koverstreet / bcachefs

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copygc spinning due LRU ref leaks. #668

Open YellowOnion opened 3 months ago

YellowOnion commented 3 months ago

Plz merge / fix my patches I submitted to the mailinglist a month ago.

YellowOnion commented 3 weeks ago


You need to add lru_fragmentation repair code and checks, the LRU btree is completely out of sync with the alloc btree due to the lack of checks. When triggers aren't being run we don't update the LRU btree, I'm still missing some edge cases but at least a periodic fsck on my branch fixes all the issues that piles up over month of use, unlike master.

I'm sick of maintaining my own branch, just fix the code or adjust my patches, I don't really care, I don't think either of us want your file system to be dogshit slow and buggy like my file system is right now.

CC @djwong

YellowOnion commented 2 weeks ago

After a week of up time:

bcachefs:copygc_get_buckets(dev: 271581187, nr_in_flight: 10, nr_to_get: 16, saw: 3759710, not_movable: 3759685, in_flight: 9, nr_buckets: 16, ret: 1)