kovidgoyal / kitty

Cross-platform, fast, feature-rich, GPU based terminal
GNU General Public License v3.0
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Launch doesn' when in ssh #7062

Closed wiraki closed 8 months ago

wiraki commented 8 months ago

Describe the bug Disclaimer: Initially misclicked and submitted this issue before finishing editing it. Therefore title is messed up, please feel free to fix it.

Hello. I have the following keybinds set:

launch --cwd=current --location=hsplit    kitty_mod+alt+o
launch --cwd=current --location=vsplit    kitty_mod+alt+e
launch --type tab --cwd current           kitty_mod+alt+t

I am pretty sure that until recently, when using those while connected to another machine via ssh, the launch into the new window or tab would follow the same ssh connection. Instead, now it just flashes briefly a new window or tab and nothing happens.

To Reproduce

  1. Start new kitty window
  2. ssh to another machine
  3. press one of the keybinds mentioned above
  4. nothing happens

Environment details

kitty 0.32.0 (eb5dd364ae) created by Kovid Goyal
Linux system76-lemur 6.6.10-76060610-generic #202401051437~1704728131~22.04~24d69e2 SMP PREEMPT_DYNAMIC Mon J x86_64
Pop!_OS 22.04 LTS system76-lemur /dev/tty

Running under: X11
Frozen: True
  kitty: /home/marc/.local/kitty.app/bin/kitty
  base dir: /home/marc/.local/kitty.app/lib/kitty
  extensions dir: /home/marc/.local/kitty.app/lib/kitty-extensions
  system shell: /bin/zsh
Loaded config files:

Config options different from defaults:
active_tab_font_style           (True, False)
active_tab_title_template       {title}
allow_remote_control            yes
bold_font                       MonoLisa Bold
bold_italic_font                SemiBold Italic
copy_on_select                  clipboard
cursor_blink_interval           0.45
cursor_stop_blinking_after      10.0
disable_ligatures               1
dynamic_background_opacity      True
enable_audio_bell               False
enabled_layouts                 ['splits:split_axis=horizontal']
font_family                     MonoLisa Regular
{'MonoLisa-Bold': ('+zero', '+ss06', '+ss08'),
 'MonoLisa-MediumItalic': ('+zero', '+ss06', '+ss08', '+ss02'),
 'MonoLisa-Regular': ('+zero', '+ss06', '+ss08'),
 'MonoLisa-SemiBoldItalic': ('+zero', '+ss06', '+ss08')}
font_size                       12.0
hide_window_decorations         1
inactive_tab_font_style         (False, True)
inactive_text_alpha             0.65
italic_font                     MonoLisa Medium Italic
    cell_height 102%
mouse_hide_wait                 1.5
notify_on_cmd_finish            NotifyOnCmdFinish(when='invisible', duration=10.0, action='notify', cmdline=())
scrollback_fill_enlarged_window True
scrollback_lines                2500
scrollback_pager_history_size   104857600
shell_integration               frozenset({'enabled', 'no-cursor'})
    U+23fb - U+23fe → Symbols Nerd Font Mono
    U+2665 - U+2665 → Symbols Nerd Font Mono
    U+26a1 - U+26a1 → Symbols Nerd Font Mono
    U+2b58 - U+2b58 → Symbols Nerd Font Mono
    U+e000 - U+e00a → Symbols Nerd Font Mono
    U+e0a0 - U+e0a3 → Symbols Nerd Font Mono
    U+e0b0 - U+e0c8 → Symbols Nerd Font Mono
    U+e0ca - U+e0ca → Symbols Nerd Font Mono
    U+e0cc - U+e0d2 → Symbols Nerd Font Mono
    U+e0d4 - U+e0d4 → Symbols Nerd Font Mono
    U+e200 - U+e2a9 → Symbols Nerd Font Mono
    U+e300 - U+e3e3 → Symbols Nerd Font Mono
    U+e5fa - U+e634 → Symbols Nerd Font Mono
    U+e700 - U+e7c5 → Symbols Nerd Font Mono
    U+ea60 - U+ebeb → Symbols Nerd Font Mono
    U+f000 - U+f2e0 → Symbols Nerd Font Mono
    U+f300 - U+f32f → Symbols Nerd Font Mono
    U+f400 - U+f4a9 → Symbols Nerd Font Mono
    U+f500 - U+f8ff → Symbols Nerd Font Mono
tab_activity_symbol             ⁂
tab_bar_edge                    1
tab_bar_margin_height           TabBarMarginHeight(outer=1.0, inner=3.0)
tab_bar_min_tabs                1
tab_bar_style                   powerline
tab_powerline_style             round
tab_separator                    | 
tab_title_max_length            40
tab_title_template              {title} [{index}]{fmt.bold}{activity_symbol}{fmt.nobold}
url_style                       1
visual_bell_duration            0.15
window_border_width             (1.0, 'px')
window_padding_width            FloatEdges(left=1.0, top=1.0, right=1.0, bottom=1.0)
Added mouse actions:
    right press grabbed →  paste_from_selection
Changed mouse actions:
    right press ungrabbed →  paste_from_selection
Added shortcuts:
    alt+f →  focus_visible_window
    alt+h →  neighboring_window left
    alt+j →  neighboring_window down
    alt+k →  neighboring_window up
    alt+l →  neighboring_window right
    ctrl+alt+enter →  launch --cwd=current
    ctrl+enter →  send_text normal,application \x1b[13;5u
    ctrl+p →  nth_os_window -1
    ctrl+shift+y > f →  kitten hints --type path --program @, kitten hints --type word --program @
    f1 →  create_marker
    f2 →  remove_marker
    f9 →  launch --type=background --cwd=current sh -c "nemo $(pwd)"
    kitty_mod+/ →  launch --location=hsplit --allow-remote-control kitty +kitten kitty-search/search.py @active-kitty-window-id
    kitty_mod+alt+down →  resize_window shorter
    kitty_mod+alt+e →  launch --cwd=current --location=vsplit
    kitty_mod+alt+home →  resize_window reset
    kitty_mod+alt+left →  resize_window narrower
    kitty_mod+alt+o →  launch --cwd=current --location=hsplit
    kitty_mod+alt+right →  resize_window wider
    kitty_mod+alt+up →  resize_window taller
    kitty_mod+f4 →  overlay --title "scratch overlay" screen -d -RR scratch nano /tmp/scratch
    kitty_mod+m > s →  swap_with_window, detach_window ask, detach_tab ask
    kitty_mod+space →  next_layout
    shift+alt+0 →  goto_tab 10
    shift+alt+1 →  goto_tab 1
    shift+alt+2 →  goto_tab 2
    shift+alt+3 →  goto_tab 3
    shift+alt+4 →  goto_tab 4
    shift+alt+5 →  goto_tab 5
    shift+alt+6 →  goto_tab 6
    shift+alt+7 →  goto_tab 7
    shift+alt+8 →  goto_tab 8
    shift+alt+9 →  goto_tab 9
    shift+alt+[ →  previous_tab
    shift+alt+] →  next_tab
    shift+alt+j →  scroll_line_down
    shift+alt+k →  scroll_line_up
    shift+alt+page_down →  scroll_page_down
    shift+alt+page_up →  scroll_page_up
Changed shortcuts:
    kitty_mod+alt+t →  set_tab_title, no-op, launch --type tab --cwd current
    kitty_mod+down →  scroll_line_down, layout_action move_to_screen_edge bottom
    kitty_mod+e →  open_url_with_hints, launch --location=vsplit
    kitty_mod+f1 →  show_kitty_doc overview, overlay --title "scrollback overlay" --stdin-source=@screen_scrollback bat
    kitty_mod+f5 →  load_config_file, load_config_file
    kitty_mod+h →  show_scrollback, move_window left
    kitty_mod+j →  scroll_line_down, move_window down
    kitty_mod+k →  scroll_line_up, move_window up
    kitty_mod+l →  next_layout, move_window right
    kitty_mod+left →  previous_tab, layout_action move_to_screen_edge left
    kitty_mod+o →  pass_selection_to_program, launch --location=hsplit
    kitty_mod+p > f →  kitten hints --type path --program -, kitten hints --type path, kitten hints --type line --program -, kitten hints --type word --program -, kitten hints --type hash --program -, kitten hints --type linenum, kitten hints --type hyperlink, kitten hints --type word --program -
    kitty_mod+r →  start_resizing_window, layout_action rotate
    kitty_mod+right →  next_tab, layout_action move_to_screen_edge right
    kitty_mod+up →  scroll_line_up, layout_action move_to_screen_edge top
    kitty_mod+x →  scroll_to_prompt 1, close_other_windows_in_tab, close_other_tabs_in_os_window
    active_border_color             #b7bdf8   
    active_tab_background           #c6a0f6   
    active_tab_foreground           #181926   
    background                      #24273a   
    bell_border_color               #eed49f   
    color0                          #494d64   
    color1                          #ed8796   
    color10                         #a6da95   
    color11                         #eed49f   
    color12                         #8aadf4   
    color13                         #f5bde6   
    color14                         #8bd5ca   
    color15                         #a5adcb   
    color2                          #a6da95   
    color3                          #eed49f   
    color4                          #8aadf4   
    color5                          #f5bde6   
    color6                          #8bd5ca   
    color7                          #b8c0e0   
    color8                          #5b6078   
    color9                          #ed8796   
    cursor                          #f4dbd6   
    cursor_text_color               #24273a   
    foreground                      #cad3f5   
    inactive_border_color           #6e738d   
    inactive_tab_background         #1e2030   
    inactive_tab_foreground         #cad3f5   
    mark1_background                #b7bdf8   
    mark1_foreground                #24273a   
    mark2_background                #c6a0f6   
    mark2_foreground                #24273a   
    mark3_background                #7dc4e4   
    mark3_foreground                #24273a   
    selection_background            #f4dbd6   
    selection_foreground            #24273a   
    tab_bar_background              #181926   
    url_color                       #f4dbd6   
    visual_bell_color               #515a72   

Important environment variables seen by the kitty process:
    PATH                                /home/marc/.cargo/bin:/home/marc/.local/bin:/home/marc/bin:/usr/local/sbin:/usr/local/bin:/usr/sbin:/usr/bin:/sbin:/bin:/usr/games:/usr/local/games:/snap/bin:/snap/bin:/home/marc/.dotnet/tools
    LANG                                en_US.UTF-8
    SHELL                               /bin/zsh
    DISPLAY                             :1
    USER                                marc
    XDG_SESSION_TYPE                    x11
    XDG_SESSION_CLASS                   user
    XDG_RUNTIME_DIR                     /run/user/1000
    XDG_MENU_PREFIX                     gnome-
    XDG_CURRENT_DESKTOP                 pop:GNOME
    XDG_SESSION_DESKTOP                 pop
    XDG_DATA_DIRS                       /usr/share/pop:/usr/share/gnome:/home/marc/.local/share/flatpak/exports/share:/var/lib/flatpak/exports/share:/usr/local/share/:/usr/share/:/var/lib/snapd/desktop
    XDG_CONFIG_DIRS                     /etc/xdg/xdg-pop:/etc/xdg
kovidgoyal commented 8 months ago

This is an empty bug report, on the off chance that it was supposed to be about some keybinding not working, take a look at the existing fixed regressions in 0.32 with regards to keybindings.

wiraki commented 8 months ago

This is an empty bug report

Yes, sorry for that, submitted before finishing the write up. I then messed up the formatting. Apologies for the mess.

on the off chance that it was supposed to be about some keybinding not working, take a look at the existing fixed regressions in 0.32 with regards to keybindings.

I am using 0.32 and in fact I feel like these keybinds used to work by following ssh connection until I updated to 0.32.

kovidgoyal commented 8 months ago

Wait for 0.32.1 or revert to 0.31 in the meantime.