kovan / kovans-ogbot

Automatically exported from code.google.com/p/kovans-ogbot
1 stars 0 forks source link

error #30

Closed GoogleCodeExporter closed 9 years ago

GoogleCodeExporter commented 9 years ago
ENGLISH ONLY. Thank you.

What steps will reproduce the problem?
1. start de bot 
2. just let it go 

What is the expected output? What do you see instead?

from ogbot.txt on directory files/log
16:13:00 02/26/07 Connecting...
16:13:02 02/26/07 Logged in with user xxxxx. Session identifier: xxxxxxxxxxxx
16:13:06 02/26/07 Connected
16:13:06 02/26/07 Invalid or missing gamedata, respying planets.
16:13:06 02/26/07 Searching inactive planets in range... This might take a
while, but will only be done once.
16:13:23 02/26/07 Bot started.
16:13:25 02/26/07 Connecting...
16:13:26 02/26/07 Connected
16:13:26 02/26/07 Loading previous espionage data...
16:13:26 02/26/07 Bot started.
16:13:29 02/26/07 Connecting...
16:13:30 02/26/07 Connected
16:13:30 02/26/07 Loading previous espionage data...

from ogbot.exe.txt
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "OGBot.pyo", line 148, in run
  File "OGBot.pyo", line 376, in _start
  File "WebAdapter.pyo", line 360, in launchMission
AttributeError: 'NoneType' object has no attribute 'group'

What version of the product are you using? On what operating system?
kovans-ogbot-windows_2.1b  on windows xp sp2

Please provide any additional information below.
from ogame.com.pt

translated ini


languageCode = pt


smallCargo = Cargueiro Pequeno
largeCargo = Cargueiro Grande
lightFighter = Caça Ligeiro
heavyFighter = Caça Pesado
cruiser = Cruzador
battleShip = Nave de Batalha
colonyShip = Nave de Colonização
recycler = Reciclador
espionageProbe = Sonda de Espionagem
bomber = Bombardeiro
solarSatellite = Satélite Solar
destroyer = Destruidor
deathStar = Estrela da Morte
battlecruiser = Interceptor


metalMine = Mina de metal
crystalMine = Mina de cristal
deuteriumSynthesizer = Sintetizador de Deutério
solarPlant = Planta de energia solar
fusionReactor = Planta de fusão
roboticsFactory = Fábrica de Robots
naniteFactory = Fábrica de Nanites
shipyard = Hangar
metalStorage = Armazém de Metal
crystalStorage = Armazém de cristal
deuteriumTank = Tanque de Deutério
researchLab = Laboratório de Pesquisas
terraformer = Terra-Formador
allianceDepot = Depósito da Aliança
lunarBase = Base lunar
sensorPhalanx = Sensor Phalanx
jumpGate = Portal de Salto Quântico
missileSilo = Silo de Mísseis


rocketLauncher = Lançador de Mísseis
lightLaser = Laser Ligeiro
heavyLaser = Laser Pesado
gaussCannon = Canhão de Gauss
ionCannon = Canhão de Iões
plasmaTurret = Canhão de Plasma
smallShieldDome = Pequeno Escudo Planetário
largeShieldDome = Grande Escudo Planetário
antiBallisticMissile = Míssil de Intercepção
interplanetaryMissile = Míssil Interplanetário


espionageTechnology = Tecnologia de Espionagem
computerTechnology = Tecnologia de Computadores
weaponsTechnology = Tecnologia de Armas
shieldingTechnology = Tecnologia de Escudo
armourTechnology = Tecnologia de Blindagem
energyTechnology = Tecnologia de Energia
hyperspaceTechnology = Tecnologia de Hiperespaço
combustionDrive = Motor de Combustão
impulseDrive = Motor de Impulsão
hyperspaceDrive = Motor Propulsor de Hiperespaço
laserTechnology = Tecnologia Laser
ionTechnology = Tecnologia de Iões
plasmaTechnology = Tecnologia de Plasma
intergalacticResearchNetwork = Rede Intergaláctica de Pesquisas
gravitonTechnology = Tecnologia de Gravitação


resourcesOn = Recursos em
fleets = Frotas
defense = Sistemas de defesas          
buildings = Edifícios
research = Pesquisas

serverTime = Hora

level = Nível

universe = universo

youAttemptedToLogIn = Tentaste fazer login

dbProblem = Problema de base de dados 0

untilNextTime = Até breve! :)

fleetLimitReached = Número máximo de naves!
fleetLimitReached2 = Número máximo de naves!

noShipSelected = noShipSelected

arrivalTime = Hora de chegada
returnTime = Hora de regresso
distance = Distância
consumption = Consumo
speed = Velocidade
start = Partida
target = Destino

concurrentPetitionsError = Esse pedido ainda nao foi tratado!

Original issue reported on code.google.com by paulocos...@gmail.com on 26 Feb 2007 at 6:30

GoogleCodeExporter commented 9 years ago
Currently it's impossible for portuguese to work, refer to the other issue.

Original comment by jsceballos on 27 Feb 2007 at 4:46