kovidgoyal / kitty

Cross-platform, fast, feature-rich, GPU based terminal
GNU General Public License v3.0
24.13k stars 971 forks source link

colon doesn't work #7109

Closed 10b14224cc closed 8 months ago

10b14224cc commented 8 months ago

Describe the bug

I installed kitty-git to test https://github.com/kovidgoyal/kitty/pull/7107.

I have an italian keyboard, so I type colon : with SHIFT+..

I can type the colon in kitty terminal.

I can type colon in WezTerm.

I can type colon in neovim within WezTerm.

I cannot type colon in neovim within kitty.

Instead, when I'm in insert mode, an empty box is displayed instead of SHIFT, and a sort of bell when I press . to make the colon ::


To Reproduce Steps to reproduce the behavior:

  1. Open neovim
  2. Press SHIFT+.
  3. In normal mode, nothing happens

Screenshots See above

Environment details

kitty 0.32.1 (5a418a8cd6) created by Kovid Goyal
Linux USERNAME 6.7.4-arch1-1 #1 SMP PREEMPT_DYNAMIC Mon, 05 Feb 2024 22:07:49 +0000 x86_64
Arch Linux 6.7.4-arch1-1 (/dev/tty)

Running under: Wayland
Frozen: False
  kitty: /usr/bin/kitty
  base dir: /usr/lib/kitty
  extensions dir: /usr/lib/kitty/kitty
  system shell: /usr/bin/bash
Loaded config files:

Config options different from defaults:
active_tab_title_template {index}: {title[title.rfind('/')+1:]}
allow_remote_control      yes
background_opacity        0.75
confirm_os_window_close   0
enabled_layouts           ['tall:bias=50;full_size=1;mirrored=false']
font_family               FiraCode Nerd Font Mono
font_size                 18.0
listen_on                 unix:/tmp/kitty
tab_bar_style             powerline
tab_powerline_style       round
tab_title_template        {index}: {title[title.rfind('/')+1:]}
Changed mouse actions:
    ctrl+shift+right press ungrabbed →  combine : mouse_select_command_output : kitty_scrollback_nvim --config ksb_builtin_last_visited_cmd_output
Added shortcuts:
    kitty_mod+' →  change_font_size all -1.0
    kitty_mod+à →  move_tab_backward
    kitty_mod+è →  move_window_backward
    kitty_mod+ì →  change_font_size all +1.0
    kitty_mod+ù →  move_tab_forward
Changed shortcuts:
    kitty_mod++ →  move_window_forward
    kitty_mod+enter →  new_window_with_cwd
    kitty_mod+f →  kitty_scrollback_nvim
    kitty_mod+g →  kitty_scrollback_nvim --config ksb_builtin_last_cmd_output
    kitty_mod+h →  previous_tab
    kitty_mod+j →  previous_window
    kitty_mod+k →  next_window
    kitty_mod+l →  next_tab
    kitty_mod+o →  layout_action bias 90 80 70 60 50 40 30 20 10
    kitty_mod+p > f →  layout_action bias 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90, kitten hints --type hyperlink, kitten hints --type linenum, kitten hints --type hash --program -, kitten hints --type word --program -, kitten hints --type line --program -, kitten hints --type path, kitten hints --type path --program -
    kitty_mod+r →  set_tab_title
    kitty_mod+t →  new_tab_with_cwd
    active_border_color       #b7bdf8   
    active_tab_background     #c6a0f6   
    active_tab_foreground     #181926   
    background                #24273a   
    bell_border_color         #eed49f   
    color0                    #494d64   
    color1                    #ed8796   
    color10                   #a6da95   
    color11                   #eed49f   
    color12                   #8aadf4   
    color13                   #f5bde6   
    color14                   #8bd5ca   
    color15                   #a5adcb   
    color2                    #a6da95   
    color3                    #eed49f   
    color4                    #8aadf4   
    color5                    #f5bde6   
    color6                    #8bd5ca   
    color7                    #b8c0e0   
    color8                    #5b6078   
    color9                    #ed8796   
    cursor                    #f4dbd6   
    cursor_text_color         #24273a   
    foreground                #cad3f5   
    inactive_border_color     #6e738d   
    inactive_tab_background   #1e2030   
    inactive_tab_foreground   #cad3f5   
    mark1_background          #b7bdf8   
    mark1_foreground          #24273a   
    mark2_background          #c6a0f6   
    mark2_foreground          #24273a   
    mark3_background          #7dc4e4   
    mark3_foreground          #24273a   
    selection_background      #f4dbd6   
    selection_foreground      #24273a   
    tab_bar_background        #181926   
    url_color                 #f4dbd6   

Important environment variables seen by the kitty process:
    PATH                                /usr/local/sbin:/usr/local/bin:/usr/bin:/opt/cuda/bin:/opt/cuda/nsight_compute:/opt/cuda/nsight_systems/bin:/usr/lib/jvm/default/bin:/usr/bin/site_perl:/usr/bin/vendor_perl:/usr/bin/core_perl:/usr/lib/rustup/bin
    LANG                                en_US.UTF-8
    SHELL                               /usr/bin/bash
    DISPLAY                             :0
    WAYLAND_DISPLAY                     wayland-1
    USER                                USERNAME
    XCURSOR_SIZE                        24
    XDG_BACKEND                         wayland
    XDG_SEAT                            seat0
    XDG_SESSION_TYPE                    wayland
    XDG_CURRENT_DESKTOP                 Hyprland
    XDG_SESSION_CLASS                   user
    XDG_VTNR                            1
    XDG_SESSION_ID                      3
    XDG_RUNTIME_DIR                     /run/user/1000
    LC_TIME                             en_DK.UTF-8

Additional context Try to reproduce the problem with kitty --config NONE if you cannot then post a minimal kitty.conf that reproduces the problem. If the problem involves interaction with some other terminal program post a minimal config for that program to reproduce the problem as well.

Still happening with kitty --config NONE.

Still happening with nvim --clean.

kovidgoyal commented 8 months ago

Report the issue to neovim. It will be a bug in its kitty keyboard protocol integration.

10b14224cc commented 8 months ago

Actually I think I messed up my installation between stable release, git release and vt branch.

Is there a way to completely uninstall kitty?

I think I have leftovers from previous installations.

kovidgoyal commented 8 months ago

If you are using the official binaries its self contained. Simply delete the directory it is installed in.