kovetskiy / mark

Sync your markdown files with Confluence pages.
972 stars 143 forks source link

Slow update call #447

Open drandell opened 1 month ago

drandell commented 1 month ago

What happened?

Note this isn't a bug more asking for advice to see if there's anything obvious that i'm missing (the templates are only bug / idea).

The calls to update using mark in my work environment is taking a considerable amount of time. Per file its 6-8 minutes to update, i'm wondering is that expected? Is there something obvious that i'm doing wrong? Or is this something that would be based on the networking / installation of confluence?

Further Information (please complete the following information)

Logs or other output

  MARK_CI: "true"

// stage
    - cat $MARK_CONFIG > config.toml
    - export files=$(git diff-tree --no-commit-id --name-only -r $CI_COMMIT_SHA 'wiki/*.md')
    - echo $files
    - |
      for file in $files; do
        echo "> Sync $file";
        mark -c config.toml -f $file || exit 1;


echo $files
$ for file in $files; do # collapsed multi-line command
> Sync wiki/sync/1_test_sync.md
2024-05-28 09:32:11 INFO  processing wiki/sync/1_test_sync.md
2024-05-28 09:34:43 INFO  page will be stored under path: Test CI Engineering > Test Sync
2024-05-28 09:37:59. INFO  page successfully updated: [CONF_URL]/display/TESTCI/Test+Sync

FIle being sync'd:

<!-- Title: Test Sync -->

# Introduction

This is my test markdown two.

Additional context

Add any other context about the problem here.