Closed TriDEntApollO closed 4 months ago
That is the correct appearance for those blocks. They are characters defined in the Unicode spec, with a defined appearance. kitty follows the spec, alacritty and wezterm dont.
That is the correct appearance for those blocks. They are characters defined in the Unicode spec, with a defined appearance. kitty follows the spec, alacritty and wezterm dont.
is there a way to change that?
no, the point of having a spec is so that everyone can rely on it.
Describe the bug In wezterm and alacrity the unicode transparent blocks (░▒▓) render like normal blocks (█) with varying opacity.
Wezterm output:
Kitty output:
I am using JetBrainsMonoNL Nerd Font in both my terminals but in kitty it doesn't matter which font I use the output is always the same
Environment details
Additional context
I am using ZSH as my shell and oh-my-zsh for the plugin manager the prompt is from powerlevel10k theme