kovidgoyal / kitty

Cross-platform, fast, feature-rich, GPU based terminal
GNU General Public License v3.0
22.14k stars 908 forks source link

kitty randomly hangs after recent system updating #7395

Closed hack4code closed 2 weeks ago

hack4code commented 2 weeks ago

Describe the bug system is arch, after recent updating, kitty keep randomly hangs. the root cause seems to be fcitix5, the same issue with 7396

To Reproduce Steps to reproduce the behavior:

  1. run kitty with zsh
  2. run some commands
  3. kitty hangs with cpu more than 50%
  4. run strace at same time, kitty keep reading files of ~/.xkb/
  5. strace log: kitty.log

Environment details

kitty 0.34.1 created by Kovid Goyal
Linux KISS 6.8.7-arch1-2 #5 SMP PREEMPT_DYNAMIC Sun, 21 Apr 2024 02:31:29 +0000 x86_64
Arch Linux 6.8.7-arch1-2 (/dev/tty)

Running under: Wayland (sway version 1.9-b8434b3 (Apr 27 2024, branch 'master')) missing: blur
Frozen: False
  kitty: /usr/bin/kitty
  base dir: /usr/lib/kitty
  extensions dir: /usr/lib/kitty/kitty
  system shell: /usr/bin/zsh
Loaded config files:

Config options different from defaults:
bell_on_tab                 🔔
bold_font                   Intel One Mono
bold_italic_font            Intel One Mono Italic
box_drawing_scale           (0.4, 1.0, 1.5, 2.0)
clipboard_max_size          0
copy_on_select              clipboard
cursor_underline_thickness  4.0
dim_opacity                 0.75
focus_follows_mouse         True
font_family                 Intel One Mono Light
font_size                   15.0
hide_window_decorations     1
inactive_tab_font_style     (False, True)
input_delay                 2
italic_font                 Intel One Mono Light Italic
linux_display_server        wayland
    baseline 3
    cell_height 6
mouse_hide_wait             0.5
{(9211, 9214): 1,
 (9829, 9829): 1,
 (9889, 9889): 1,
 (11096, 11096): 1,
 (57344, 57354): 1,
 (57504, 57507): 1,
 (57520, 57544): 1,
 (57546, 57546): 1,
 (57548, 57554): 1,
 (57556, 57556): 1,
 (57856, 58025): 1,
 (58112, 58339): 1,
 (58874, 58932): 1,
 (59136, 59333): 1,
 (60000, 60395): 1,
 (61440, 62176): 1,
 (62208, 62255): 1,
 (62464, 62633): 1,
 (62720, 63743): 1,
 (126976, 127023): 1,
 (127136, 127231): 1,
 (127232, 128591): 1,
 (128640, 128767): 1,
 (129296, 129387): 1,
 (129408, 129504): 1}
paste_actions               frozenset({'quote-urls-at-prompt'})
pointer_shape_when_dragging hand
pointer_shape_when_grabbed  hand
remember_window_size        False
scrollback_lines            20000
shell_integration           frozenset({'no-title', 'no-cwd', 'no-sudo'})
single_window_margin_width  FloatEdges(left=0.0, top=0.0, right=0.0, bottom=0.0)
strip_trailing_spaces       always
    U+23fb - U+23fe → Symbols Nerd Font Mono
    U+2665 - U+2665 → Symbols Nerd Font Mono
    U+26a1 - U+26a1 → Symbols Nerd Font Mono
    U+2b58 - U+2b58 → Symbols Nerd Font Mono
    U+3000 - U+30ff → Alibaba Sans JP
    U+3400 - U+4dbf → Alibaba Sans TC
    U+4e00 - U+9fff → Alibaba PuHuiTi 3.0
    U+ac00 - U+d7ff → Alibaba Sans KR
    U+e000 - U+e00a → Symbols Nerd Font Mono
    U+e0a0 - U+e0a3 → Symbols Nerd Font Mono
    U+e0b0 - U+e0c8 → Symbols Nerd Font Mono
    U+e0ca - U+e0ca → Symbols Nerd Font Mono
    U+e0cc - U+e0d2 → Symbols Nerd Font Mono
    U+e0d4 - U+e0d4 → Symbols Nerd Font Mono
    U+e200 - U+e2a9 → Symbols Nerd Font Mono
    U+e300 - U+e3e3 → Symbols Nerd Font Mono
    U+e5fa - U+e634 → Symbols Nerd Font Mono
    U+e700 - U+e7c5 → Symbols Nerd Font Mono
    U+ea60 - U+ebeb → Symbols Nerd Font Mono
    U+f000 - U+f2e0 → Symbols Nerd Font Mono
    U+f300 - U+f32f → Symbols Nerd Font Mono
    U+f400 - U+f4a9 → Symbols Nerd Font Mono
    U+f500 - U+f8ff → Symbols Nerd Font Mono
    U+1f000 - U+1f02f → Twemoji Mozilla
    U+1f0a0 - U+1f0ff → Twemoji Mozilla
    U+1f100 - U+1f64f → Twemoji Mozilla
    U+1f680 - U+1f6ff → Twemoji Mozilla
    U+1f910 - U+1f96b → Twemoji Mozilla
    U+1f980 - U+1f9e0 → Twemoji Mozilla
tab_bar_margin_width        2.0
tab_bar_style               powerline
tab_title_template          {index}
window_alert_on_bell        False
window_padding_width        FloatEdges(left=8.0, top=4.0, right=8.0, bottom=4.0)
Added shortcuts:
    alt+super+r →  clear_terminal reset active
    ctrl+super+space →  kitten unicode_input
    kitty_mod+i →  launch --stdin-source=@screen_scrollback --type=overlay vim -R -
    shift+super+- →  change_font_size all -2.0
    shift+super+= →  change_font_size all +2.0
    shift+super+d →  close_window
    super++ →  change_font_size all +2.0
    super+- →  change_font_size all -2.0
    super+1 →  first_window
    super+2 →  second_window
    super+3 →  third_window
    super+4 →  fourth_window
    super+5 →  fifth_window
    super+6 →  sixth_window
    super+7 →  seventh_window
    super+8 →  eighth_window
    super+9 →  ninth_window
    super+= →  change_font_size all +2.0
    super+c →  copy_to_clipboard
    super+end →  scroll_end
    super+home →  scroll_home
    super+k →  clear_terminal to_cursor active
    super+page_down →  scroll_page_down
    super+page_up →  scroll_line_up
    super+q →  quit
    super+r →  start_resizing_window
    super+v →  paste_from_clipboard
Changed shortcuts:
    kitty_mod+0 →  goto_tab 0
    kitty_mod+1 →  goto_tab 1
    kitty_mod+2 →  goto_tab 2
    kitty_mod+3 →  goto_tab 3
    kitty_mod+4 →  goto_tab 4
    kitty_mod+5 →  goto_tab 5
    kitty_mod+6 →  goto_tab 6
    kitty_mod+7 →  goto_tab 7
    kitty_mod+8 →  goto_tab 8
    kitty_mod+9 →  goto_tab 9
    kitty_mod+n →  next_tab
    kitty_mod+o →  new_tab
    kitty_mod+p > f →  previous_tab, kitten hints --type hyperlink, kitten hints --type linenum, kitten hints --type hash --program -, kitten hints --type word --program -, kitten hints --type line --program -, kitten hints --type path, kitten hints --type path --program -
    kitty_mod+r →  no-op
    kitty_mod+w →  no-op
    active_tab_background       #ebdbb2   
    active_tab_foreground       #655b53   
    background                  #282828   
    color0                      #282828   
    color1                      #cc241d   
    color10                     #b8bb26   
    color11                     #fabd2f   
    color12                     #83a598   
    color13                     #d3869b   
    color14                     #8ec07c   
    color15                     #ebdbb2   
    color2                      #98971a   
    color3                      #d79921   
    color4                      #458588   
    color5                      #b16286   
    color6                      #689d6a   
    color7                      #a89984   
    color8                      #928374   
    color9                      #fb4934   
    foreground                  #ebdbb2   
    inactive_tab_background     #655b53   
    inactive_tab_foreground     #ebdbb2   
    selection_background        #ebdbb2   
    selection_foreground        #1d2021   
    url_color                   #d65c0d   

Important environment variables seen by the kitty process:
    PATH                                /home/e/.pyenv/shims:/home/e/bin:/usr/local/sbin:/usr/local/bin:/usr/bin:/usr/bin/site_perl:/usr/bin/vendor_perl:/usr/bin/core_perl:/usr/share/bcc/tools/
    LANG                                en_US.UTF-8
    EDITOR                              vim
    SHELL                               /usr/bin/zsh
    DISPLAY                             :0
    WAYLAND_DISPLAY                     wayland-1
    USER                                e
    XCURSOR_SIZE                        20
    XDG_DATA_HOME                       /home/e/.local/share
    XDG_CONFIG_HOME                     /home/e/.config
    XDG_SEAT                            seat0
    XDG_VIDEOS_DIR                      /home/e/movie
    XDG_SESSION_TYPE                    wayland
    XDG_PICTURES_DIR                    /home/e/picture
    XDG_PUBLICSHARE_DIR                 /home/e/temp
    XDG_CURRENT_DESKTOP                 sway
    XDG_DOWNLOAD_DIR                    /home/e/download
    XDG_MUSIC_DIR                       /home/e/music
    XDG_TEMPLATES_DIR                   /home/e/temp
    XDG_CACHE_HOME                      /home/e/.cache
    XDG_SESSION_CLASS                   user
    XDG_DESKTOP_DIR                     /home/e/temp
    XDG_VTNR                            1
    XDG_SESSION_ID                      1
    XDG_STATE_HOME                      /home/e/.local/state
    XDG_RUNTIME_DIR                     /run/user/60394
    XDG_DOCUMENTS_DIR                   /home/e/document
Aadniz commented 2 weeks ago

Using sway, kitty seems very broken on this last update. Some noticed behaviors:

kovidgoyal commented 2 weeks ago

None of that reproduces for me on sway. If you can come up with a clear reproducer I can help. In the meantime, I suggest you try setting either/both of these in kitty.conf

wayland_enable_ime no linux_display_backend x11

kovidgoyal commented 2 weeks ago

closing in favor of #7396