc7b79E5DA46967cb8E7790b8E6c256fbc9D5F032

habdelra commented 3 years ago

Hi we need 100 KETH for testing token bridging and gnosis safe creation. Any help would be greatly appreciated! 0x2f58630CA445Ab1a6DE2Bb9892AA2e1d60876C13


longnguyencse commented 3 years ago

And also 0x228ec91613aCcaD5707950cC273DaE61f814EDD2 Thanks a lot !

zakir-code commented 3 years ago

Hello, I am in shenzhen to do about the cosmos and etheric fang channel cross chain project, now I need to carry on the automatic test, can provide 1000 Keith, thank you very much, my address: 0 xac9163b07d9306c2006d81e268cac57edfe1a0e9

Vasundhara383 commented 3 years ago

Hi, I am testing my application. Can I please request 100 KETH: 0xE0A7a3B0eEdb28006469F67322F8a10c135B24D5

jordan663994 commented 3 years ago

Hello, I am trying to start a faucet, could I have 100k kETH

jordan663994 commented 3 years ago

My address is 0x751329B3A2a92FBEffDAC3Eaa5F9fBeA7584a0bC

shezimalikawan commented 3 years ago

My address is 0xb7B7e9E5a7374F264b0b06F915F5e856CE29619C I need ETH for testing urgently

shezimalikawan commented 3 years ago

Any help?

faustinaedm commented 3 years ago

Hi! Can I please get 50 keth? my address is: 0x88D8D9847fAbDcE2350461F4bcFCD58826b6374d