koverstreet / bcachefs

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Docs - man snapshot section has errors #633

Open kevinclevenger opened 6 months ago

kevinclevenger commented 6 months ago

Man page:

Commands for managing subvolumes and snapshots
   subvolume create [options] path
           Create a new subvolume

   subvolume delete [options] path  <<-- delete
           Delete an existing subvolume

   subvolume delete [options] source dest  <<-- Also delete instead of snapshot
           Create a snapshot of source at dest.  If specified, source must be a subvolume; if not specified the snapshot will be  of
           the subvolume containing dest.

           -r      Make snapshot read-only

bcachefs-principles-of-operation.pdf The following subcommands exist for managing subvolumes and snapshots: ˆ bcachefs subvolume create: Create a new, empty subvolume ˆ bcachefs subvolume destroy: Delete an existing subvolume or snapshot <<-- this says says destroy ˆ bcachefs subvolume snapshot: Create a snapshot of an existing sub-volume