koverstreet / bcachefs

662 stars 70 forks source link

mongodb files corruption on bcachefs snapshots #588

Closed bhzhu203 closed 8 months ago

bhzhu203 commented 1 year ago

kernel version 493c276ead0e516ff3eca8d13b820d31afd62524 tools version 63c8f14756921c1d1d6a99082a679b92aef288c1

Mongodb files were corrupted again (snapshots creation and deletion ), after using 493c276ead0e516ff3eca8d13b820d31afd62524 kernel version . I can mount the FS without error , but tools fsck coredump :

FS dump file https://1drv.ms/u/s!Ao8p2C5olADnhizW2kwVpZWpoY6L?e=LDcJri

mongo@mongodb-backup:~$ /home/mongo/mongodb/bin/mongod --replSet repset --port 27026 --bind_ip --dbpath /home/mongo/data/ --oplogSize 2048   --auth --keyFile /home/mongo/keyfile    --wiredTigerCacheSizeGB 4  --setParameter replWriterThreadCount=12
{"t":{"$date":"2023-08-30T13:59:48.010+08:00"},"s":"I",  "c":"CONTROL",  "id":23285,   "ctx":"main","msg":"Automatically disabling TLS 1.0, to force-enable TLS 1.0 specify --sslDisabledProtocols 'none'"}
{"t":{"$date":"2023-08-30T13:59:48.011+08:00"},"s":"W",  "c":"ASIO",     "id":22601,   "ctx":"main","msg":"No TransportLayer configured during NetworkInterface startup"}
{"t":{"$date":"2023-08-30T13:59:48.011+08:00"},"s":"I",  "c":"NETWORK",  "id":4648601, "ctx":"main","msg":"Implicit TCP FastOpen unavailable. If TCP FastOpen is required, set tcpFastOpenServer, tcpFastOpenClient, and tcpFastOpenQueueSize."}
{"t":{"$date":"2023-08-30T13:59:48.011+08:00"},"s":"W",  "c":"ASIO",     "id":22601,   "ctx":"main","msg":"No TransportLayer configured during NetworkInterface startup"}
{"t":{"$date":"2023-08-30T13:59:48.056+08:00"},"s":"I",  "c":"STORAGE",  "id":4615611, "ctx":"initandlisten","msg":"MongoDB starting","attr":{"pid":7316,"port":27026,"dbPath":"/home/mongo/data/","architecture":"64-bit","host":"mongodb-backup"}}
{"t":{"$date":"2023-08-30T13:59:48.056+08:00"},"s":"I",  "c":"CONTROL",  "id":23403,   "ctx":"initandlisten","msg":"Build Info","attr":{"buildInfo":{"version":"4.4.1","gitVersion":"ad91a93a5a31e175f5cbf8c69561e788bbc55ce1","openSSLVersion":"OpenSSL 1.0.1e-fips 11 Feb 2013","modules":[],"allocator":"tcmalloc","environment":{"distmod":"rhel70","distarch":"x86_64","target_arch":"x86_64"}}}}
{"t":{"$date":"2023-08-30T13:59:48.056+08:00"},"s":"I",  "c":"CONTROL",  "id":51765,   "ctx":"initandlisten","msg":"Operating System","attr":{"os":{"name":"Ubuntu","version":"22.04"}}}
{"t":{"$date":"2023-08-30T13:59:48.056+08:00"},"s":"I",  "c":"CONTROL",  "id":21951,   "ctx":"initandlisten","msg":"Options set by command line","attr":{"options":{"net":{"bindIp":"","port":27026},"replication":{"oplogSizeMB":2048,"replSet":"repset"},"security":{"authorization":"enabled","keyFile":"/home/mongo/keyfile"},"setParameter":{"replWriterThreadCount":"12"},"storage":{"dbPath":"/home/mongo/data/","wiredTiger":{"engineConfig":{"cacheSizeGB":4.0}}}}}}
{"t":{"$date":"2023-08-30T13:59:48.057+08:00"},"s":"W",  "c":"STORAGE",  "id":22271,   "ctx":"initandlisten","msg":"Detected unclean shutdown - Lock file is not empty","attr":{"lockFile":"/home/mongo/data/mongod.lock"}}
{"t":{"$date":"2023-08-30T13:59:48.057+08:00"},"s":"I",  "c":"STORAGE",  "id":22270,   "ctx":"initandlisten","msg":"Storage engine to use detected by data files","attr":{"dbpath":"/home/mongo/data/","storageEngine":"wiredTiger"}}
{"t":{"$date":"2023-08-30T13:59:48.057+08:00"},"s":"W",  "c":"STORAGE",  "id":22302,   "ctx":"initandlisten","msg":"Recovering data from the last clean checkpoint."}
{"t":{"$date":"2023-08-30T13:59:48.057+08:00"},"s":"I",  "c":"STORAGE",  "id":22315,   "ctx":"initandlisten","msg":"Opening WiredTiger","attr":{"config":"create,cache_size=4096M,session_max=33000,eviction=(threads_min=4,threads_max=4),config_base=false,statistics=(fast),log=(enabled=true,archive=true,path=journal,compressor=snappy),file_manager=(close_idle_time=100000,close_scan_interval=10,close_handle_minimum=250),statistics_log=(wait=0),verbose=[recovery_progress,checkpoint_progress,compact_progress],"}}
{"t":{"$date":"2023-08-30T13:59:48.676+08:00"},"s":"E",  "c":"STORAGE",  "id":22435,   "ctx":"initandlisten","msg":"WiredTiger error","attr":{"error":-31802,"message":"[1693375188:676397][7316:0x7f12bf830140], file:WiredTiger.wt, connection: __wt_btree_tree_open, 598: unable to read root page from file:WiredTiger.wt: WT_ERROR: non-specific WiredTiger error"}}
{"t":{"$date":"2023-08-30T13:59:48.676+08:00"},"s":"E",  "c":"STORAGE",  "id":22435,   "ctx":"initandlisten","msg":"WiredTiger error","attr":{"error":-31802,"message":"[1693375188:676465][7316:0x7f12bf830140], file:WiredTiger.wt, connection: __wt_btree_tree_open, 604: WiredTiger has failed to open its metadata: WT_ERROR: non-specific WiredTiger error"}}
{"t":{"$date":"2023-08-30T13:59:48.676+08:00"},"s":"E",  "c":"STORAGE",  "id":22435,   "ctx":"initandlisten","msg":"WiredTiger error","attr":{"error":-31802,"message":"[1693375188:676478][7316:0x7f12bf830140], file:WiredTiger.wt, connection: __wt_btree_tree_open, 608: This may be due to the database files being encrypted, being from an older version or due to corruption on disk: WT_ERROR: non-specific WiredTiger error"}}
{"t":{"$date":"2023-08-30T13:59:48.676+08:00"},"s":"E",  "c":"STORAGE",  "id":22435,   "ctx":"initandlisten","msg":"WiredTiger error","attr":{"error":-31802,"message":"[1693375188:676489][7316:0x7f12bf830140], file:WiredTiger.wt, connection: __wt_btree_tree_open, 612: You should confirm that you have opened the database with the correct options including all encryption and compression options: WT_ERROR: non-specific WiredTiger error"}}
{"t":{"$date":"2023-08-30T13:59:48.686+08:00"},"s":"E",  "c":"STORAGE",  "id":22435,   "ctx":"initandlisten","msg":"WiredTiger error","attr":{"error":-31802,"message":"[1693375188:686753][7316:0x7f12bf830140], file:WiredTiger.wt, connection: __wt_btree_tree_open, 598: unable to read root page from file:WiredTiger.wt: WT_ERROR: non-specific WiredTiger error"}}
{"t":{"$date":"2023-08-30T13:59:48.686+08:00"},"s":"E",  "c":"STORAGE",  "id":22435,   "ctx":"initandlisten","msg":"WiredTiger error","attr":{"error":-31802,"message":"[1693375188:686818][7316:0x7f12bf830140], file:WiredTiger.wt, connection: __wt_btree_tree_open, 604: WiredTiger has failed to open its metadata: WT_ERROR: non-specific WiredTiger error"}}
{"t":{"$date":"2023-08-30T13:59:48.686+08:00"},"s":"E",  "c":"STORAGE",  "id":22435,   "ctx":"initandlisten","msg":"WiredTiger error","attr":{"error":-31802,"message":"[1693375188:686836][7316:0x7f12bf830140], file:WiredTiger.wt, connection: __wt_btree_tree_open, 608: This may be due to the database files being encrypted, being from an older version or due to corruption on disk: WT_ERROR: non-specific WiredTiger error"}}
{"t":{"$date":"2023-08-30T13:59:48.686+08:00"},"s":"E",  "c":"STORAGE",  "id":22435,   "ctx":"initandlisten","msg":"WiredTiger error","attr":{"error":-31802,"message":"[1693375188:686849][7316:0x7f12bf830140], file:WiredTiger.wt, connection: __wt_btree_tree_open, 612: You should confirm that you have opened the database with the correct options including all encryption and compression options: WT_ERROR: non-specific WiredTiger error"}}
{"t":{"$date":"2023-08-30T13:59:48.696+08:00"},"s":"E",  "c":"STORAGE",  "id":22435,   "ctx":"initandlisten","msg":"WiredTiger error","attr":{"error":-31802,"message":"[1693375188:696060][7316:0x7f12bf830140], file:WiredTiger.wt, connection: __wt_btree_tree_open, 598: unable to read root page from file:WiredTiger.wt: WT_ERROR: non-specific WiredTiger error"}}
{"t":{"$date":"2023-08-30T13:59:48.696+08:00"},"s":"E",  "c":"STORAGE",  "id":22435,   "ctx":"initandlisten","msg":"WiredTiger error","attr":{"error":-31802,"message":"[1693375188:696124][7316:0x7f12bf830140], file:WiredTiger.wt, connection: __wt_btree_tree_open, 604: WiredTiger has failed to open its metadata: WT_ERROR: non-specific WiredTiger error"}}
{"t":{"$date":"2023-08-30T13:59:48.696+08:00"},"s":"E",  "c":"STORAGE",  "id":22435,   "ctx":"initandlisten","msg":"WiredTiger error","attr":{"error":-31802,"message":"[1693375188:696140][7316:0x7f12bf830140], file:WiredTiger.wt, connection: __wt_btree_tree_open, 608: This may be due to the database files being encrypted, being from an older version or due to corruption on disk: WT_ERROR: non-specific WiredTiger error"}}
{"t":{"$date":"2023-08-30T13:59:48.696+08:00"},"s":"E",  "c":"STORAGE",  "id":22435,   "ctx":"initandlisten","msg":"WiredTiger error","attr":{"error":-31802,"message":"[1693375188:696154][7316:0x7f12bf830140], file:WiredTiger.wt, connection: __wt_btree_tree_open, 612: You should confirm that you have opened the database with the correct options including all encryption and compression options: WT_ERROR: non-specific WiredTiger error"}}
{"t":{"$date":"2023-08-30T13:59:48.698+08:00"},"s":"W",  "c":"STORAGE",  "id":22347,   "ctx":"initandlisten","msg":"Failed to start up WiredTiger under any compatibility version. This may be due to an unsupported upgrade or downgrade."}
{"t":{"$date":"2023-08-30T13:59:48.698+08:00"},"s":"W",  "c":"STORAGE",  "id":22348,   "ctx":"initandlisten","msg":"WiredTiger metadata corruption detected"}
{"t":{"$date":"2023-08-30T13:59:48.698+08:00"},"s":"F",  "c":"STORAGE",  "id":50944,   "ctx":"initandlisten","msg":"Please read the documentation for starting MongoDB with --repair here: http://dochub.mongodb.org/core/repair"}
{"t":{"$date":"2023-08-30T13:59:48.698+08:00"},"s":"F",  "c":"-",        "id":23091,   "ctx":"initandlisten","msg":"Fatal assertion","attr":{"msgid":50944,"file":"src/mongo/db/storage/wiredtiger/wiredtiger_kv_engine.cpp","line":1096}}
{"t":{"$date":"2023-08-30T13:59:48.698+08:00"},"s":"F",  "c":"-",        "id":23092,   "ctx":"initandlisten","msg":"\n\n***aborting after fassert() failure\n\n"}
gdb -ex run --args /usr/local/sbin/bcachefs fsck -y /dev/vdb
GNU gdb (Ubuntu 12.1-0ubuntu1~22.04) 12.1
Copyright (C) 2022 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
License GPLv3+: GNU GPL version 3 or later <http://gnu.org/licenses/gpl.html>
This is free software: you are free to change and redistribute it.
There is NO WARRANTY, to the extent permitted by law.
Type "show copying" and "show warranty" for details.
This GDB was configured as "x86_64-linux-gnu".
Type "show configuration" for configuration details.
For bug reporting instructions, please see:
Find the GDB manual and other documentation resources online at:

For help, type "help".
Type "apropos word" to search for commands related to "word"...
Reading symbols from /usr/local/sbin/bcachefs...
Starting program: /usr/local/sbin/bcachefs fsck -y /dev/vdb
[Thread debugging using libthread_db enabled]
Using host libthread_db library "/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/libthread_db.so.1".
[New Thread 0x7ffff7cb8600 (LWP 25256)]
[New Thread 0x7ffff7caf600 (LWP 25257)]
[New Thread 0x7ffff7ca6600 (LWP 25258)]
[New Thread 0x7ffff7c9d600 (LWP 25259)]
[New Thread 0x7ffff7c94600 (LWP 25260)]
[New Thread 0x7ffff7c8b600 (LWP 25261)]
[New Thread 0x7ffff7c82600 (LWP 25262)]
[New Thread 0x7ffff7c79600 (LWP 25263)]
[New Thread 0x7ffff7c70600 (LWP 25264)]
[New Thread 0x7ffff7c67600 (LWP 25265)]
[New Thread 0x7ffff7c5e600 (LWP 25266)]
[New Thread 0x7ffff7c55600 (LWP 25267)]
[New Thread 0x7ffff7c4c600 (LWP 25268)]
[New Thread 0x7ffff6ef7600 (LWP 25269)]
mounting version 1.2: deleted_inodes opts=compression=lz4,degraded,fsck,fix_errors=yes
recovering from unclean shutdown
journal read done, replaying entries 1161740-1161740
[New Thread 0x7ffff6c46600 (LWP 25384)]
alloc_read... done
stripes_read... done
snapshots_read... done
[New Thread 0x7ffff5587600 (LWP 25385)]
check_allocations... done
journal_replay... done
check_alloc_info... done
check_lrus... done
check_btree_backpointers... done
check_backpointers_to_extents... done
check_extents_to_backpointers... done
check_alloc_to_lru_refs... done
check_snapshot_trees... done
check_snapshots... done
check_subvols... done
delete_dead_snapshots...going read-write
[New Thread 0x7ffff6bb9600 (LWP 25493)]
check_inodes...check_inode(): error in fsck: error updating inode transaction_restart_mem_realloced
trans->restart_count 6109, should be 6106, last restarted by 0x555555665c28S
bcachefs: libbcachefs/btree_iter.c:1346: bch2_trans_restart_error: Assertion `0' failed.

Thread 1 "bcachefs" received signal SIGABRT, Aborted.
__pthread_kill_implementation (no_tid=0, signo=6, threadid=140737350704128) at ./nptl/pthread_kill.c:44
44  ./nptl/pthread_kill.c: No such file or directory.
(gdb) bt full
#0  __pthread_kill_implementation (no_tid=0, signo=6, threadid=140737350704128) at ./nptl/pthread_kill.c:44
        tid = <optimized out>
        ret = 0
        pd = 0x7ffff7cb9c00
        old_mask = {__val = {93824997616308, 93824997616208, 93824997616308, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 549755813888, 0, 18446743154863636480, 0, 140737488346208, 1204431639835478784, 18446744073709551615, 
        ret = <optimized out>
        pd = <optimized out>
        old_mask = <optimized out>
        ret = <optimized out>
        tid = <optimized out>
        ret = <optimized out>
        resultvar = <optimized out>
        resultvar = <optimized out>
        __arg3 = <optimized out>
        __arg2 = <optimized out>
        __arg1 = <optimized out>
        _a3 = <optimized out>
        _a2 = <optimized out>
        _a1 = <optimized out>
        __futex = <optimized out>
        resultvar = <optimized out>
        __arg3 = <optimized out>
        __arg2 = <optimized out>
        __arg1 = <optimized out>
        _a3 = <optimized out>
        _a2 = <optimized out>
        _a1 = <optimized out>
        __futex = <optimized out>
        __private = <optimized out>
        __oldval = <optimized out>
        result = <optimized out>
#1  __pthread_kill_internal (signo=6, threadid=140737350704128) at ./nptl/pthread_kill.c:78
No locals.
#2  __GI___pthread_kill (threadid=140737350704128, signo=signo@entry=6) at ./nptl/pthread_kill.c:89
No locals.
#3  0x00007ffff7a42476 in __GI_raise (sig=sig@entry=6) at ../sysdeps/posix/raise.c:26
        ret = <optimized out>
#4  0x00007ffff7a287f3 in __GI_abort () at ./stdlib/abort.c:79
        save_stage = 1
        act = {__sigaction_handler = {sa_handler = 0x555555a76a50, sa_sigaction = 0x555555a76a50}, sa_mask = {__val = {0, 93824997616208, 2147483647, 4, 140737349780746, 0, 8589934592, 140737488345312, 
              1204431639835478784, 0, 18446744073709550264, 2, 93824995272244, 1346, 93824995258288, 140737488346064}}, sa_flags = -139832109, sa_restorer = 0x7ffff7c16600 <_IO_file_jumps>}
        sigs = {__val = {32, 140737350051488, 93824995272244, 1346, 93824995258288, 140737488346064, 140737350704128, 140737348364654, 206158430256, 140737488345536, 206158430232, 140737488345536, 
            140737488345328, 1204431639835478784, 140737488348984, 140737349781186}}
#5  0x00007ffff7a2871b in __assert_fail_base (fmt=0x7ffff7bdd150 "%s%s%s:%u: %s%sAssertion `%s' failed.\n%n", assertion=0x555555836fb0 "0", file=0x55555583a634 "libbcachefs/btree_iter.c", line=1346, 
    function=<optimized out>) at ./assert/assert.c:92
        str = 0x555555a76a50 "\226", <incomplete sequence \362>
        total = 4096
#6  0x00007ffff7a39e96 in __GI___assert_fail (assertion=assertion@entry=0x555555836fb0 "0", file=file@entry=0x55555583a634 "libbcachefs/btree_iter.c", line=line@entry=1346, 
    function=function@entry=0x55555583abf0 <__PRETTY_FUNCTION__.15> "bch2_trans_restart_error") at ./assert/assert.c:101
No locals.
--Type <RET> for more, q to quit, c to continue without paging--
#7  0x00005555555dc588 in bch2_trans_restart_error (trans=trans@entry=0x7fffffffdc60, restart_count=restart_count@entry=6106) at libbcachefs/btree_iter.c:1346
        __PRETTY_FUNCTION__ = "bch2_trans_restart_error"
#8  0x0000555555623cab in bch2_trans_verify_not_restarted (restart_count=6106, trans=0x7fffffffdc60) at libbcachefs/btree_iter.h:290
No locals.
#9  bch2_check_inodes (c=<optimized out>) at libbcachefs/fsck.c:1002
        _restart_count = 6106
        _ret = 0
        full = true
        trans = {c = 0x7ffff797f000, fn = 0x555555844d60 <__func__.40> "bch2_check_inodes", ref = {{{wq = 0x0, s = 0x0, list = {next = 0x0}, fn = 0x0}, work = {data = {counter = 0}, entry = {next = 0x0, 
                  prev = 0x0}, func = 0x0}}, parent = 0x0, remaining = {counter = 1073741825}}, list = {next = 0x0, prev = 0x0}, last_begin_time = 2944848230185, lock_may_not_fail = 0 '\000', 
          lock_must_abort = 0 '\000', locking = 0x0, locking_wait = {list = {next = 0x0, prev = 0x0}, task = 0x555555a712a0, lock_want = SIX_LOCK_read, lock_acquired = false, start_time = 0}, srcu_idx = 0, 
          fn_idx = 24 '\030', nr_sorted = 4 '\004', nr_updates = 0 '\000', nr_wb_updates = 0 '\000', wb_updates_size = 1 '\001', used_mempool = false, in_traverse_all = false, paths_sorted = true, 
          memory_allocation_failure = false, journal_transaction_names = true, journal_replay_not_finished = false, is_initial_gc = false, notrace_relock_fail = false, restarted = 0, restart_count = 6109, 
          last_begin_ip = 93824993352744, last_restarted_ip = 0, srcu_lock_time = 2944844, extra_journal_res = 0, nr_max_paths = 3, paths_allocated = 15, mem_top = 560, mem_max = 640, mem_bytes = 1024, 
          mem = 0x555555dcb400, sorted = "\001\000\002\003", '\000' <repeats 67 times>, paths = 0x555555dcc000, updates = 0x555555dce000, wb_updates = 0x0, hooks = 0x0, extra_journal_entries = {nr = 0, 
            size = 0, data = 0x0}, journal_pin = 0x0, journal_res = {ref = false, idx = 1 '\001', u64s = 0, offset = 91, seq = 1161749}, journal_preres = {u64s = 0}, journal_seq = 0x0, disk_res = 0x0, 
          journal_u64s = 43, journal_preres_u64s = 16, fs_usage_deltas = 0x555555b02400}
        iter = {trans = 0x7fffffffdc60, path = 0x555555dcc000, update_path = 0x0, key_cache_path = 0x0, btree_id = BTREE_ID_inodes, min_depth = 0, advanced = 0, flags = 2184, snapshot = 0, pos = {
            snapshot = 4294967083, offset = 536870912, inode = 0}, k = {u64s = 15 '\017', format = 1 '\001', needs_whiteout = 1 '\001', type = 29 '\035', pad = "", version = {lo = 0, hi = 0}, size = 0, p = {
              snapshot = 4294967083, offset = 536870912, inode = 0}}, journal_idx = 0, journal_pos = {snapshot = 0, offset = 0, inode = 0}}
        prev = {bi_inum = 536870912, bi_journal_seq = <optimized out>, bi_hash_seed = 7496859526323795478, bi_size = <optimized out>, bi_sectors = <optimized out>, bi_version = <optimized out>, 
          bi_flags = <optimized out>, bi_mode = <optimized out>, bi_atime = <optimized out>, bi_ctime = <optimized out>, bi_mtime = <optimized out>, bi_otime = <optimized out>, bi_uid = <optimized out>, 
          bi_gid = <optimized out>, bi_nlink = <optimized out>, bi_generation = <optimized out>, bi_dev = <optimized out>, bi_data_checksum = <optimized out>, bi_compression = <optimized out>, 
          bi_project = <optimized out>, bi_background_compression = <optimized out>, bi_data_replicas = <optimized out>, bi_promote_target = <optimized out>, bi_foreground_target = <optimized out>, 
          bi_background_target = <optimized out>, bi_erasure_code = <optimized out>, bi_fields_set = <optimized out>, bi_dir = <optimized out>, bi_dir_offset = <optimized out>, bi_subvol = <optimized out>, 
          bi_parent_subvol = <optimized out>, bi_nocow = <optimized out>}
        s = {pos = {snapshot = 4294967083, offset = 536870912, inode = 0}, ids = {nr = 2, size = 128, data = 0x555555dc9c00}}
        k = <optimized out>
        ret = <optimized out>
        __func__ = "bch2_check_inodes"
#10 0x000055555565675d in bch2_run_recovery_pass (pass=<optimized out>, c=0x7ffff797f000) at libbcachefs/recovery.c:621
        p = 0x55555596cc50 <recovery_pass_fns+336>
        ret = <optimized out>
        ret = <optimized out>
        p = <optimized out>
#11 bch2_run_recovery_passes (c=<optimized out>) at libbcachefs/recovery.c:638
        ret = 0
        ret = <optimized out>
#12 bch2_fs_recovery (c=0x7ffff797f000) at libbcachefs/recovery.c:822
        clean = 0x0
        last_journal_entry = <optimized out>
        last_seq = 1161740
        blacklist_seq = 1161741
        journal_seq = 1161749
        write_sb = false
        ret = <optimized out>
        __func__ = "bch2_fs_recovery"
#13 0x000055555566fbc6 in bch2_fs_start (c=c@entry=0x7ffff797f000) at libbcachefs/super.c:961
        mi = <optimized out>
        ca = <optimized out>
        now = <optimized out>
--Type <RET> for more, q to quit, c to continue without paging--
        i = <optimized out>
        ret = <optimized out>
        __PRETTY_FUNCTION__ = "bch2_fs_start"
#14 0x0000555555672516 in bch2_fs_open (devices=devices@entry=0x7fffffffe4a8, nr_devices=<optimized out>, nr_devices@entry=1, opts=...) at libbcachefs/super.c:1954
        sb = 0x555555a744a0
        c = 0x7ffff797f000
        mi = <optimized out>
        i = <optimized out>
        best_sb = <optimized out>
        errbuf = {buf = 0x0, size = 0, pos = 0, last_newline = 0, last_field = 0, indent = 0, atomic = 0 '\000', allocation_failure = false, heap_allocated = true, si_units = PRINTBUF_UNITS_2, 
          human_readable_units = false, has_indent_or_tabstops = false, suppress_indent_tabstop_handling = false, nr_tabstops = 0 '\000', cur_tabstop = 0 '\000', _tabstops = "\000\000\000\000\000"}
        ret = <optimized out>
        __func__ = "bch2_fs_open"
#15 0x00005555555a4d23 in cmd_fsck (argc=1, argv=0x7fffffffe4a8, argv@entry=0x7fffffffe498) at cmd_fsck.c:94
        longopts = {{name = 0x55555583228e "ratelimit_errors", has_arg = 0, flag = 0x0, val = 114}, {name = 0x55555583229f "reconstruct_alloc", has_arg = 0, flag = 0x0, val = 82}, {
            name = 0x55555582f0ed "help", has_arg = 0, flag = 0x0, val = 104}, {name = 0x0, has_arg = 0, flag = 0x0, val = 0}}
        opts = {block_size_defined = 0, btree_node_size_defined = 0, errors_defined = 0, metadata_replicas_defined = 0, data_replicas_defined = 0, metadata_replicas_required_defined = 0, 
          data_replicas_required_defined = 0, encoded_extent_max_defined = 0, metadata_checksum_defined = 0, data_checksum_defined = 0, compression_defined = 0, background_compression_defined = 0, 
          str_hash_defined = 0, metadata_target_defined = 0, foreground_target_defined = 0, background_target_defined = 0, promote_target_defined = 0, erasure_code_defined = 0, inodes_32bit_defined = 0, 
          shard_inode_numbers_defined = 0, inodes_use_key_cache_defined = 0, btree_node_mem_ptr_optimization_defined = 0, btree_write_buffer_size_defined = 0, gc_reserve_percent_defined = 0, 
          gc_reserve_bytes_defined = 0, root_reserve_percent_defined = 0, wide_macs_defined = 0, inline_data_defined = 0, acl_defined = 0, usrquota_defined = 0, grpquota_defined = 0, prjquota_defined = 0, 
          degraded_defined = 1, very_degraded_defined = 0, discard_defined = 0, verbose_defined = 0, journal_flush_delay_defined = 0, journal_flush_disabled_defined = 0, journal_reclaim_delay_defined = 0, 
          move_bytes_in_flight_defined = 0, move_ios_in_flight_defined = 0, fsck_defined = 1, fix_errors_defined = 1, ratelimit_errors_defined = 0, nochanges_defined = 0, norecovery_defined = 0, 
          keep_journal_defined = 0, read_entire_journal_defined = 0, read_journal_only_defined = 0, journal_transaction_names_defined = 0, noexcl_defined = 0, direct_io_defined = 0, sb_defined = 0, 
          read_only_defined = 0, nostart_defined = 0, reconstruct_alloc_defined = 0, version_upgrade_defined = 0, buckets_nouse_defined = 0, project_defined = 0, nocow_defined = 0, nocow_enabled_defined = 0, 
          no_data_io_defined = 0, fs_size_defined = 0, bucket_defined = 0, durability_defined = 0, block_size = 0, btree_node_size = 0, errors = 0 '\000', metadata_replicas = 0 '\000', 
          data_replicas = 0 '\000', metadata_replicas_required = 0 '\000', data_replicas_required = 0 '\000', encoded_extent_max = 0, metadata_checksum = 0 '\000', data_checksum = 0 '\000', 
          compression = 0 '\000', background_compression = 0 '\000', str_hash = 0 '\000', metadata_target = 0, foreground_target = 0, background_target = 0, promote_target = 0, erasure_code = 0, 
          inodes_32bit = 0 '\000', shard_inode_numbers = 0 '\000', inodes_use_key_cache = 0 '\000', btree_node_mem_ptr_optimization = 0 '\000', btree_write_buffer_size = 0, gc_reserve_percent = 0 '\000', 
          gc_reserve_bytes = 0, root_reserve_percent = 0 '\000', wide_macs = 0 '\000', inline_data = 0 '\000', acl = 0 '\000', usrquota = 0 '\000', grpquota = 0 '\000', prjquota = 0 '\000', 
          degraded = 1 '\001', very_degraded = 0 '\000', discard = 0 '\000', verbose = 0 '\000', journal_flush_delay = 0, journal_flush_disabled = 0 '\000', journal_reclaim_delay = 0, 
          move_bytes_in_flight = 0, move_ios_in_flight = 0, fsck = 1 '\001', fix_errors = 1 '\001', ratelimit_errors = 0 '\000', nochanges = 0 '\000', norecovery = 0 '\000', keep_journal = 0 '\000', 
          read_entire_journal = 0 '\000', read_journal_only = 0 '\000', journal_transaction_names = 0 '\000', noexcl = 0 '\000', direct_io = 0 '\000', sb = 0, read_only = 0 '\000', nostart = 0 '\000', 
          reconstruct_alloc = 0 '\000', version_upgrade = 0 '\000', buckets_nouse = 0 '\000', project = 0 '\000', nocow = 0 '\000', nocow_enabled = 0 '\000', no_data_io = 0 '\000', fs_size = 0, bucket = 0, 
          durability = 0 '\000'}
        i = 1
        opt = <optimized out>
        ret = 0
        c = <optimized out>
#16 0x000055555559de89 in main (argc=<optimized out>, argv=0x7fffffffe498) at bcachefs.c:211
        cmd = 0x7fffffffe741 "fsck"
bhzhu203 commented 12 months ago

is any way to solve it ? thanks

koverstreet commented 12 months ago

Could you come to the IRC channel and stay online? The last couple times you asked you were already gone when I tried to reply - I want to ask you about what you're still seeing

On Wed, Sep 13, 2023, 9:15 PM bhzhu203 @.***> wrote:

is any way to solve it ? thanks

— Reply to this email directly, view it on GitHub https://github.com/koverstreet/bcachefs/issues/588#issuecomment-1718511132, or unsubscribe https://github.com/notifications/unsubscribe-auth/AAPGX3WMXAOD72NCXZEF3H3X2JLD3ANCNFSM6AAAAAA4EAZBHQ . You are receiving this because you are subscribed to this thread.Message ID: @.***>

bhzhu203 commented 11 months ago

Could you come to the IRC channel and stay online? The last couple times you asked you were already gone when I tried to reply - I want to ask you about what you're still seeing On Wed, Sep 13, 2023, 9:15 PM bhzhu203 @.> wrote: is any way to solve it ? thanks — Reply to this email directly, view it on GitHub <#588 (comment)>, or unsubscribe https://github.com/notifications/unsubscribe-auth/AAPGX3WMXAOD72NCXZEF3H3X2JLD3ANCNFSM6AAAAAA4EAZBHQ . You are receiving this because you are subscribed to this thread.Message ID: @.>

Sorry , It is not easy to contact with you on IRC because of my busy work and the time difference . My web client disconnect often.

The fsck tool failed to do fsck again.

version a053ebfb8c89e023a44c365e369f4053cfc53376


bhzhu203 commented 11 months ago

Trying to reformat the disk to start over . Using the latest kernel version is still the same , but latest fsck tool fix this issue

kernel version f1c2f5ee0ef8f8b677a740c566c2c630cb451632 tool version 6b175a022496572416918bd38d083120c23ba5f2

directory structure loop, fixing
error removing dirent: -2140
check_path(): error ENOENT_bkey_type_mismatch
bch2_check_directory_structure(): error ENOENT_bkey_type_mismatch
bch2_fs_recovery(): error ENOENT_bkey_type_mismatch
bch2_fs_start(): error starting filesystem ENOENT_bkey_type_mismatch
error opening /dev/vdb: ENOENT_bkey_type_mismatch

after update tool version to 6b175a022496572416918bd38d083120c23ba5f2 , the issue fixed.

Is there still a way to solve this issue in kernel version completely?


bhzhu203 commented 11 months ago

today the fsck error became this , but i can mount the FS:

Wed Oct  4 07:03:00 PM CST 2023
mongod: no process found
mounting version 1.2: deleted_inodes opts=compression=lz4,degraded,fsck,fix_errors=yes
recovering from clean shutdown, journal seq 9501353
journal read done, replaying entries 9501353-9501353
alloc_read... done
stripes_read... done
snapshots_read... done
check_allocations... done
journal_replay... done
check_alloc_info... done
check_lrus... done
check_btree_backpointers... done
check_backpointers_to_extents... done
check_extents_to_backpointers... done
check_alloc_to_lru_refs... done
check_snapshot_trees... done
check_snapshots... done
check_subvols... done
delete_dead_snapshots...going read-write
resume_logged_ops... done
check_inodes... done
check_extents...extent type past end of inode 1610612875:4294966875, i_size 32129024
  u64s 7 type extent 1610612875:63480:4294967165 len 24 ver 0: durability: 1 crc: c_size 37 size 41 offset 0 nonce 0 csum crc32c compress lz4 ptr: 0:519221:475 gen 1, fixing
extent type past end of inode 1610612875:4294966875, i_size 32129024
  u64s 7 type extent 1610612875:63496:4294967165 len 16 ver 0: durability: 1 crc: c_size 37 size 41 offset 24 nonce 0 csum crc32c compress lz4 ptr: 0:519221:475 gen 1, fixing
extent type past end of inode 1610612875:4294966875, i_size 32129024
  u64s 7 type extent 1610612875:63497:4294967165 len 1 ver 0: durability: 1 crc: c_size 37 size 41 offset 40 nonce 0 csum crc32c compress lz4 ptr: 0:519221:475 gen 1, fixing
extent type past end of inode 1610612875:4294966875, i_size 32129024
  u64s 7 type extent 1610612875:72864:4294967165 len 8 ver 0: durability: 1 crc: c_size 18 size 21 offset 0 nonce 0 csum crc32c compress lz4 ptr: 0:338952:494 gen 10, fixing
extent type past end of inode 1610612875:4294966875, i_size 32129024
  u64s 7 type extent 1610612875:72872:4294967165 len 8 ver 0: durability: 1 crc: c_size 18 size 21 offset 8 nonce 0 csum crc32c compress lz4 ptr: 0:338952:494 gen 10, fixing
extent type past end of inode 1610612875:4294966875, i_size 32129024
  u64s 7 type extent 1610612875:72874:4294967165 len 2 ver 0: durability: 1 crc: c_size 18 size 21 offset 16 nonce 0 csum crc32c compress lz4 ptr: 0:338952:494 gen 10, fixing
extent type past end of inode 1610612875:4294966875, i_size 32129024
  u64s 7 type extent 1610612875:72877:4294967165 len 3 ver 0: durability: 1 crc: c_size 18 size 21 offset 18 nonce 0 csum crc32c compress lz4 ptr: 0:338952:494 gen 10, fixing
fsck counted i_sectors wrong for inode 1610612875:4294966875: got 62753 should be 62815
check_extent(): error internal_fsck_err
bch2_check_extents(): error internal_fsck_err
bch2_fs_recovery(): error internal_fsck_err
bch2_fs_start(): error starting filesystem internal_fsck_err
error opening /dev/vdb: internal_fsck_err
koverstreet commented 10 months ago

got more info?

bhzhu203 commented 10 months ago

got more info?

kernel version 07e4a9fe4889e929d87bfa6f0304e9af9a4fc06a Tools 13a94807226ac778489a1c2c8cf9f9ecc3684718

I need to run fsck daily to prevent FS going worse. Fortunately , there is no corrputed files in mongodb to now.

Wed Nov  8 03:19:47 PM CST 2023
mongod: no process found
umount: /data: not mounted.
mounting version 1.3: rebalance_work opts=compression=lz4,degraded,fsck,fix_errors=yes
recovering from clean shutdown, journal seq 5576914
journal read done, replaying entries 5576914-5576914
alloc_read... done
stripes_read... done
snapshots_read... done
check_allocations... done
journal_replay... done
check_alloc_info... done
check_lrus... done
check_btree_backpointers... done
check_backpointers_to_extents... done
check_extents_to_backpointers... done
check_alloc_to_lru_refs... done
check_snapshot_trees... done
check_snapshots... done
check_subvols... done
delete_dead_snapshots... done
resume_logged_ops... done
check_inodes... done
check_extents...inode 1073743164:4294966925 has incorrect i_sectors: got 5655, should be 5463, fixing
going read-write
inode 1610612784:4294966163 has incorrect i_sectors: got 2471384, should be 2471312, fixing
inode 1610612784:4294966165 has incorrect i_sectors: got 2471384, should be 2471312, fixing
inode 1610612784:4294966167 has incorrect i_sectors: got 2472376, should be 2472304, fixing
inode 1610612784:4294966169 has incorrect i_sectors: got 2472376, should be 2472304, fixing
inode 1610612784:4294966171 has incorrect i_sectors: got 2472376, should be 2472304, fixing
inode 1610612784:4294966175 has incorrect i_sectors: got 2472376, should be 2472304, fixing
inode 1610612784:4294966177 has incorrect i_sectors: got 2472376, should be 2472304, fixing
inode 1610612784:4294966179 has incorrect i_sectors: got 2471384, should be 2471312, fixing
inode 1610612784:4294966181 has incorrect i_sectors: got 2471384, should be 2471312, fixing
inode 1610612784:4294966183 has incorrect i_sectors: got 2471384, should be 2471312, fixing
inode 1610612784:4294966185 has incorrect i_sectors: got 2471384, should be 2471312, fixing
inode 1610612784:4294966187 has incorrect i_sectors: got 2471384, should be 2471312, fixing
inode 1610612784:4294966189 has incorrect i_sectors: got 2471384, should be 2471312, fixing
inode 1610612784:4294966195 has incorrect i_sectors: got 2477656, should be 2477584, fixing
inode 1610612784:4294966197 has incorrect i_sectors: got 2477656, should be 2477584, fixing
inode 1610612784:4294966199 has incorrect i_sectors: got 2477656, should be 2477584, fixing
inode 1610612784:4294966201 has incorrect i_sectors: got 2477656, should be 2477584, fixing
inode 1610612784:4294966203 has incorrect i_sectors: got 2471384, should be 2471312, fixing
inode 1610612784:4294966205 has incorrect i_sectors: got 2471384, should be 2471312, fixing
inode 1610612784:4294966207 has incorrect i_sectors: got 2471384, should be 2471312, fixing
inode 1610612784:4294966209 has incorrect i_sectors: got 2471384, should be 2471312, fixing
inode 1610612784:4294966211 has incorrect i_sectors: got 2471384, should be 2471312, fixing
inode 1610612784:4294966213 has incorrect i_sectors: got 2471384, should be 2471312, fixing
inode 1610612784:4294966215 has incorrect i_sectors: got 2471504, should be 2471432, fixing
inode 1610612784:4294966217 has incorrect i_sectors: got 2471504, should be 2471432, fixing
inode 1610612784:4294966219 has incorrect i_sectors: got 2471504, should be 2471432, fixing
inode 1610612784:4294966221 has incorrect i_sectors: got 2471504, should be 2471432, fixing
inode 1610612784:4294966223 has incorrect i_sectors: got 2471504, should be 2471432, fixing
inode 1610612784:4294966225 has incorrect i_sectors: got 2471504, should be 2471432, fixing
inode 1610612784:4294966227 has incorrect i_sectors: got 2461448, should be 2461376, fixing
inode 1610612784:4294966229 has incorrect i_sectors: got 2461448, should be 2461376, fixing
inode 1610612784:4294966231 has incorrect i_sectors: got 2461448, should be 2461376, fixing
inode 1610612784:4294966233 has incorrect i_sectors: got 2461448, should be 2461376, fixing
inode 1610612784:4294966235 has incorrect i_sectors: got 2461448, should be 2461376, fixing
inode 1610612784:4294966237 has incorrect i_sectors: got 2461448, should be 2461376, fixing
inode 1610612784:4294966239 has incorrect i_sectors: got 2461448, should be 2461376, fixing
inode 1610612784:4294966241 has incorrect i_sectors: got 2461448, should be 2461376, fixing
inode 1610612784:4294966243 has incorrect i_sectors: got 2461448, should be 2461376, fixing
inode 1610612784:4294966249 has incorrect i_sectors: got 2463840, should be 2463768, fixing
inode 1610612784:4294966261 has incorrect i_sectors: got 2463840, should be 2463768, fixing
inode 1610612784:4294966273 has incorrect i_sectors: got 2463840, should be 2463768, fixing
inode 1610612784:4294966285 has incorrect i_sectors: got 2463840, should be 2463768, fixing
inode 1610612784:4294966293 has incorrect i_sectors: got 2461448, should be 2461376, fixing
inode 1610612784:4294966297 has incorrect i_sectors: got 2463664, should be 2463592, fixing
inode 1610612784:4294966303 has incorrect i_sectors: got 2463664, should be 2463592, fixing
inode 1610612784:4294966309 has incorrect i_sectors: got 2463664, should be 2463592, fixing
inode 1610612784:4294966331 has incorrect i_sectors: got 2463664, should be 2463592, fixing
inode 1610612784:4294966333 has incorrect i_sectors: got 2463664, should be 2463592, fixing
inode 1610612784:4294966341 has incorrect i_sectors: got 2461448, should be 2461400, fixing
inode 1610612784:4294966343 has incorrect i_sectors: got 2461448, should be 2461400, fixing
inode 1610612784:4294966347 has incorrect i_sectors: got 2461560, should be 2461512, fixing
inode 1610612784:4294966357 has incorrect i_sectors: got 2461104, should be 2461056, fixing
inode 1610612784:4294966359 has incorrect i_sectors: got 2461104, should be 2461056, fixing
inode 1610612784:4294966371 has incorrect i_sectors: got 2462320, should be 2462272, fixing
inode 1610612784:4294966383 has incorrect i_sectors: got 2462320, should be 2462272, fixing
inode 1610612784:4294966395 has incorrect i_sectors: got 2462320, should be 2462272, fixing
inode 1610612784:4294966399 has incorrect i_sectors: got 2462344, should be 2462296, fixing
inode 1610612784:4294966401 has incorrect i_sectors: got 2462344, should be 2462296, fixing
inode 1610612784:4294966403 has incorrect i_sectors: got 2462344, should be 2462296, fixing
inode 1610612784:4294966405 has incorrect i_sectors: got 2462344, should be 2462296, fixing
inode 1610612784:4294966407 has incorrect i_sectors: got 2462344, should be 2462296, fixing
inode 1610612784:4294966409 has incorrect i_sectors: got 2462992, should be 2462944, fixing
inode 1610612784:4294966411 has incorrect i_sectors: got 2462992, should be 2462944, fixing
inode 1610612784:4294966413 has incorrect i_sectors: got 2462992, should be 2462944, fixing
inode 1610612784:4294966415 has incorrect i_sectors: got 2462992, should be 2462944, fixing
inode 1610612784:4294966417 has incorrect i_sectors: got 2462992, should be 2462944, fixing
inode 1610612784:4294966419 has incorrect i_sectors: got 2462992, should be 2462944, fixing
inode 1610612784:4294966421 has incorrect i_sectors: got 2463000, should be 2462952, fixing
inode 1610612784:4294966423 has incorrect i_sectors: got 2463000, should be 2462952, fixing
inode 1610612784:4294966425 has incorrect i_sectors: got 2463000, should be 2462952, fixing
inode 1610612784:4294966427 has incorrect i_sectors: got 2463000, should be 2462952, fixing
inode 1610612784:4294966429 has incorrect i_sectors: got 2463000, should be 2462952, fixing
inode 1610612784:4294966431 has incorrect i_sectors: got 2463000, should be 2462952, fixing
inode 1610612784:4294966433 has incorrect i_sectors: got 2464712, should be 2464664, fixing
inode 1610612784:4294966435 has incorrect i_sectors: got 2464712, should be 2464664, fixing
inode 1610612784:4294966437 has incorrect i_sectors: got 2464712, should be 2464664, fixing
inode 1610612784:4294966439 has incorrect i_sectors: got 2464712, should be 2464664, fixing
inode 1610612784:4294966441 has incorrect i_sectors: got 2464712, should be 2464664, fixing
inode 1610612784:4294966443 has incorrect i_sectors: got 2464712, should be 2464664, fixing
inode 1610612784:4294966445 has incorrect i_sectors: got 2466016, should be 2465968, fixing
inode 1610612784:4294966447 has incorrect i_sectors: got 2466016, should be 2465968, fixing
inode 1610612784:4294966449 has incorrect i_sectors: got 2466016, should be 2465968, fixing
inode 1610612784:4294966451 has incorrect i_sectors: got 2466016, should be 2465968, fixing
inode 1610612784:4294966453 has incorrect i_sectors: got 2466016, should be 2465968, fixing
inode 1610612784:4294966455 has incorrect i_sectors: got 2466016, should be 2465968, fixing
inode 1610612784:4294966457 has incorrect i_sectors: got 2466016, should be 2465968, fixing
inode 1610612784:4294966459 has incorrect i_sectors: got 2466016, should be 2465968, fixing
inode 1610612784:4294966461 has incorrect i_sectors: got 2466016, should be 2465968, fixing
inode 1610612784:4294966463 has incorrect i_sectors: got 2466016, should be 2465968, fixing
inode 1610612784:4294966465 has incorrect i_sectors: got 2466016, should be 2465968, fixing
inode 1610612784:4294966467 has incorrect i_sectors: got 2466016, should be 2465968, fixing
inode 1610612784:4294966469 has incorrect i_sectors: got 2466112, should be 2466064, fixing
inode 1610612784:4294966471 has incorrect i_sectors: got 2466112, should be 2466064, fixing
inode 1610612784:4294966473 has incorrect i_sectors: got 2466112, should be 2466064, fixing
inode 1610612784:4294966475 has incorrect i_sectors: got 2466112, should be 2466064, fixing
inode 1610612784:4294966479 has incorrect i_sectors: got 2466136, should be 2466088, fixing
inode 1610612784:4294966487 has incorrect i_sectors: got 2466136, should be 2466088, fixing
inode 1610612784:4294966489 has incorrect i_sectors: got 2466136, should be 2466088, fixing
inode 1610612784:4294966491 has incorrect i_sectors: got 2466136, should be 2466088, fixing
inode 1610612784:4294966493 has incorrect i_sectors: got 2466272, should be 2466224, fixing
inode 1610612784:4294966495 has incorrect i_sectors: got 2466272, should be 2466224, fixing
inode 1610612784:4294966497 has incorrect i_sectors: got 2466272, should be 2466224, fixing
inode 1610612784:4294966499 has incorrect i_sectors: got 2466272, should be 2466224, fixing
inode 1610612784:4294966501 has incorrect i_sectors: got 2466272, should be 2466224, fixing
inode 1610612784:4294966503 has incorrect i_sectors: got 2466272, should be 2466224, fixing
inode 1610612784:4294966505 has incorrect i_sectors: got 2457800, should be 2457752, fixing
inode 1610612784:4294966507 has incorrect i_sectors: got 2457800, should be 2457752, fixing
inode 1610612784:4294966509 has incorrect i_sectors: got 2457800, should be 2457752, fixing
inode 1610612784:4294966511 has incorrect i_sectors: got 2457824, should be 2457776, fixing
inode 1610612784:4294966513 has incorrect i_sectors: got 2457824, should be 2457776, fixing
inode 1610612784:4294966515 has incorrect i_sectors: got 2457824, should be 2457776, fixing
inode 1610612784:4294966517 has incorrect i_sectors: got 2454736, should be 2454688, fixing
inode 1610612784:4294966519 has incorrect i_sectors: got 2454736, should be 2454688, fixing
inode 1610612784:4294966523 has incorrect i_sectors: got 2454800, should be 2454752, fixing
inode 1610612784:4294966527 has incorrect i_sectors: got 2454800, should be 2454752, fixing
inode 1610612784:4294966529 has incorrect i_sectors: got 2454800, should be 2454752, fixing
inode 1610612784:4294966531 has incorrect i_sectors: got 2454800, should be 2454752, fixing
inode 1610612784:4294966533 has incorrect i_sectors: got 2454800, should be 2454752, fixing
inode 1610612784:4294966535 has incorrect i_sectors: got 2454800, should be 2454752, fixing
inode 1610612784:4294966537 has incorrect i_sectors: got 2454800, should be 2454752, fixing
inode 1610612784:4294966539 has incorrect i_sectors: got 2461696, should be 2461648, fixing
inode 1610612784:4294966547 has incorrect i_sectors: got 2461696, should be 2461648, fixing
inode 1610612784:4294966551 has incorrect i_sectors: got 2461696, should be 2461648, fixing
inode 1610612784:4294966559 has incorrect i_sectors: got 2454800, should be 2454752, fixing
inode 1610612784:4294966563 has incorrect i_sectors: got 2454800, should be 2454752, fixing
inode 1610612784:4294966573 has incorrect i_sectors: got 2454800, should be 2454752, fixing
inode 1610612784:4294966575 has incorrect i_sectors: got 2454800, should be 2454752, fixing
inode 1610612784:4294966579 has incorrect i_sectors: got 2454800, should be 2454752, fixing
inode 1610612784:4294966585 has incorrect i_sectors: got 2454800, should be 2454752, fixing
inode 1610612784:4294966587 has incorrect i_sectors: got 2454800, should be 2454752, fixing
inode 1610612784:4294966599 has incorrect i_sectors: got 2454800, should be 2454752, fixing
inode 1610612784:4294966605 has incorrect i_sectors: got 2454800, should be 2454752, fixing
inode 1610612784:4294966607 has incorrect i_sectors: got 2455968, should be 2455920, fixing
inode 1610612784:4294966617 has incorrect i_sectors: got 2455968, should be 2455920, fixing
inode 1610612784:4294966623 has incorrect i_sectors: got 2455968, should be 2455920, fixing
inode 1610612784:4294966627 has incorrect i_sectors: got 2454800, should be 2454752, fixing
inode 1610612784:4294966629 has incorrect i_sectors: got 2454800, should be 2454752, fixing
inode 1610612784:4294966637 has incorrect i_sectors: got 2454800, should be 2454752, fixing
inode 1610612784:4294966645 has incorrect i_sectors: got 2454800, should be 2454752, fixing
inode 1610612784:4294966647 has incorrect i_sectors: got 2454800, should be 2454752, fixing
inode 1610612784:4294966649 has incorrect i_sectors: got 2454800, should be 2454752, fixing
inode 1610612784:4294966651 has incorrect i_sectors: got 2454800, should be 2454752, fixing
inode 1610612784:4294966653 has incorrect i_sectors: got 2454800, should be 2454752, fixing
inode 1610612784:4294966655 has incorrect i_sectors: got 2454800, should be 2454752, fixing
inode 1610612784:4294966657 has incorrect i_sectors: got 2454800, should be 2454752, fixing
inode 1610612784:4294966659 has incorrect i_sectors: got 2454800, should be 2454752, fixing
inode 1610612784:4294966661 has incorrect i_sectors: got 2454800, should be 2454752, fixing
inode 1610612784:4294966663 has incorrect i_sectors: got 2454800, should be 2454752, fixing
inode 1610612784:4294966665 has incorrect i_sectors: got 2454800, should be 2454752, fixing
inode 1610612784:4294966667 has incorrect i_sectors: got 2454800, should be 2454752, fixing
inode 1610612784:4294966671 has incorrect i_sectors: got 2454800, should be 2454752, fixing
inode 1610612784:4294966673 has incorrect i_sectors: got 2454800, should be 2454752, fixing
inode 1610612784:4294966677 has incorrect i_sectors: got 2454800, should be 2454752, fixing
inode 1610612784:4294966679 has incorrect i_sectors: got 2454800, should be 2454752, fixing
inode 1610612784:4294966681 has incorrect i_sectors: got 2454800, should be 2454752, fixing
inode 1610612784:4294966683 has incorrect i_sectors: got 2454800, should be 2454752, fixing
inode 1610612784:4294966685 has incorrect i_sectors: got 2454800, should be 2454752, fixing
inode 1610612784:4294966687 has incorrect i_sectors: got 2454800, should be 2454752, fixing
inode 1610612784:4294966689 has incorrect i_sectors: got 2454800, should be 2454752, fixing
inode 1610612784:4294966691 has incorrect i_sectors: got 2454800, should be 2454752, fixing
inode 1610612784:4294966693 has incorrect i_sectors: got 2454800, should be 2454752, fixing
inode 1610612784:4294966695 has incorrect i_sectors: got 2454880, should be 2454832, fixing
inode 1610612784:4294966697 has incorrect i_sectors: got 2454880, should be 2454832, fixing
inode 1610612784:4294966699 has incorrect i_sectors: got 2454880, should be 2454832, fixing
inode 1610612784:4294966701 has incorrect i_sectors: got 2448888, should be 2448840, fixing
inode 1610612784:4294966703 has incorrect i_sectors: got 2448888, should be 2448840, fixing
inode 1610612784:4294966705 has incorrect i_sectors: got 2448888, should be 2448840, fixing
inode 1610612784:4294966707 has incorrect i_sectors: got 2448888, should be 2448840, fixing
inode 1610612784:4294966709 has incorrect i_sectors: got 2448888, should be 2448840, fixing
inode 1610612784:4294966711 has incorrect i_sectors: got 2448888, should be 2448840, fixing
inode 1610612784:4294966713 has incorrect i_sectors: got 2448888, should be 2448840, fixing
inode 1610612784:4294966715 has incorrect i_sectors: got 2448888, should be 2448840, fixing
inode 1610612784:4294966717 has incorrect i_sectors: got 2448888, should be 2448840, fixing
inode 1610612784:4294966719 has incorrect i_sectors: got 2448888, should be 2448840, fixing
inode 1610612784:4294966721 has incorrect i_sectors: got 2442696, should be 2442648, fixing
inode 1610612784:4294966723 has incorrect i_sectors: got 2442696, should be 2442648, fixing
inode 1610612784:4294966725 has incorrect i_sectors: got 2442696, should be 2442648, fixing
inode 1610612784:4294966727 has incorrect i_sectors: got 2442768, should be 2442720, fixing
inode 1610612784:4294966729 has incorrect i_sectors: got 2442768, should be 2442720, fixing
inode 1610612784:4294966731 has incorrect i_sectors: got 2442768, should be 2442720, fixing
inode 1610612784:4294966733 has incorrect i_sectors: got 2443048, should be 2443000, fixing
inode 1610612784:4294966735 has incorrect i_sectors: got 2443048, should be 2443000, fixing
inode 1610612784:4294966737 has incorrect i_sectors: got 2443048, should be 2443000, fixing
inode 1610612784:4294966739 has incorrect i_sectors: got 2443048, should be 2443000, fixing
inode 1610612784:4294966741 has incorrect i_sectors: got 2443048, should be 2443000, fixing
inode 1610612784:4294966743 has incorrect i_sectors: got 2443048, should be 2443000, fixing
inode 1610612784:4294966925 has incorrect i_sectors: got 2431032, should be 2431016, fixing
check_indirect_extents... done
check_dirents... done
check_xattrs... done
check_root... done
check_directory_structure... done
check_nlinks... done
delete_dead_inodes... done
0x55ef05910520g: errors fixed
about to fork child process, waiting until server is ready for connections.
forked process: 1265609
child process started successfully, parent exiting
bhzhu203 commented 10 months ago

got more info?

kernel version 07e4a9f Tools 13a94807226ac778489a1c2c8cf9f9ecc3684718

I need to run fsck daily to prevent FS going worse. Fortunately , there is no corrputed files in mongodb to now.

Wed Nov  8 03:19:47 PM CST 2023
mongod: no process found
umount: /data: not mounted.
mounting version 1.3: rebalance_work opts=compression=lz4,degraded,fsck,fix_errors=yes
recovering from clean shutdown, journal seq 5576914
journal read done, replaying entries 5576914-5576914
alloc_read... done
stripes_read... done
snapshots_read... done
check_allocations... done
journal_replay... done
check_alloc_info... done
check_lrus... done
check_btree_backpointers... done
check_backpointers_to_extents... done
check_extents_to_backpointers... done
check_alloc_to_lru_refs... done
check_snapshot_trees... done
check_snapshots... done
check_subvols... done
delete_dead_snapshots... done
resume_logged_ops... done
check_inodes... done
check_extents...inode 1073743164:4294966925 has incorrect i_sectors: got 5655, should be 5463, fixing
going read-write
inode 1610612784:4294966163 has incorrect i_sectors: got 2471384, should be 2471312, fixing
inode 1610612784:4294966165 has incorrect i_sectors: got 2471384, should be 2471312, fixing
inode 1610612784:4294966167 has incorrect i_sectors: got 2472376, should be 2472304, fixing
inode 1610612784:4294966169 has incorrect i_sectors: got 2472376, should be 2472304, fixing
inode 1610612784:4294966171 has incorrect i_sectors: got 2472376, should be 2472304, fixing
inode 1610612784:4294966175 has incorrect i_sectors: got 2472376, should be 2472304, fixing
inode 1610612784:4294966177 has incorrect i_sectors: got 2472376, should be 2472304, fixing
inode 1610612784:4294966179 has incorrect i_sectors: got 2471384, should be 2471312, fixing
inode 1610612784:4294966181 has incorrect i_sectors: got 2471384, should be 2471312, fixing
inode 1610612784:4294966183 has incorrect i_sectors: got 2471384, should be 2471312, fixing
inode 1610612784:4294966185 has incorrect i_sectors: got 2471384, should be 2471312, fixing
inode 1610612784:4294966187 has incorrect i_sectors: got 2471384, should be 2471312, fixing
inode 1610612784:4294966189 has incorrect i_sectors: got 2471384, should be 2471312, fixing
inode 1610612784:4294966195 has incorrect i_sectors: got 2477656, should be 2477584, fixing
inode 1610612784:4294966197 has incorrect i_sectors: got 2477656, should be 2477584, fixing
inode 1610612784:4294966199 has incorrect i_sectors: got 2477656, should be 2477584, fixing
inode 1610612784:4294966201 has incorrect i_sectors: got 2477656, should be 2477584, fixing
inode 1610612784:4294966203 has incorrect i_sectors: got 2471384, should be 2471312, fixing
inode 1610612784:4294966205 has incorrect i_sectors: got 2471384, should be 2471312, fixing
inode 1610612784:4294966207 has incorrect i_sectors: got 2471384, should be 2471312, fixing
inode 1610612784:4294966209 has incorrect i_sectors: got 2471384, should be 2471312, fixing
inode 1610612784:4294966211 has incorrect i_sectors: got 2471384, should be 2471312, fixing
inode 1610612784:4294966213 has incorrect i_sectors: got 2471384, should be 2471312, fixing
inode 1610612784:4294966215 has incorrect i_sectors: got 2471504, should be 2471432, fixing
inode 1610612784:4294966217 has incorrect i_sectors: got 2471504, should be 2471432, fixing
inode 1610612784:4294966219 has incorrect i_sectors: got 2471504, should be 2471432, fixing
inode 1610612784:4294966221 has incorrect i_sectors: got 2471504, should be 2471432, fixing
inode 1610612784:4294966223 has incorrect i_sectors: got 2471504, should be 2471432, fixing
inode 1610612784:4294966225 has incorrect i_sectors: got 2471504, should be 2471432, fixing
inode 1610612784:4294966227 has incorrect i_sectors: got 2461448, should be 2461376, fixing
inode 1610612784:4294966229 has incorrect i_sectors: got 2461448, should be 2461376, fixing
inode 1610612784:4294966231 has incorrect i_sectors: got 2461448, should be 2461376, fixing
inode 1610612784:4294966233 has incorrect i_sectors: got 2461448, should be 2461376, fixing
inode 1610612784:4294966235 has incorrect i_sectors: got 2461448, should be 2461376, fixing
inode 1610612784:4294966237 has incorrect i_sectors: got 2461448, should be 2461376, fixing
inode 1610612784:4294966239 has incorrect i_sectors: got 2461448, should be 2461376, fixing
inode 1610612784:4294966241 has incorrect i_sectors: got 2461448, should be 2461376, fixing
inode 1610612784:4294966243 has incorrect i_sectors: got 2461448, should be 2461376, fixing
inode 1610612784:4294966249 has incorrect i_sectors: got 2463840, should be 2463768, fixing
inode 1610612784:4294966261 has incorrect i_sectors: got 2463840, should be 2463768, fixing
inode 1610612784:4294966273 has incorrect i_sectors: got 2463840, should be 2463768, fixing
inode 1610612784:4294966285 has incorrect i_sectors: got 2463840, should be 2463768, fixing
inode 1610612784:4294966293 has incorrect i_sectors: got 2461448, should be 2461376, fixing
inode 1610612784:4294966297 has incorrect i_sectors: got 2463664, should be 2463592, fixing
inode 1610612784:4294966303 has incorrect i_sectors: got 2463664, should be 2463592, fixing
inode 1610612784:4294966309 has incorrect i_sectors: got 2463664, should be 2463592, fixing
inode 1610612784:4294966331 has incorrect i_sectors: got 2463664, should be 2463592, fixing
inode 1610612784:4294966333 has incorrect i_sectors: got 2463664, should be 2463592, fixing
inode 1610612784:4294966341 has incorrect i_sectors: got 2461448, should be 2461400, fixing
inode 1610612784:4294966343 has incorrect i_sectors: got 2461448, should be 2461400, fixing
inode 1610612784:4294966347 has incorrect i_sectors: got 2461560, should be 2461512, fixing
inode 1610612784:4294966357 has incorrect i_sectors: got 2461104, should be 2461056, fixing
inode 1610612784:4294966359 has incorrect i_sectors: got 2461104, should be 2461056, fixing
inode 1610612784:4294966371 has incorrect i_sectors: got 2462320, should be 2462272, fixing
inode 1610612784:4294966383 has incorrect i_sectors: got 2462320, should be 2462272, fixing
inode 1610612784:4294966395 has incorrect i_sectors: got 2462320, should be 2462272, fixing
inode 1610612784:4294966399 has incorrect i_sectors: got 2462344, should be 2462296, fixing
inode 1610612784:4294966401 has incorrect i_sectors: got 2462344, should be 2462296, fixing
inode 1610612784:4294966403 has incorrect i_sectors: got 2462344, should be 2462296, fixing
inode 1610612784:4294966405 has incorrect i_sectors: got 2462344, should be 2462296, fixing
inode 1610612784:4294966407 has incorrect i_sectors: got 2462344, should be 2462296, fixing
inode 1610612784:4294966409 has incorrect i_sectors: got 2462992, should be 2462944, fixing
inode 1610612784:4294966411 has incorrect i_sectors: got 2462992, should be 2462944, fixing
inode 1610612784:4294966413 has incorrect i_sectors: got 2462992, should be 2462944, fixing
inode 1610612784:4294966415 has incorrect i_sectors: got 2462992, should be 2462944, fixing
inode 1610612784:4294966417 has incorrect i_sectors: got 2462992, should be 2462944, fixing
inode 1610612784:4294966419 has incorrect i_sectors: got 2462992, should be 2462944, fixing
inode 1610612784:4294966421 has incorrect i_sectors: got 2463000, should be 2462952, fixing
inode 1610612784:4294966423 has incorrect i_sectors: got 2463000, should be 2462952, fixing
inode 1610612784:4294966425 has incorrect i_sectors: got 2463000, should be 2462952, fixing
inode 1610612784:4294966427 has incorrect i_sectors: got 2463000, should be 2462952, fixing
inode 1610612784:4294966429 has incorrect i_sectors: got 2463000, should be 2462952, fixing
inode 1610612784:4294966431 has incorrect i_sectors: got 2463000, should be 2462952, fixing
inode 1610612784:4294966433 has incorrect i_sectors: got 2464712, should be 2464664, fixing
inode 1610612784:4294966435 has incorrect i_sectors: got 2464712, should be 2464664, fixing
inode 1610612784:4294966437 has incorrect i_sectors: got 2464712, should be 2464664, fixing
inode 1610612784:4294966439 has incorrect i_sectors: got 2464712, should be 2464664, fixing
inode 1610612784:4294966441 has incorrect i_sectors: got 2464712, should be 2464664, fixing
inode 1610612784:4294966443 has incorrect i_sectors: got 2464712, should be 2464664, fixing
inode 1610612784:4294966445 has incorrect i_sectors: got 2466016, should be 2465968, fixing
inode 1610612784:4294966447 has incorrect i_sectors: got 2466016, should be 2465968, fixing
inode 1610612784:4294966449 has incorrect i_sectors: got 2466016, should be 2465968, fixing
inode 1610612784:4294966451 has incorrect i_sectors: got 2466016, should be 2465968, fixing
inode 1610612784:4294966453 has incorrect i_sectors: got 2466016, should be 2465968, fixing
inode 1610612784:4294966455 has incorrect i_sectors: got 2466016, should be 2465968, fixing
inode 1610612784:4294966457 has incorrect i_sectors: got 2466016, should be 2465968, fixing
inode 1610612784:4294966459 has incorrect i_sectors: got 2466016, should be 2465968, fixing
inode 1610612784:4294966461 has incorrect i_sectors: got 2466016, should be 2465968, fixing
inode 1610612784:4294966463 has incorrect i_sectors: got 2466016, should be 2465968, fixing
inode 1610612784:4294966465 has incorrect i_sectors: got 2466016, should be 2465968, fixing
inode 1610612784:4294966467 has incorrect i_sectors: got 2466016, should be 2465968, fixing
inode 1610612784:4294966469 has incorrect i_sectors: got 2466112, should be 2466064, fixing
inode 1610612784:4294966471 has incorrect i_sectors: got 2466112, should be 2466064, fixing
inode 1610612784:4294966473 has incorrect i_sectors: got 2466112, should be 2466064, fixing
inode 1610612784:4294966475 has incorrect i_sectors: got 2466112, should be 2466064, fixing
inode 1610612784:4294966479 has incorrect i_sectors: got 2466136, should be 2466088, fixing
inode 1610612784:4294966487 has incorrect i_sectors: got 2466136, should be 2466088, fixing
inode 1610612784:4294966489 has incorrect i_sectors: got 2466136, should be 2466088, fixing
inode 1610612784:4294966491 has incorrect i_sectors: got 2466136, should be 2466088, fixing
inode 1610612784:4294966493 has incorrect i_sectors: got 2466272, should be 2466224, fixing
inode 1610612784:4294966495 has incorrect i_sectors: got 2466272, should be 2466224, fixing
inode 1610612784:4294966497 has incorrect i_sectors: got 2466272, should be 2466224, fixing
inode 1610612784:4294966499 has incorrect i_sectors: got 2466272, should be 2466224, fixing
inode 1610612784:4294966501 has incorrect i_sectors: got 2466272, should be 2466224, fixing
inode 1610612784:4294966503 has incorrect i_sectors: got 2466272, should be 2466224, fixing
inode 1610612784:4294966505 has incorrect i_sectors: got 2457800, should be 2457752, fixing
inode 1610612784:4294966507 has incorrect i_sectors: got 2457800, should be 2457752, fixing
inode 1610612784:4294966509 has incorrect i_sectors: got 2457800, should be 2457752, fixing
inode 1610612784:4294966511 has incorrect i_sectors: got 2457824, should be 2457776, fixing
inode 1610612784:4294966513 has incorrect i_sectors: got 2457824, should be 2457776, fixing
inode 1610612784:4294966515 has incorrect i_sectors: got 2457824, should be 2457776, fixing
inode 1610612784:4294966517 has incorrect i_sectors: got 2454736, should be 2454688, fixing
inode 1610612784:4294966519 has incorrect i_sectors: got 2454736, should be 2454688, fixing
inode 1610612784:4294966523 has incorrect i_sectors: got 2454800, should be 2454752, fixing
inode 1610612784:4294966527 has incorrect i_sectors: got 2454800, should be 2454752, fixing
inode 1610612784:4294966529 has incorrect i_sectors: got 2454800, should be 2454752, fixing
inode 1610612784:4294966531 has incorrect i_sectors: got 2454800, should be 2454752, fixing
inode 1610612784:4294966533 has incorrect i_sectors: got 2454800, should be 2454752, fixing
inode 1610612784:4294966535 has incorrect i_sectors: got 2454800, should be 2454752, fixing
inode 1610612784:4294966537 has incorrect i_sectors: got 2454800, should be 2454752, fixing
inode 1610612784:4294966539 has incorrect i_sectors: got 2461696, should be 2461648, fixing
inode 1610612784:4294966547 has incorrect i_sectors: got 2461696, should be 2461648, fixing
inode 1610612784:4294966551 has incorrect i_sectors: got 2461696, should be 2461648, fixing
inode 1610612784:4294966559 has incorrect i_sectors: got 2454800, should be 2454752, fixing
inode 1610612784:4294966563 has incorrect i_sectors: got 2454800, should be 2454752, fixing
inode 1610612784:4294966573 has incorrect i_sectors: got 2454800, should be 2454752, fixing
inode 1610612784:4294966575 has incorrect i_sectors: got 2454800, should be 2454752, fixing
inode 1610612784:4294966579 has incorrect i_sectors: got 2454800, should be 2454752, fixing
inode 1610612784:4294966585 has incorrect i_sectors: got 2454800, should be 2454752, fixing
inode 1610612784:4294966587 has incorrect i_sectors: got 2454800, should be 2454752, fixing
inode 1610612784:4294966599 has incorrect i_sectors: got 2454800, should be 2454752, fixing
inode 1610612784:4294966605 has incorrect i_sectors: got 2454800, should be 2454752, fixing
inode 1610612784:4294966607 has incorrect i_sectors: got 2455968, should be 2455920, fixing
inode 1610612784:4294966617 has incorrect i_sectors: got 2455968, should be 2455920, fixing
inode 1610612784:4294966623 has incorrect i_sectors: got 2455968, should be 2455920, fixing
inode 1610612784:4294966627 has incorrect i_sectors: got 2454800, should be 2454752, fixing
inode 1610612784:4294966629 has incorrect i_sectors: got 2454800, should be 2454752, fixing
inode 1610612784:4294966637 has incorrect i_sectors: got 2454800, should be 2454752, fixing
inode 1610612784:4294966645 has incorrect i_sectors: got 2454800, should be 2454752, fixing
inode 1610612784:4294966647 has incorrect i_sectors: got 2454800, should be 2454752, fixing
inode 1610612784:4294966649 has incorrect i_sectors: got 2454800, should be 2454752, fixing
inode 1610612784:4294966651 has incorrect i_sectors: got 2454800, should be 2454752, fixing
inode 1610612784:4294966653 has incorrect i_sectors: got 2454800, should be 2454752, fixing
inode 1610612784:4294966655 has incorrect i_sectors: got 2454800, should be 2454752, fixing
inode 1610612784:4294966657 has incorrect i_sectors: got 2454800, should be 2454752, fixing
inode 1610612784:4294966659 has incorrect i_sectors: got 2454800, should be 2454752, fixing
inode 1610612784:4294966661 has incorrect i_sectors: got 2454800, should be 2454752, fixing
inode 1610612784:4294966663 has incorrect i_sectors: got 2454800, should be 2454752, fixing
inode 1610612784:4294966665 has incorrect i_sectors: got 2454800, should be 2454752, fixing
inode 1610612784:4294966667 has incorrect i_sectors: got 2454800, should be 2454752, fixing
inode 1610612784:4294966671 has incorrect i_sectors: got 2454800, should be 2454752, fixing
inode 1610612784:4294966673 has incorrect i_sectors: got 2454800, should be 2454752, fixing
inode 1610612784:4294966677 has incorrect i_sectors: got 2454800, should be 2454752, fixing
inode 1610612784:4294966679 has incorrect i_sectors: got 2454800, should be 2454752, fixing
inode 1610612784:4294966681 has incorrect i_sectors: got 2454800, should be 2454752, fixing
inode 1610612784:4294966683 has incorrect i_sectors: got 2454800, should be 2454752, fixing
inode 1610612784:4294966685 has incorrect i_sectors: got 2454800, should be 2454752, fixing
inode 1610612784:4294966687 has incorrect i_sectors: got 2454800, should be 2454752, fixing
inode 1610612784:4294966689 has incorrect i_sectors: got 2454800, should be 2454752, fixing
inode 1610612784:4294966691 has incorrect i_sectors: got 2454800, should be 2454752, fixing
inode 1610612784:4294966693 has incorrect i_sectors: got 2454800, should be 2454752, fixing
inode 1610612784:4294966695 has incorrect i_sectors: got 2454880, should be 2454832, fixing
inode 1610612784:4294966697 has incorrect i_sectors: got 2454880, should be 2454832, fixing
inode 1610612784:4294966699 has incorrect i_sectors: got 2454880, should be 2454832, fixing
inode 1610612784:4294966701 has incorrect i_sectors: got 2448888, should be 2448840, fixing
inode 1610612784:4294966703 has incorrect i_sectors: got 2448888, should be 2448840, fixing
inode 1610612784:4294966705 has incorrect i_sectors: got 2448888, should be 2448840, fixing
inode 1610612784:4294966707 has incorrect i_sectors: got 2448888, should be 2448840, fixing
inode 1610612784:4294966709 has incorrect i_sectors: got 2448888, should be 2448840, fixing
inode 1610612784:4294966711 has incorrect i_sectors: got 2448888, should be 2448840, fixing
inode 1610612784:4294966713 has incorrect i_sectors: got 2448888, should be 2448840, fixing
inode 1610612784:4294966715 has incorrect i_sectors: got 2448888, should be 2448840, fixing
inode 1610612784:4294966717 has incorrect i_sectors: got 2448888, should be 2448840, fixing
inode 1610612784:4294966719 has incorrect i_sectors: got 2448888, should be 2448840, fixing
inode 1610612784:4294966721 has incorrect i_sectors: got 2442696, should be 2442648, fixing
inode 1610612784:4294966723 has incorrect i_sectors: got 2442696, should be 2442648, fixing
inode 1610612784:4294966725 has incorrect i_sectors: got 2442696, should be 2442648, fixing
inode 1610612784:4294966727 has incorrect i_sectors: got 2442768, should be 2442720, fixing
inode 1610612784:4294966729 has incorrect i_sectors: got 2442768, should be 2442720, fixing
inode 1610612784:4294966731 has incorrect i_sectors: got 2442768, should be 2442720, fixing
inode 1610612784:4294966733 has incorrect i_sectors: got 2443048, should be 2443000, fixing
inode 1610612784:4294966735 has incorrect i_sectors: got 2443048, should be 2443000, fixing
inode 1610612784:4294966737 has incorrect i_sectors: got 2443048, should be 2443000, fixing
inode 1610612784:4294966739 has incorrect i_sectors: got 2443048, should be 2443000, fixing
inode 1610612784:4294966741 has incorrect i_sectors: got 2443048, should be 2443000, fixing
inode 1610612784:4294966743 has incorrect i_sectors: got 2443048, should be 2443000, fixing
inode 1610612784:4294966925 has incorrect i_sectors: got 2431032, should be 2431016, fixing
check_indirect_extents... done
check_dirents... done
check_xattrs... done
check_root... done
check_directory_structure... done
check_nlinks... done
delete_dead_inodes... done
0x55ef05910520g: errors fixed
about to fork child process, waiting until server is ready for connections.
forked process: 1265609
child process started successfully, parent exiting

Here is the FS dump https://1drv.ms/u/s!Ao8p2C5olADnhkfCYKD74PeTQDCM?e=9X5O7q

koverstreet commented 10 months ago

Just seeing incorrect i_sectors now?

On Fri, Nov 10, 2023 at 4:09 AM bhzhu203 @.***> wrote:

got more info?

kernel version 07e4a9f https://github.com/koverstreet/bcachefs/commit/07e4a9fe4889e929d87bfa6f0304e9af9a4fc06a Tools 13a94807226ac778489a1c2c8cf9f9ecc3684718

I need to run fsck daily to prevent FS going worse. Fortunately , there is no corrputed files in mongodb to now.

/fsck-fs Wed Nov 8 03:19:47 PM CST 2023 mongod: no process found umount: /data: not mounted. mounting version 1.3: rebalance_work opts=compression=lz4,degraded,fsck,fix_errors=yes recovering from clean shutdown, journal seq 5576914 journal read done, replaying entries 5576914-5576914 alloc_read... done stripes_read... done snapshots_read... done check_allocations... done journal_replay... done check_alloc_info... done check_lrus... done check_btree_backpointers... done check_backpointers_to_extents... done check_extents_to_backpointers... done check_alloc_to_lru_refs... done check_snapshot_trees... done check_snapshots... done check_subvols... done delete_dead_snapshots... done resume_logged_ops... done check_inodes... done check_extents...inode 1073743164:4294966925 has incorrect i_sectors: got 5655, should be 5463, fixing going read-write inode 1610612784:4294966163 has incorrect i_sectors: got 2471384, should be 2471312, fixing inode 1610612784:4294966165 has incorrect i_sectors: got 2471384, should be 2471312, fixing inode 1610612784:4294966167 has incorrect i_sectors: got 2472376, should be 2472304, fixing inode 1610612784:4294966169 has incorrect i_sectors: got 2472376, should be 2472304, fixing inode 1610612784:4294966171 has incorrect i_sectors: got 2472376, should be 2472304, fixing inode 1610612784:4294966175 has incorrect i_sectors: got 2472376, should be 2472304, fixing inode 1610612784:4294966177 has incorrect i_sectors: got 2472376, should be 2472304, fixing inode 1610612784:4294966179 has incorrect i_sectors: got 2471384, should be 2471312, fixing inode 1610612784:4294966181 has incorrect i_sectors: got 2471384, should be 2471312, fixing inode 1610612784:4294966183 has incorrect i_sectors: got 2471384, should be 2471312, fixing inode 1610612784:4294966185 has incorrect i_sectors: got 2471384, should be 2471312, fixing inode 1610612784:4294966187 has incorrect i_sectors: got 2471384, should be 2471312, fixing inode 1610612784:4294966189 has incorrect i_sectors: got 2471384, should be 2471312, fixing inode 1610612784:4294966195 has incorrect i_sectors: got 2477656, should be 2477584, fixing inode 1610612784:4294966197 has incorrect i_sectors: got 2477656, should be 2477584, fixing inode 1610612784:4294966199 has incorrect i_sectors: got 2477656, should be 2477584, fixing inode 1610612784:4294966201 has incorrect i_sectors: got 2477656, should be 2477584, fixing inode 1610612784:4294966203 has incorrect i_sectors: got 2471384, should be 2471312, fixing inode 1610612784:4294966205 has incorrect i_sectors: got 2471384, should be 2471312, fixing inode 1610612784:4294966207 has incorrect i_sectors: got 2471384, should be 2471312, fixing inode 1610612784:4294966209 has incorrect i_sectors: got 2471384, should be 2471312, fixing inode 1610612784:4294966211 has incorrect i_sectors: got 2471384, should be 2471312, fixing inode 1610612784:4294966213 has incorrect i_sectors: got 2471384, should be 2471312, fixing inode 1610612784:4294966215 has incorrect i_sectors: got 2471504, should be 2471432, fixing inode 1610612784:4294966217 has incorrect i_sectors: got 2471504, should be 2471432, fixing inode 1610612784:4294966219 has incorrect i_sectors: got 2471504, should be 2471432, fixing inode 1610612784:4294966221 has incorrect i_sectors: got 2471504, should be 2471432, fixing inode 1610612784:4294966223 has incorrect i_sectors: got 2471504, should be 2471432, fixing inode 1610612784:4294966225 has incorrect i_sectors: got 2471504, should be 2471432, fixing inode 1610612784:4294966227 has incorrect i_sectors: got 2461448, should be 2461376, fixing inode 1610612784:4294966229 has incorrect i_sectors: got 2461448, should be 2461376, fixing inode 1610612784:4294966231 has incorrect i_sectors: got 2461448, should be 2461376, fixing inode 1610612784:4294966233 has incorrect i_sectors: got 2461448, should be 2461376, fixing inode 1610612784:4294966235 has incorrect i_sectors: got 2461448, should be 2461376, fixing inode 1610612784:4294966237 has incorrect i_sectors: got 2461448, should be 2461376, fixing inode 1610612784:4294966239 has incorrect i_sectors: got 2461448, should be 2461376, fixing inode 1610612784:4294966241 has incorrect i_sectors: got 2461448, should be 2461376, fixing inode 1610612784:4294966243 has incorrect i_sectors: got 2461448, should be 2461376, fixing inode 1610612784:4294966249 has incorrect i_sectors: got 2463840, should be 2463768, fixing inode 1610612784:4294966261 has incorrect i_sectors: got 2463840, should be 2463768, fixing inode 1610612784:4294966273 has incorrect i_sectors: got 2463840, should be 2463768, fixing inode 1610612784:4294966285 has incorrect i_sectors: got 2463840, should be 2463768, fixing inode 1610612784:4294966293 has incorrect i_sectors: got 2461448, should be 2461376, fixing inode 1610612784:4294966297 has incorrect i_sectors: got 2463664, should be 2463592, fixing inode 1610612784:4294966303 has incorrect i_sectors: got 2463664, should be 2463592, fixing inode 1610612784:4294966309 has incorrect i_sectors: got 2463664, should be 2463592, fixing inode 1610612784:4294966331 has incorrect i_sectors: got 2463664, should be 2463592, fixing inode 1610612784:4294966333 has incorrect i_sectors: got 2463664, should be 2463592, fixing inode 1610612784:4294966341 has incorrect i_sectors: got 2461448, should be 2461400, fixing inode 1610612784:4294966343 has incorrect i_sectors: got 2461448, should be 2461400, fixing inode 1610612784:4294966347 has incorrect i_sectors: got 2461560, should be 2461512, fixing inode 1610612784:4294966357 has incorrect i_sectors: got 2461104, should be 2461056, fixing inode 1610612784:4294966359 has incorrect i_sectors: got 2461104, should be 2461056, fixing inode 1610612784:4294966371 has incorrect i_sectors: got 2462320, should be 2462272, fixing inode 1610612784:4294966383 has incorrect i_sectors: got 2462320, should be 2462272, fixing inode 1610612784:4294966395 has incorrect i_sectors: got 2462320, should be 2462272, fixing inode 1610612784:4294966399 has incorrect i_sectors: got 2462344, should be 2462296, fixing inode 1610612784:4294966401 has incorrect i_sectors: got 2462344, should be 2462296, fixing inode 1610612784:4294966403 has incorrect i_sectors: got 2462344, should be 2462296, fixing inode 1610612784:4294966405 has incorrect i_sectors: got 2462344, should be 2462296, fixing inode 1610612784:4294966407 has incorrect i_sectors: got 2462344, should be 2462296, fixing inode 1610612784:4294966409 has incorrect i_sectors: got 2462992, should be 2462944, fixing inode 1610612784:4294966411 has incorrect i_sectors: got 2462992, should be 2462944, fixing inode 1610612784:4294966413 has incorrect i_sectors: got 2462992, should be 2462944, fixing inode 1610612784:4294966415 has incorrect i_sectors: got 2462992, should be 2462944, fixing inode 1610612784:4294966417 has incorrect i_sectors: got 2462992, should be 2462944, fixing inode 1610612784:4294966419 has incorrect i_sectors: got 2462992, should be 2462944, fixing inode 1610612784:4294966421 has incorrect i_sectors: got 2463000, should be 2462952, fixing inode 1610612784:4294966423 has incorrect i_sectors: got 2463000, should be 2462952, fixing inode 1610612784:4294966425 has incorrect i_sectors: got 2463000, should be 2462952, fixing inode 1610612784:4294966427 has incorrect i_sectors: got 2463000, should be 2462952, fixing inode 1610612784:4294966429 has incorrect i_sectors: got 2463000, should be 2462952, fixing inode 1610612784:4294966431 has incorrect i_sectors: got 2463000, should be 2462952, fixing inode 1610612784:4294966433 has incorrect i_sectors: got 2464712, should be 2464664, fixing inode 1610612784:4294966435 has incorrect i_sectors: got 2464712, should be 2464664, fixing inode 1610612784:4294966437 has incorrect i_sectors: got 2464712, should be 2464664, fixing inode 1610612784:4294966439 has incorrect i_sectors: got 2464712, should be 2464664, fixing inode 1610612784:4294966441 has incorrect i_sectors: got 2464712, should be 2464664, fixing inode 1610612784:4294966443 has incorrect i_sectors: got 2464712, should be 2464664, fixing inode 1610612784:4294966445 has incorrect i_sectors: got 2466016, should be 2465968, fixing inode 1610612784:4294966447 has incorrect i_sectors: got 2466016, should be 2465968, fixing inode 1610612784:4294966449 has incorrect i_sectors: got 2466016, should be 2465968, fixing inode 1610612784:4294966451 has incorrect i_sectors: got 2466016, should be 2465968, fixing inode 1610612784:4294966453 has incorrect i_sectors: got 2466016, should be 2465968, fixing inode 1610612784:4294966455 has incorrect i_sectors: got 2466016, should be 2465968, fixing inode 1610612784:4294966457 has incorrect i_sectors: got 2466016, should be 2465968, fixing inode 1610612784:4294966459 has incorrect i_sectors: got 2466016, should be 2465968, fixing inode 1610612784:4294966461 has incorrect i_sectors: got 2466016, should be 2465968, fixing inode 1610612784:4294966463 has incorrect i_sectors: got 2466016, should be 2465968, fixing inode 1610612784:4294966465 has incorrect i_sectors: got 2466016, should be 2465968, fixing inode 1610612784:4294966467 has incorrect i_sectors: got 2466016, should be 2465968, fixing inode 1610612784:4294966469 has incorrect i_sectors: got 2466112, should be 2466064, fixing inode 1610612784:4294966471 has incorrect i_sectors: got 2466112, should be 2466064, fixing inode 1610612784:4294966473 has incorrect i_sectors: got 2466112, should be 2466064, fixing inode 1610612784:4294966475 has incorrect i_sectors: got 2466112, should be 2466064, fixing inode 1610612784:4294966479 has incorrect i_sectors: got 2466136, should be 2466088, fixing inode 1610612784:4294966487 has incorrect i_sectors: got 2466136, should be 2466088, fixing inode 1610612784:4294966489 has incorrect i_sectors: got 2466136, should be 2466088, fixing inode 1610612784:4294966491 has incorrect i_sectors: got 2466136, should be 2466088, fixing inode 1610612784:4294966493 has incorrect i_sectors: got 2466272, should be 2466224, fixing inode 1610612784:4294966495 has incorrect i_sectors: got 2466272, should be 2466224, fixing inode 1610612784:4294966497 has incorrect i_sectors: got 2466272, should be 2466224, fixing inode 1610612784:4294966499 has incorrect i_sectors: got 2466272, should be 2466224, fixing inode 1610612784:4294966501 has incorrect i_sectors: got 2466272, should be 2466224, fixing inode 1610612784:4294966503 has incorrect i_sectors: got 2466272, should be 2466224, fixing inode 1610612784:4294966505 has incorrect i_sectors: got 2457800, should be 2457752, fixing inode 1610612784:4294966507 has incorrect i_sectors: got 2457800, should be 2457752, fixing inode 1610612784:4294966509 has incorrect i_sectors: got 2457800, should be 2457752, fixing inode 1610612784:4294966511 has incorrect i_sectors: got 2457824, should be 2457776, fixing inode 1610612784:4294966513 has incorrect i_sectors: got 2457824, should be 2457776, fixing inode 1610612784:4294966515 has incorrect i_sectors: got 2457824, should be 2457776, fixing inode 1610612784:4294966517 has incorrect i_sectors: got 2454736, should be 2454688, fixing inode 1610612784:4294966519 has incorrect i_sectors: got 2454736, should be 2454688, fixing inode 1610612784:4294966523 has incorrect i_sectors: got 2454800, should be 2454752, fixing inode 1610612784:4294966527 has incorrect i_sectors: got 2454800, should be 2454752, fixing inode 1610612784:4294966529 has incorrect i_sectors: got 2454800, should be 2454752, fixing inode 1610612784:4294966531 has incorrect i_sectors: got 2454800, should be 2454752, fixing inode 1610612784:4294966533 has incorrect i_sectors: got 2454800, should be 2454752, fixing inode 1610612784:4294966535 has incorrect i_sectors: got 2454800, should be 2454752, fixing inode 1610612784:4294966537 has incorrect i_sectors: got 2454800, should be 2454752, fixing inode 1610612784:4294966539 has incorrect i_sectors: got 2461696, should be 2461648, fixing inode 1610612784:4294966547 has incorrect i_sectors: got 2461696, should be 2461648, fixing inode 1610612784:4294966551 has incorrect i_sectors: got 2461696, should be 2461648, fixing inode 1610612784:4294966559 has incorrect i_sectors: got 2454800, should be 2454752, fixing inode 1610612784:4294966563 has incorrect i_sectors: got 2454800, should be 2454752, fixing inode 1610612784:4294966573 has incorrect i_sectors: got 2454800, should be 2454752, fixing inode 1610612784:4294966575 has incorrect i_sectors: got 2454800, should be 2454752, fixing inode 1610612784:4294966579 has incorrect i_sectors: got 2454800, should be 2454752, fixing inode 1610612784:4294966585 has incorrect i_sectors: got 2454800, should be 2454752, fixing inode 1610612784:4294966587 has incorrect i_sectors: got 2454800, should be 2454752, fixing inode 1610612784:4294966599 has incorrect i_sectors: got 2454800, should be 2454752, fixing inode 1610612784:4294966605 has incorrect i_sectors: got 2454800, should be 2454752, fixing inode 1610612784:4294966607 has incorrect i_sectors: got 2455968, should be 2455920, fixing inode 1610612784:4294966617 has incorrect i_sectors: got 2455968, should be 2455920, fixing inode 1610612784:4294966623 has incorrect i_sectors: got 2455968, should be 2455920, fixing inode 1610612784:4294966627 has incorrect i_sectors: got 2454800, should be 2454752, fixing inode 1610612784:4294966629 has incorrect i_sectors: got 2454800, should be 2454752, fixing inode 1610612784:4294966637 has incorrect i_sectors: got 2454800, should be 2454752, fixing inode 1610612784:4294966645 has incorrect i_sectors: got 2454800, should be 2454752, fixing inode 1610612784:4294966647 has incorrect i_sectors: got 2454800, should be 2454752, fixing inode 1610612784:4294966649 has incorrect i_sectors: got 2454800, should be 2454752, fixing inode 1610612784:4294966651 has incorrect i_sectors: got 2454800, should be 2454752, fixing inode 1610612784:4294966653 has incorrect i_sectors: got 2454800, should be 2454752, fixing inode 1610612784:4294966655 has incorrect i_sectors: got 2454800, should be 2454752, fixing inode 1610612784:4294966657 has incorrect i_sectors: got 2454800, should be 2454752, fixing inode 1610612784:4294966659 has incorrect i_sectors: got 2454800, should be 2454752, fixing inode 1610612784:4294966661 has incorrect i_sectors: got 2454800, should be 2454752, fixing inode 1610612784:4294966663 has incorrect i_sectors: got 2454800, should be 2454752, fixing inode 1610612784:4294966665 has incorrect i_sectors: got 2454800, should be 2454752, fixing inode 1610612784:4294966667 has incorrect i_sectors: got 2454800, should be 2454752, fixing inode 1610612784:4294966671 has incorrect i_sectors: got 2454800, should be 2454752, fixing inode 1610612784:4294966673 has incorrect i_sectors: got 2454800, should be 2454752, fixing inode 1610612784:4294966677 has incorrect i_sectors: got 2454800, should be 2454752, fixing inode 1610612784:4294966679 has incorrect i_sectors: got 2454800, should be 2454752, fixing inode 1610612784:4294966681 has incorrect i_sectors: got 2454800, should be 2454752, fixing inode 1610612784:4294966683 has incorrect i_sectors: got 2454800, should be 2454752, fixing inode 1610612784:4294966685 has incorrect i_sectors: got 2454800, should be 2454752, fixing inode 1610612784:4294966687 has incorrect i_sectors: got 2454800, should be 2454752, fixing inode 1610612784:4294966689 has incorrect i_sectors: got 2454800, should be 2454752, fixing inode 1610612784:4294966691 has incorrect i_sectors: got 2454800, should be 2454752, fixing inode 1610612784:4294966693 has incorrect i_sectors: got 2454800, should be 2454752, fixing inode 1610612784:4294966695 has incorrect i_sectors: got 2454880, should be 2454832, fixing inode 1610612784:4294966697 has incorrect i_sectors: got 2454880, should be 2454832, fixing inode 1610612784:4294966699 has incorrect i_sectors: got 2454880, should be 2454832, fixing inode 1610612784:4294966701 has incorrect i_sectors: got 2448888, should be 2448840, fixing inode 1610612784:4294966703 has incorrect i_sectors: got 2448888, should be 2448840, fixing inode 1610612784:4294966705 has incorrect i_sectors: got 2448888, should be 2448840, fixing inode 1610612784:4294966707 has incorrect i_sectors: got 2448888, should be 2448840, fixing inode 1610612784:4294966709 has incorrect i_sectors: got 2448888, should be 2448840, fixing inode 1610612784:4294966711 has incorrect i_sectors: got 2448888, should be 2448840, fixing inode 1610612784:4294966713 has incorrect i_sectors: got 2448888, should be 2448840, fixing inode 1610612784:4294966715 has incorrect i_sectors: got 2448888, should be 2448840, fixing inode 1610612784:4294966717 has incorrect i_sectors: got 2448888, should be 2448840, fixing inode 1610612784:4294966719 has incorrect i_sectors: got 2448888, should be 2448840, fixing inode 1610612784:4294966721 has incorrect i_sectors: got 2442696, should be 2442648, fixing inode 1610612784:4294966723 has incorrect i_sectors: got 2442696, should be 2442648, fixing inode 1610612784:4294966725 has incorrect i_sectors: got 2442696, should be 2442648, fixing inode 1610612784:4294966727 has incorrect i_sectors: got 2442768, should be 2442720, fixing inode 1610612784:4294966729 has incorrect i_sectors: got 2442768, should be 2442720, fixing inode 1610612784:4294966731 has incorrect i_sectors: got 2442768, should be 2442720, fixing inode 1610612784:4294966733 has incorrect i_sectors: got 2443048, should be 2443000, fixing inode 1610612784:4294966735 has incorrect i_sectors: got 2443048, should be 2443000, fixing inode 1610612784:4294966737 has incorrect i_sectors: got 2443048, should be 2443000, fixing inode 1610612784:4294966739 has incorrect i_sectors: got 2443048, should be 2443000, fixing inode 1610612784:4294966741 has incorrect i_sectors: got 2443048, should be 2443000, fixing inode 1610612784:4294966743 has incorrect i_sectors: got 2443048, should be 2443000, fixing inode 1610612784:4294966925 has incorrect i_sectors: got 2431032, should be 2431016, fixing done check_indirect_extents... done check_dirents... done check_xattrs... done check_root... done check_directory_structure... done check_nlinks... done delete_dead_inodes... done 0x55ef05910520g: errors fixed about to fork child process, waiting until server is ready for connections. forked process: 1265609 child process started successfully, parent exiting

Here is the FS dump https://1drv.ms/u/s!Ao8p2C5olADnhkfCYKD74PeTQDCM?e=9X5O7q

— Reply to this email directly, view it on GitHub https://github.com/koverstreet/bcachefs/issues/588#issuecomment-1805351767, or unsubscribe https://github.com/notifications/unsubscribe-auth/AAPGX3WY5NS7SMGSPAINHMDYDXVNVAVCNFSM6AAAAAA4EAZBHSVHI2DSMVQWIX3LMV43OSLTON2WKQ3PNVWWK3TUHMYTQMBVGM2TCNZWG4 . You are receiving this because you commented.Message ID: @.***>

bhzhu203 commented 10 months ago

Just seeing incorrect i_sectors now? On Fri, Nov 10, 2023 at 4:09 AM bhzhu203 @.*> wrote: got more info? kernel version 07e4a9f <07e4a9f> Tools 13a94807226ac778489a1c2c8cf9f9ecc3684718 I need to run fsck daily to prevent FS going worse. Fortunately , there is no corrputed files in mongodb to now. /fsck-fs Wed Nov 8 03:19:47 PM CST 2023 mongod: no process found umount: /data: not mounted. mounting version 1.3: rebalance_work opts=compression=lz4,degraded,fsck,fix_errors=yes recovering from clean shutdown, journal seq 5576914 journal read done, replaying entries 5576914-5576914 alloc_read... done stripes_read... done snapshots_read... done check_allocations... done journal_replay... done check_alloc_info... done check_lrus... done check_btree_backpointers... done check_backpointers_to_extents... done check_extents_to_backpointers... done check_alloc_to_lru_refs... done check_snapshot_trees... done check_snapshots... done check_subvols... done delete_dead_snapshots... done resume_logged_ops... done check_inodes... done check_extents...inode 1073743164:4294966925 has incorrect i_sectors: got 5655, should be 5463, fixing going read-write inode 1610612784:4294966163 has incorrect i_sectors: got 2471384, should be 2471312, fixing inode 1610612784:4294966165 has incorrect i_sectors: got 2471384, should be 2471312, fixing inode 1610612784:4294966167 has incorrect i_sectors: got 2472376, should be 2472304, fixing inode 1610612784:4294966169 has incorrect i_sectors: got 2472376, should be 2472304, fixing inode 1610612784:4294966171 has incorrect i_sectors: got 2472376, should be 2472304, fixing inode 1610612784:4294966175 has incorrect i_sectors: got 2472376, should be 2472304, fixing inode 1610612784:4294966177 has incorrect i_sectors: got 2472376, should be 2472304, fixing inode 1610612784:4294966179 has incorrect i_sectors: got 2471384, should be 2471312, fixing inode 1610612784:4294966181 has incorrect i_sectors: got 2471384, should be 2471312, fixing inode 1610612784:4294966183 has incorrect i_sectors: got 2471384, should be 2471312, fixing inode 1610612784:4294966185 has incorrect i_sectors: got 2471384, should be 2471312, fixing inode 1610612784:4294966187 has incorrect i_sectors: got 2471384, should be 2471312, fixing inode 1610612784:4294966189 has incorrect i_sectors: got 2471384, should be 2471312, fixing inode 1610612784:4294966195 has incorrect i_sectors: got 2477656, should be 2477584, fixing inode 1610612784:4294966197 has incorrect i_sectors: got 2477656, should be 2477584, fixing inode 1610612784:4294966199 has incorrect i_sectors: got 2477656, should be 2477584, fixing inode 1610612784:4294966201 has incorrect i_sectors: got 2477656, should be 2477584, fixing inode 1610612784:4294966203 has incorrect i_sectors: got 2471384, should be 2471312, fixing inode 1610612784:4294966205 has incorrect i_sectors: got 2471384, should be 2471312, fixing inode 1610612784:4294966207 has incorrect i_sectors: got 2471384, should be 2471312, fixing inode 1610612784:4294966209 has incorrect i_sectors: got 2471384, should be 2471312, fixing inode 1610612784:4294966211 has incorrect i_sectors: got 2471384, should be 2471312, fixing inode 1610612784:4294966213 has incorrect i_sectors: got 2471384, should be 2471312, fixing inode 1610612784:4294966215 has incorrect i_sectors: got 2471504, should be 2471432, fixing inode 1610612784:4294966217 has incorrect i_sectors: got 2471504, should be 2471432, fixing inode 1610612784:4294966219 has incorrect i_sectors: got 2471504, should be 2471432, fixing inode 1610612784:4294966221 has incorrect i_sectors: got 2471504, should be 2471432, fixing inode 1610612784:4294966223 has incorrect i_sectors: got 2471504, should be 2471432, fixing inode 1610612784:4294966225 has incorrect i_sectors: got 2471504, should be 2471432, fixing inode 1610612784:4294966227 has incorrect i_sectors: got 2461448, should be 2461376, fixing inode 1610612784:4294966229 has incorrect i_sectors: got 2461448, should be 2461376, fixing inode 1610612784:4294966231 has incorrect i_sectors: got 2461448, should be 2461376, fixing inode 1610612784:4294966233 has incorrect i_sectors: got 2461448, should be 2461376, fixing inode 1610612784:4294966235 has incorrect i_sectors: got 2461448, should be 2461376, fixing inode 1610612784:4294966237 has incorrect i_sectors: got 2461448, should be 2461376, fixing inode 1610612784:4294966239 has incorrect i_sectors: got 2461448, should be 2461376, fixing inode 1610612784:4294966241 has incorrect i_sectors: got 2461448, should be 2461376, fixing inode 1610612784:4294966243 has incorrect i_sectors: got 2461448, should be 2461376, fixing inode 1610612784:4294966249 has incorrect i_sectors: got 2463840, should be 2463768, fixing inode 1610612784:4294966261 has incorrect i_sectors: got 2463840, should be 2463768, fixing inode 1610612784:4294966273 has incorrect i_sectors: got 2463840, should be 2463768, fixing inode 1610612784:4294966285 has incorrect i_sectors: got 2463840, should be 2463768, fixing inode 1610612784:4294966293 has incorrect i_sectors: got 2461448, should be 2461376, fixing inode 1610612784:4294966297 has incorrect i_sectors: got 2463664, should be 2463592, fixing inode 1610612784:4294966303 has incorrect i_sectors: got 2463664, should be 2463592, fixing inode 1610612784:4294966309 has incorrect i_sectors: got 2463664, should be 2463592, fixing inode 1610612784:4294966331 has incorrect i_sectors: got 2463664, should be 2463592, fixing inode 1610612784:4294966333 has incorrect i_sectors: got 2463664, should be 2463592, fixing inode 1610612784:4294966341 has incorrect i_sectors: got 2461448, should be 2461400, fixing inode 1610612784:4294966343 has incorrect i_sectors: got 2461448, should be 2461400, fixing inode 1610612784:4294966347 has incorrect i_sectors: got 2461560, should be 2461512, fixing inode 1610612784:4294966357 has incorrect i_sectors: got 2461104, should be 2461056, fixing inode 1610612784:4294966359 has incorrect i_sectors: got 2461104, should be 2461056, fixing inode 1610612784:4294966371 has incorrect i_sectors: got 2462320, should be 2462272, fixing inode 1610612784:4294966383 has incorrect i_sectors: got 2462320, should be 2462272, fixing inode 1610612784:4294966395 has incorrect i_sectors: got 2462320, should be 2462272, fixing inode 1610612784:4294966399 has incorrect i_sectors: got 2462344, should be 2462296, fixing inode 1610612784:4294966401 has incorrect i_sectors: got 2462344, should be 2462296, fixing inode 1610612784:4294966403 has incorrect i_sectors: got 2462344, should be 2462296, fixing inode 1610612784:4294966405 has incorrect i_sectors: got 2462344, should be 2462296, fixing inode 1610612784:4294966407 has incorrect i_sectors: got 2462344, should be 2462296, fixing inode 1610612784:4294966409 has incorrect i_sectors: got 2462992, should be 2462944, fixing inode 1610612784:4294966411 has incorrect i_sectors: got 2462992, should be 2462944, fixing inode 1610612784:4294966413 has incorrect i_sectors: got 2462992, should be 2462944, fixing inode 1610612784:4294966415 has incorrect i_sectors: got 2462992, should be 2462944, fixing inode 1610612784:4294966417 has incorrect i_sectors: got 2462992, should be 2462944, fixing inode 1610612784:4294966419 has incorrect i_sectors: got 2462992, should be 2462944, fixing inode 1610612784:4294966421 has incorrect i_sectors: got 2463000, should be 2462952, fixing inode 1610612784:4294966423 has incorrect i_sectors: got 2463000, should be 2462952, fixing inode 1610612784:4294966425 has incorrect i_sectors: got 2463000, should be 2462952, fixing inode 1610612784:4294966427 has incorrect i_sectors: got 2463000, should be 2462952, fixing inode 1610612784:4294966429 has incorrect i_sectors: got 2463000, should be 2462952, fixing inode 1610612784:4294966431 has incorrect i_sectors: got 2463000, should be 2462952, fixing inode 1610612784:4294966433 has incorrect i_sectors: got 2464712, should be 2464664, fixing inode 1610612784:4294966435 has incorrect i_sectors: got 2464712, should be 2464664, fixing inode 1610612784:4294966437 has incorrect i_sectors: got 2464712, should be 2464664, fixing inode 1610612784:4294966439 has incorrect i_sectors: got 2464712, should be 2464664, fixing inode 1610612784:4294966441 has incorrect i_sectors: got 2464712, should be 2464664, fixing inode 1610612784:4294966443 has incorrect i_sectors: got 2464712, should be 2464664, fixing inode 1610612784:4294966445 has incorrect i_sectors: got 2466016, should be 2465968, fixing inode 1610612784:4294966447 has incorrect i_sectors: got 2466016, should be 2465968, fixing inode 1610612784:4294966449 has incorrect i_sectors: got 2466016, should be 2465968, fixing inode 1610612784:4294966451 has incorrect i_sectors: got 2466016, should be 2465968, fixing inode 1610612784:4294966453 has incorrect i_sectors: got 2466016, should be 2465968, fixing inode 1610612784:4294966455 has incorrect i_sectors: got 2466016, should be 2465968, fixing inode 1610612784:4294966457 has incorrect i_sectors: got 2466016, should be 2465968, fixing inode 1610612784:4294966459 has incorrect i_sectors: got 2466016, should be 2465968, fixing inode 1610612784:4294966461 has incorrect i_sectors: got 2466016, should be 2465968, fixing inode 1610612784:4294966463 has incorrect i_sectors: got 2466016, should be 2465968, fixing inode 1610612784:4294966465 has incorrect i_sectors: got 2466016, should be 2465968, fixing inode 1610612784:4294966467 has incorrect i_sectors: got 2466016, should be 2465968, fixing inode 1610612784:4294966469 has incorrect i_sectors: got 2466112, should be 2466064, fixing inode 1610612784:4294966471 has incorrect i_sectors: got 2466112, should be 2466064, fixing inode 1610612784:4294966473 has incorrect i_sectors: got 2466112, should be 2466064, fixing inode 1610612784:4294966475 has incorrect i_sectors: got 2466112, should be 2466064, fixing inode 1610612784:4294966479 has incorrect i_sectors: got 2466136, should be 2466088, fixing inode 1610612784:4294966487 has incorrect i_sectors: got 2466136, should be 2466088, fixing inode 1610612784:4294966489 has incorrect i_sectors: got 2466136, should be 2466088, fixing inode 1610612784:4294966491 has incorrect i_sectors: got 2466136, should be 2466088, fixing inode 1610612784:4294966493 has incorrect i_sectors: got 2466272, should be 2466224, fixing inode 1610612784:4294966495 has incorrect i_sectors: got 2466272, should be 2466224, fixing inode 1610612784:4294966497 has incorrect i_sectors: got 2466272, should be 2466224, fixing inode 1610612784:4294966499 has incorrect i_sectors: got 2466272, should be 2466224, fixing inode 1610612784:4294966501 has incorrect i_sectors: got 2466272, should be 2466224, fixing inode 1610612784:4294966503 has incorrect i_sectors: got 2466272, should be 2466224, fixing inode 1610612784:4294966505 has incorrect i_sectors: got 2457800, should be 2457752, fixing inode 1610612784:4294966507 has incorrect i_sectors: got 2457800, should be 2457752, fixing inode 1610612784:4294966509 has incorrect i_sectors: got 2457800, should be 2457752, fixing inode 1610612784:4294966511 has incorrect i_sectors: got 2457824, should be 2457776, fixing inode 1610612784:4294966513 has incorrect i_sectors: got 2457824, should be 2457776, fixing inode 1610612784:4294966515 has incorrect i_sectors: got 2457824, should be 2457776, fixing inode 1610612784:4294966517 has incorrect i_sectors: got 2454736, should be 2454688, fixing inode 1610612784:4294966519 has incorrect i_sectors: got 2454736, should be 2454688, fixing inode 1610612784:4294966523 has incorrect i_sectors: got 2454800, should be 2454752, fixing inode 1610612784:4294966527 has incorrect i_sectors: got 2454800, should be 2454752, fixing inode 1610612784:4294966529 has incorrect i_sectors: got 2454800, should be 2454752, fixing inode 1610612784:4294966531 has incorrect i_sectors: got 2454800, should be 2454752, fixing inode 1610612784:4294966533 has incorrect i_sectors: got 2454800, should be 2454752, fixing inode 1610612784:4294966535 has incorrect i_sectors: got 2454800, should be 2454752, fixing inode 1610612784:4294966537 has incorrect i_sectors: got 2454800, should be 2454752, fixing inode 1610612784:4294966539 has incorrect i_sectors: got 2461696, should be 2461648, fixing inode 1610612784:4294966547 has incorrect i_sectors: got 2461696, should be 2461648, fixing inode 1610612784:4294966551 has incorrect i_sectors: got 2461696, should be 2461648, fixing inode 1610612784:4294966559 has incorrect i_sectors: got 2454800, should be 2454752, fixing inode 1610612784:4294966563 has incorrect i_sectors: got 2454800, should be 2454752, fixing inode 1610612784:4294966573 has incorrect i_sectors: got 2454800, should be 2454752, fixing inode 1610612784:4294966575 has incorrect i_sectors: got 2454800, should be 2454752, fixing inode 1610612784:4294966579 has incorrect i_sectors: got 2454800, should be 2454752, fixing inode 1610612784:4294966585 has incorrect i_sectors: got 2454800, should be 2454752, fixing inode 1610612784:4294966587 has incorrect i_sectors: got 2454800, should be 2454752, fixing inode 1610612784:4294966599 has incorrect i_sectors: got 2454800, should be 2454752, fixing inode 1610612784:4294966605 has incorrect i_sectors: got 2454800, should be 2454752, fixing inode 1610612784:4294966607 has incorrect i_sectors: got 2455968, should be 2455920, fixing inode 1610612784:4294966617 has incorrect i_sectors: got 2455968, should be 2455920, fixing inode 1610612784:4294966623 has incorrect i_sectors: got 2455968, should be 2455920, fixing inode 1610612784:4294966627 has incorrect i_sectors: got 2454800, should be 2454752, fixing inode 1610612784:4294966629 has incorrect i_sectors: got 2454800, should be 2454752, fixing inode 1610612784:4294966637 has incorrect i_sectors: got 2454800, should be 2454752, fixing inode 1610612784:4294966645 has incorrect i_sectors: got 2454800, should be 2454752, fixing inode 1610612784:4294966647 has incorrect i_sectors: got 2454800, should be 2454752, fixing inode 1610612784:4294966649 has incorrect i_sectors: got 2454800, should be 2454752, fixing inode 1610612784:4294966651 has incorrect i_sectors: got 2454800, should be 2454752, fixing inode 1610612784:4294966653 has incorrect i_sectors: got 2454800, should be 2454752, fixing inode 1610612784:4294966655 has incorrect i_sectors: got 2454800, should be 2454752, fixing inode 1610612784:4294966657 has incorrect i_sectors: got 2454800, should be 2454752, fixing inode 1610612784:4294966659 has incorrect i_sectors: got 2454800, should be 2454752, fixing inode 1610612784:4294966661 has incorrect i_sectors: got 2454800, should be 2454752, fixing inode 1610612784:4294966663 has incorrect i_sectors: got 2454800, should be 2454752, fixing inode 1610612784:4294966665 has incorrect i_sectors: got 2454800, should be 2454752, fixing inode 1610612784:4294966667 has incorrect i_sectors: got 2454800, should be 2454752, fixing inode 1610612784:4294966671 has incorrect i_sectors: got 2454800, should be 2454752, fixing inode 1610612784:4294966673 has incorrect i_sectors: got 2454800, should be 2454752, fixing inode 1610612784:4294966677 has incorrect i_sectors: got 2454800, should be 2454752, fixing inode 1610612784:4294966679 has incorrect i_sectors: got 2454800, should be 2454752, fixing inode 1610612784:4294966681 has incorrect i_sectors: got 2454800, should be 2454752, fixing inode 1610612784:4294966683 has incorrect i_sectors: got 2454800, should be 2454752, fixing inode 1610612784:4294966685 has incorrect i_sectors: got 2454800, should be 2454752, fixing inode 1610612784:4294966687 has incorrect i_sectors: got 2454800, should be 2454752, fixing inode 1610612784:4294966689 has incorrect i_sectors: got 2454800, should be 2454752, fixing inode 1610612784:4294966691 has incorrect i_sectors: got 2454800, should be 2454752, fixing inode 1610612784:4294966693 has incorrect i_sectors: got 2454800, should be 2454752, fixing inode 1610612784:4294966695 has incorrect i_sectors: got 2454880, should be 2454832, fixing inode 1610612784:4294966697 has incorrect i_sectors: got 2454880, should be 2454832, fixing inode 1610612784:4294966699 has incorrect i_sectors: got 2454880, should be 2454832, fixing inode 1610612784:4294966701 has incorrect i_sectors: got 2448888, should be 2448840, fixing inode 1610612784:4294966703 has incorrect i_sectors: got 2448888, should be 2448840, fixing inode 1610612784:4294966705 has incorrect i_sectors: got 2448888, should be 2448840, fixing inode 1610612784:4294966707 has incorrect i_sectors: got 2448888, should be 2448840, fixing inode 1610612784:4294966709 has incorrect i_sectors: got 2448888, should be 2448840, fixing inode 1610612784:4294966711 has incorrect i_sectors: got 2448888, should be 2448840, fixing inode 1610612784:4294966713 has incorrect i_sectors: got 2448888, should be 2448840, fixing inode 1610612784:4294966715 has incorrect i_sectors: got 2448888, should be 2448840, fixing inode 1610612784:4294966717 has incorrect i_sectors: got 2448888, should be 2448840, fixing inode 1610612784:4294966719 has incorrect i_sectors: got 2448888, should be 2448840, fixing inode 1610612784:4294966721 has incorrect i_sectors: got 2442696, should be 2442648, fixing inode 1610612784:4294966723 has incorrect i_sectors: got 2442696, should be 2442648, fixing inode 1610612784:4294966725 has incorrect i_sectors: got 2442696, should be 2442648, fixing inode 1610612784:4294966727 has incorrect i_sectors: got 2442768, should be 2442720, fixing inode 1610612784:4294966729 has incorrect i_sectors: got 2442768, should be 2442720, fixing inode 1610612784:4294966731 has incorrect i_sectors: got 2442768, should be 2442720, fixing inode 1610612784:4294966733 has incorrect i_sectors: got 2443048, should be 2443000, fixing inode 1610612784:4294966735 has incorrect i_sectors: got 2443048, should be 2443000, fixing inode 1610612784:4294966737 has incorrect i_sectors: got 2443048, should be 2443000, fixing inode 1610612784:4294966739 has incorrect i_sectors: got 2443048, should be 2443000, fixing inode 1610612784:4294966741 has incorrect i_sectors: got 2443048, should be 2443000, fixing inode 1610612784:4294966743 has incorrect i_sectors: got 2443048, should be 2443000, fixing inode 1610612784:4294966925 has incorrect i_sectors: got 2431032, should be 2431016, fixing done check_indirect_extents... done check_dirents... done check_xattrs... done check_root... done check_directory_structure... done check_nlinks... done delete_dead_inodes... done 0x55ef05910520g: errors fixed about to fork child process, waiting until server is ready for connections. forked process: 1265609 child process started successfully, parent exiting Here is the FS dump https://1drv.ms/u/s!Ao8p2C5olADnhkfCYKD74PeTQDCM?e=9X5O7q — Reply to this email directly, view it on GitHub <#588 (comment)>, or unsubscribe https://github.com/notifications/unsubscribe-auth/AAPGX3WY5NS7SMGSPAINHMDYDXVNVAVCNFSM6AAAAAA4EAZBHSVHI2DSMVQWIX3LMV43OSLTON2WKQ3PNVWWK3TUHMYTQMBVGM2TCNZWG4 . You are receiving this because you commented.Message ID: *@.>

when I updated version 07e4a9fe4889e929d87bfa6f0304e9af9a4fc06a to 07e4a9fe4889e929d87bfa6f0304e9af9a4fc06a , and without fsck, the files of mongodb were corrupted. So I had to reformat the FS to start new test in 07e4a9fe4889e929d87bfa6f0304e9af9a4fc06a without daily fsck