kovvalsky / prove_SICK_NL

Prove Ducth NLI problems of SICK-NL with LangPro
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Different trees for the same constructions #5

Open kovvalsky opened 3 years ago

kovvalsky commented 3 years ago

There’ is an Expletive

Constructions like there is no man exercising or Er is geen man aan het sporten (from 3897p) get different analysis depending on what parser is used.

CCGbank-based analysis:

  t(np:thr, 'There', 'there', 'EX', 'I-NP', 'O'),
   t((s:dcl\np:thr)/np, 'is', 'be', 'VBZ', 'I-VP', 'O'),
    t(np/n, 'no', 'no', 'DT', 'I-NP', 'O'),
     t(n, 'man', 'man', 'NN', 'I-NP', 'O'),
     lx(n\n, s:ng\np,
      t(s:ng\np, 'exercising', 'exercise', 'VBG', 'I-VP', 'O'))))))).

Lassy-based analysis: image

PMB-based analysis:


kovvalsky commented 3 years ago

Predicative PP

Predicative PPs are sentence modifiers rather than an argument of a copula like in CCG or other grammar formalisms.

[623] Een volwassene is in het amfitheater en praat met een jongen


:heavy_check_mark: Determiner takes a predicative adjective

This is also an unexpected analysis (and most probably wrong as I don't find such analyses in Alpino trees)

:heavy_check_mark: Solved by adding a fix rule