kowainik / stan

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Error with GHC 9.4.8 (after working with GHC 9.4.7) #542

Closed mpilgrem closed 7 months ago

mpilgrem commented 7 months ago

I have been using Stan at Stack's repository. I've recently bumped Stack from GHC 9.4.7 to 9.4.8. Now Stan fails, as follows (extracts from Stan output):

> rmdir .hie -Force # Ensure clean .hie directory
> stack build stack:lib # Build Stack; creates .hie directory
> stan report --cabal-file-path=stack.cabal
ⓘ Checking environment variables and CLI arguments for default configurations file usage...
      * [Error  ] No STAN_USE_DEFAULT_CONFIG Env Variable is set
      * [Error  ] No CLI option specified for no-default

  ⓘ Reading Configurations from D:\Users\mike\Code\GitHub\commercialhaskell\stack\.stan.toml ...
  ⓘ The following Configurations are used:

      ∩ Exclude
          ID: STAN-0004
          Directory: .stack-work\dist
      ✖ Ignore
      ✖ Ignore

    With the following warnings:
      * [Warning] No CLI option specified for: checks
      * [Warning] configChecks is set through the source: TOML
      * [Warning] No TOML value is specified for key: remove
      * [Warning] No CLI option specified for: remove
      * [Warning] configRemoved is set through the source: TOML
      * [Warning] No CLI option specified for: ignore
      * [Warning] configIgnored is set through the source: TOML

stan.exe: panic! (the 'impossible' happened)
  GHC version 9.4.7:
        readHieFile: hie file versions don't match for file: .hie\Stack.hie Expected 9047 but got 9048

Please report this as a GHC bug:  https://www.haskell.org/ghc/reportabug
mpilgrem commented 7 months ago

Sorry, I am being foolish; Stan is being built with GHC 9.4.7.