kovidgoyal / kitty

Cross-platform, fast, feature-rich, GPU based terminal
GNU General Public License v3.0
22.14k stars 907 forks source link

symbol_map not working? #7339

Closed jacobrreed closed 1 month ago

jacobrreed commented 1 month ago

Describe the bug image Mapping the following symbol doesn't seem to work, I checked with Font Book on mac and the character exists: image

To Reproduce Steps to reproduce the behavior:

  1. symbol_map U+EC07 Symbols Nerd Font Mono # 

Environment details

kitty 0.33.1 (a5fea33757) created by Kovid Goyal
Darwin jrreed-mac 23.4.0 Darwin Kernel Version 23.4.0: Fri Mar 15 00:10:42 PDT 2024; root:xnu-10063.101.17~1/RELEASE_ARM64_T6000 arm64
ProductName:        macOS ProductVersion:       14.4.1 BuildVersion:        23E224
Frozen: True
  kitty: /Applications/kitty.app/Contents/MacOS/kitty
  base dir: /Applications/kitty.app/Contents/Resources/kitty
  extensions dir: /Applications/kitty.app/Contents/Resources/Python/lib/kitty-extensions
  system shell: /bin/zsh
Loaded config files:

Config options different from defaults:
active_tab_font_style         (False, False)
active_tab_title_template     {fmt.bg.default}{fmt.fg._a48cf2}{fmt.bg._a48cf2}{fmt.fg._ebfafa} {sup.index} ⊙ {title}{bell_symbol}{activity_symbol} {fmt.bg.default}{fmt.fg._a48cf2}{fmt.bg.default}{fmt.fg.default}
allow_remote_control          yes
background_blur               20
background_opacity            0.95
background_tint               0.9
bell_on_tab                   🔔
confirm_os_window_close       0
copy_on_select                clipboard
cursor_blink_interval         1.0
enable_audio_bell             False
enabled_layouts               ['splits', 'stack']
focus_follows_mouse           True
font_family                   JetBrains Mono
font_size                     18.0
hide_window_decorations       2
input_delay                   1
linux_display_server          wayland
listen_on                     unix:/tmp/mykitty
macos_custom_beam_cursor      True
macos_option_as_alt           3
macos_show_window_title_in    none
paste_actions                 frozenset({'quote-urls-at-prompt'})
repaint_delay                 1
scrollback_lines              10000
scrollback_pager_history_size 4294967295
    U+23fb - U+23fe → Symbols Nerd Font Mono
    U+2665 - U+2665 → Symbols Nerd Font Mono
    U+26a1 - U+26a1 → Symbols Nerd Font Mono
    U+2b58 - U+2b58 → Symbols Nerd Font Mono
    U+e000 - U+e00a → Symbols Nerd Font Mono
    U+e0a0 - U+e0a2 → Symbols Nerd Font Mono
    U+e0a0 - U+e0c8 → Symbols Nerd Font Mono Mono
    U+e0a3 - U+e0a3 → Symbols Nerd Font Mono
    U+e0b0 - U+e0b3 → Symbols Nerd Font Mono
    U+e0b4 - U+e0c8 → Symbols Nerd Font Mono
    U+e0ca - U+e0ca → Symbols Nerd Font Mono
    U+e0cc - U+e0d4 → Symbols Nerd Font Mono
    U+e200 - U+e2a9 → Symbols Nerd Font Mono
    U+e300 - U+e3e3 → Symbols Nerd Font Mono
    U+e5fa - U+e6a6 → Symbols Nerd Font Mono
    U+e5fa - U+e6b1 → Symbols Nerd Font Mono Mono
    U+e700 - U+e7c5 → Symbols Nerd Font Mono
    U+ea60 - U+ebeb → Symbols Nerd Font Mono
    U+ec07 - U+ec07 → Symbols Nerd Font Mono # 
    U+f000 - U+f2e0 → Symbols Nerd Font Mono
    U+f300 - U+f32f → Symbols Nerd Font Mono
    U+f300 - U+f372 → Symbols Nerd Font Mono Mono
    U+f400 - U+f532 → Symbols Nerd Font Mono
    U+f0001 - U+f1af0 → Symbols Nerd Font Mono
tab_bar_margin_height         TabBarMarginHeight(outer=7.0, inner=7.0)
tab_bar_margin_width          7.0
tab_bar_style                 custom
tab_title_template            {fmt.bg.default}{fmt.fg._ebfafa}  {sup.index} ○ {title}{bell_symbol}{activity_symbol}  {fmt.fg.default}
underline_hyperlinks          always
update_check_interval         12.0
url_style                     4
window_resize_step_lines      5
Added mouse actions:
    right click grabbed →  paste_from_clipboard
    right click ungrabbed →  paste_from_clipboard
Added shortcuts:
    ctrl+h →  kitten pass_keys.py left   ctrl+h
    ctrl+j →  kitten pass_keys.py bottom ctrl+j
    ctrl+k →  kitten pass_keys.py top    ctrl+k
    ctrl+l →  kitten pass_keys.py right  ctrl+l
    ctrl+t > v →  move_tab_forward, move_tab_backward, close_tab, kitten tab_renamer.py, new_tab, previous_tab, next_tab, goto_tab 5, goto_tab 4, goto_tab 3, goto_tab 2, goto_tab 1, swap_with_window, focus_visible_window, push_keyboard_mode resizing, layout_action move_to_screen_edge left, layout_action move_to_screen_edge right, layout_action move_to_screen_edge top, layout_action move_to_screen_edge bottom, close_window, detach_window ask, launch --location=hsplit --cwd=current, launch --location=vsplit --cwd=current
    f1 →  toggle_marker text 1 TEST
    f12 →  kitten unicode_input --tab name --emoji-variation graphic
    f2 →  toggle_marker text 2 ERROR
Removed shortcuts:
    cmd+, →  edit_config_file
    cmd+h →  hide_macos_app
    cmd+k →  clear_terminal to_cursor active
    cmd+m →  minimize_macos_window
    cmd+n →  new_os_window
    cmd+q →  quit
    cmd+t →  new_tab
    cmd+w →  close_tab
    ctrl+cmd+, →  load_config_file
    kitty_mod+enter →  new_window
    opt+cmd+h →  hide_macos_other_apps
    opt+cmd+r →  clear_terminal reset active
    opt+cmd+s →  toggle_macos_secure_keyboard_entry
    shift+cmd+/ →  open_url https://sw.kovidgoyal.net/kitty/
    shift+cmd+[ →  previous_tab
    shift+cmd+] →  next_tab
    shift+cmd+d →  close_window
    shift+cmd+w →  close_os_window
Changed shortcuts:
    cmd+enter →  no-op
    kitty_mod++ →  change_font_size all +1.0
    kitty_mod+- →  change_font_size all -1.0
    kitty_mod+down →  scroll_page_down
    kitty_mod+f →  toggle_layout stack
    kitty_mod+j →  scroll_to_prompt 1
    kitty_mod+k →  scroll_to_prompt -1
    kitty_mod+o →  show_last_command_output
    kitty_mod+r →  load_config_file
    kitty_mod+up →  scroll_page_up
Changes in keyboard mode: resizing
Added shortcuts:
    escape →  pop_keyboard_mode
    h →  resize_window wider
    j →  resize_window shorter
    k →  resize_window taller
    l →  resize_window narrower
    active_border_color           #04d1f9   
    active_tab_background         #ebfafa   
    active_tab_foreground         #212337   
    background                    #212337   
    color0                        #21222c   
    color1                        #f9515d   
    color10                       #69f8b3   
    color11                       #f1fc79   
    color12                       #a48cf2   
    color13                       #fd92ce   
    color14                       #66e4fd   
    color2                        #37f499   
    color3                        #e9f941   
    color4                        #9071f4   
    color5                        #f265b5   
    color6                        #04d1f9   
    color7                        #ebfafa   
    color8                        #7081d0   
    color9                        #f16c75   
    cursor                        #37f499   
    cursor_text_color             #f8f8f2   
    foreground                    #ebfafa   
    inactive_border_color         #bd93f9   
    inactive_tab_background       #7081d0   
    inactive_tab_foreground       #212337   
    mark1_background              #f9515d   
    mark1_foreground              #212337   
    selection_background          #bf4f8e   
    selection_foreground          #ebfafa   
    tab_bar_background            #212337   
    url_color                     #04d1f9   

Important environment variables seen by the kitty process:
    PATH                                /Applications/kitty.app/Contents/MacOS:/usr/bin:/bin:/usr/sbin:/sbin
    LANG                                en_US.UTF-8
    SHELL                               /bin/zsh
    USER                                jrreed
jacobrreed commented 1 month ago

using default

symbol_map U+e000-U+e00a,U+ea60-U+ebeb,U+e0a0-U+e0c8,U+e0ca,U+e0cc-U+e0d4,U+e200-U+e2a9,U+e300-U+e3e3,U+e5fa-U+e6b1,U+e700-U+e7c5,U+f000-U+f2e0,U+f300-U+f372,U+f400-U+f532,U+f0001-U+f1af0 Symbols Nerd Font Mono Mono

from the docs works instead of :

# IEC Power Symbols
symbol_map U+23FB-U+23FE Symbols Nerd Font Mono
# Octicons
symbol_map U+2665 Symbols Nerd Font Mono
# Octicons
symbol_map U+26A1 Symbols Nerd Font Mono
# IEC Power Symbols
symbol_map U+2B58 Symbols Nerd Font Mono
# Pomicons
symbol_map U+E000-U+E00A Symbols Nerd Font Mono
# Powerline
symbol_map U+E0A0-U+E0A2 Symbols Nerd Font Mono
# Powerline Extra
symbol_map U+E0A3 Symbols Nerd Font Mono
# Powerline
symbol_map U+E0B0-U+E0B3 Symbols Nerd Font Mono
# Powerline Extra
symbol_map U+E0B4-U+E0C8 Symbols Nerd Font Mono
# Powerline Extra
symbol_map U+E0CA Symbols Nerd Font Mono
# Powerline Extra
symbol_map U+E0CC-U+E0D4 Symbols Nerd Font Mono
# Font Awesome Extension
symbol_map U+E200-U+E2A9 Symbols Nerd Font Mono
# Weather Icons
symbol_map U+E300-U+E3E3 Symbols Nerd Font Mono
# Seti-UI + Custom
symbol_map U+E5FA-U+E6A6 Symbols Nerd Font Mono
# Devicons
symbol_map U+E700-U+E7C5 Symbols Nerd Font Mono
# Codicons
symbol_map U+EA60-U+EBEB Symbols Nerd Font Mono
# Font Awesome
symbol_map U+F000-U+F2E0 Symbols Nerd Font Mono
# Font Logos
symbol_map U+F300-U+F32F Symbols Nerd Font Mono
# Octicons
symbol_map U+F400-U+F532 Symbols Nerd Font Mono
# Material Design
symbol_map U+F0001-U+F1AF0 Symbols Nerd Font Mono
symbol_map U+EC07 Symbols Nerd Font Mono #  