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Fixing Github actions caching (issue #529) #530

Closed 0rphee closed 8 months ago

0rphee commented 8 months ago

Solves #529

tomjaguarpaw commented 8 months ago

If we look at the first run of this PR we see, under "ubuntu-latest / ghc-8.4.4"

Cache saved with key: Linux-8.8.4-c98baee664c078d7ae377d063fcd91f0b6bf10fc9058d0d829eab5f403c1ec18

but then when I rerun it, also under "ubuntu-latest / ghc-8.4.4) we see

Cache not found for input keys: Linux-8.8.4-73b3e145e5bc780eaa510f8ab4d0bf369bbad9b5d2cfa558e1dac36ea7dea422

I don't understand why it's trying to use a different key. I guess the order of update, configure, freeze needs to be corrected, but I'm not sure how.

0rphee commented 8 months ago

Hmm that's weird... I'll check in my fork what are the differences in the cabal.project.freeze.

0rphee commented 8 months ago

@tomjaguarpaw I think I've found the issue. The hash of the cabal.project.freezediffers due to its last line, which tracks the index state of cabal & hackage. Take this two runs:


index-state: hackage.haskell.org 2023-10-18T14:41:26Z


index-state: hackage.haskell.org 2023-10-18T16:48:34Z

Here are the whole files if you want to run a diff between them:


``` active-repositories: hackage.haskell.org:merge constraints: any.Cabal == || ==, any.Cabal-syntax ==, any.HUnit ==, any.QuickCheck ==2.14.3, QuickCheck -old-random +templatehaskell, any.alex ==, any.ansi-terminal ==1.0, ansi-terminal -example, any.ansi-terminal-types ==0.11.5, any.ansi-wl-pprint ==0.6.9, ansi-wl-pprint -example, any.array ==, any.async ==2.2.4, async -bench, any.barbies ==, any.base ==, any.base-compat ==0.13.1, any.base-orphans ==0.9.1, any.base64 ==, any.binary ==, any.blaze-builder ==, any.blaze-html ==, any.blaze-markup ==, any.boring ==0.2.1, boring +tagged, any.bytestring ==, any.cabal-doctest ==1.0.9, any.call-stack ==0.4.0, any.case-insensitive ==, any.clay ==0.14.0, any.colour ==2.3.6, any.colourista ==, any.concurrent-output ==1.10.20, any.constraints ==0.14, any.containers ==, any.cryptohash-sha1 ==, any.data-array-byte ==, any.deepseq ==, any.dir-traverse ==, any.directory ==, any.distributive ==, distributive +semigroups +tagged, any.prettyprinter ==1.7.1, prettyprinter -buildreadme +text, any.prettyprinter-ansi-terminal ==1.1.3, any.primitive ==, any.process ==, any.quickcheck-io ==0.2.0, any.random ==, any.relude ==, any.resourcet ==1.3.0, any.rts ==1.0, any.safe-exceptions ==, any.scientific ==, scientific -bytestring-builder -integer-simple, any.selective ==0.7, any.slist ==, any.splitmix ==, splitmix -optimised-mixer, any.stm ==, any.tagged ==0.8.8, tagged +deepseq +transformers, any.template-haskell ==, any.terminal-size ==0.3.4, any.terminfo ==, any.text ==, any.text-short ==0.1.5, text-short -asserts, any.tf-random ==0.5, any.time ==1.9.3, any.tomland ==, tomland -build-play-tomland -build-readme, any.transformers ==, any.transformers-base ==0.4.6, transformers-base +orphaninstances, any.transformers-compat ==0.7.2, transformers-compat -five +five-three -four +generic-deriving +mtl -three -two, any.trial ==, any.trial-optparse-applicative ==, any.trial-tomland ==, any.type-equality ==1, any.unix ==, any.unliftio-core ==, any.unordered-containers ==, unordered-containers -debug, any.validation-selective ==, any.wl-pprint-annotated == index-state: hackage.haskell.org 2023-10-18T14:41:26Z ```


``` active-repositories: hackage.haskell.org:merge constraints: any.Cabal == || ==, any.Cabal-syntax ==, any.HUnit ==, any.QuickCheck ==2.14.3, QuickCheck -old-random +templatehaskell, any.alex ==, any.ansi-terminal ==1.0, ansi-terminal -example, any.ansi-terminal-types ==0.11.5, any.ansi-wl-pprint ==0.6.9, ansi-wl-pprint -example, any.array ==, any.async ==2.2.4, async -bench, any.barbies ==, any.base ==, any.base-compat ==0.13.1, any.base-orphans ==0.9.1, any.base64 ==, any.binary ==, any.blaze-builder ==, any.blaze-html ==, any.blaze-markup ==, any.boring ==0.2.1, boring +tagged, any.bytestring ==, any.cabal-doctest ==1.0.9, any.call-stack ==0.4.0, any.case-insensitive ==, any.clay ==0.14.0, any.colour ==2.3.6, any.colourista ==, any.concurrent-output ==1.10.20, any.constraints ==0.14, any.containers ==, any.cryptohash-sha1 ==, any.data-array-byte ==, any.deepseq ==, any.dir-traverse ==, any.directory ==, any.distributive ==, distributive +semigroups +tagged, any.prettyprinter ==1.7.1, prettyprinter -buildreadme +text, any.prettyprinter-ansi-terminal ==1.1.3, any.primitive ==, any.process ==, any.quickcheck-io ==0.2.0, any.random ==, any.relude ==, any.resourcet ==1.3.0, any.rts ==1.0, any.safe-exceptions ==, any.scientific ==, scientific -bytestring-builder -integer-simple, any.selective ==0.7, any.slist ==, any.splitmix ==, splitmix -optimised-mixer, any.stm ==, any.tagged ==0.8.8, tagged +deepseq +transformers, any.template-haskell ==, any.terminal-size ==0.3.4, any.terminfo ==, any.text ==, any.text-short ==0.1.5, text-short -asserts, any.tf-random ==0.5, any.time ==1.9.3, any.tomland ==, tomland -build-play-tomland -build-readme, any.transformers ==, any.transformers-base ==0.4.6, transformers-base +orphaninstances, any.transformers-compat ==0.7.2, transformers-compat -five +five-three -four +generic-deriving +mtl -three -two, any.trial ==, any.trial-optparse-applicative ==, any.trial-tomland ==, any.type-equality ==1, any.unix ==, any.unliftio-core ==, any.unordered-containers ==, unordered-containers -debug, any.validation-selective ==, any.wl-pprint-annotated == index-state: hackage.haskell.org 2023-10-18T16:48:34Z ```

I think this could only be solved if we copy the file, removing the last line, and use the hash of that for the cache key. Tell me if I should try that.

tomjaguarpaw commented 8 months ago

Interesting! But doesn't the cabal update put that there? In which case it's unclear to me why caching doesn't work in the absence of the update.

0rphee commented 8 months ago

I'm afraid that it seems not to be the case.

Here's the freeze file without running cabal update previously:


It keeps that last line.

tomjaguarpaw commented 8 months ago

Yes, sorry, I wasn't clear. I meant doesn't the most recent cabal update determine what that line is, so that in the absence of cabal update the line will be the same as it was last time?

0rphee commented 8 months ago

I'm inclined to think that in fact, when running cabal freeze, the hackage index is updated. As the machines do not keep state, they should need to check the index at least once: when running cabal freeze. That would be the reason why that timestamp changes every CI run. The cause for the few cache hits would be that maybe the hackage server "saves" the index, every few minutes, and consecutive runs might be in that window, depending on the speed of the runner.

Here's the timestamp of a more recent run without cabal update. It changes respective to the last one:


tomjaguarpaw commented 8 months ago

When I run cabal freeze locally I get a Hackage state of a few days ago, when I last ran cabal update, so I don't think cabal freeze itself changes the state. However, probably the Haskell setup action does! We might need to think of a clever way around this (or just look at whatever everyone else is doing about this -- we can't be the only ones with this problem).

0rphee commented 8 months ago

I checked a bunch of repos and found this:

text, trifecta & bytestring don't use the freeze file for the cache key. flatparse does, but it seems that the same happens to them.

megaparsec, monad-validate, libsodium-bindings & mtl use restore-keys which according to the cache action documentation, are: An ordered list of prefix-matched keys to use for restoring stale cache if no cache hit occurred for key.. For example, one run does this with a cache hit:

key: Linux-9.2.8-0-89634a009158c04583fe9a47c7afda61e0815b183dea219af1c4a71e2dfd242c
restore-keys: Linux-9.2.8-0-

So, I see two alternatives:

  1. do something like I previously proposed, 'ignoring' the index timestamp.
  2. use restore-keys, like the other repos
tomjaguarpaw commented 8 months ago

OK, let's try calculating the hash from a file with the timestamp removed!

0rphee commented 8 months ago

@tomjaguarpaw I think this has done the trick!

However, I suppose that if/when, dependencies are added, the whole cache will get thrown away, but I suppose that due to the state of the project, that won't happen very often, if at all lol.

Just another two things: 1) Perhaps your comment will no longer be valid? and 2) while checking the other repos, I saw that some of them also cached dist-newstyle. Maybe we could do this too?

0rphee commented 8 months ago

@tomjaguarpaw It now seems to work just fine.

tomjaguarpaw commented 8 months ago

That's great, thanks @0rphee and @andreasabel!

The "Setup Haskell" stage takes a long time so I wonder if we can cache that too: https://github.com/kowainik/stan/issues/536

tomjaguarpaw commented 8 months ago

Hmm, but now the run for main doesn't seem to be using the cache:


No idea why not. Let's keep our eyes on this and see what happens.

tomjaguarpaw commented 8 months ago

Oh, I think that's because the caches are per-branch. So this is probably fine.

tomjaguarpaw commented 8 months ago

This seems to explain the policy: https://docs.github.com/en/actions/using-workflows/caching-dependencies-to-speed-up-workflows#restrictions-for-accessing-a-cache

A PR branched off main can use main's cache, but main cannot use the cache that was saved by a PR.

So I think we are good!