kowith337 / ThaiConsentHosts

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Another data sources #6

Open kowith337 opened 5 years ago

kowith337 commented 5 years ago

This should be large company data sources that expose E-Mail address and sites, divided in each category. https://googlegroups.com/group/itsenator/attach/e5bf4f790aa48e15/Prospect%20Audiences.xls?part=4+ from: https://groups.google.com/forum/#!forum/itsenator

kowith337 commented 5 years ago
kowith337 commented 5 years ago
kowith337 commented 5 years ago

To be use with search engine.


kowith337 commented 5 years ago

PasteBin Raw from keyword search consentprt.dtac.co.th -site:dtac.co.th

kowith337 commented 5 years ago

Note that TrueHits was already blocked because of this domain was flagged as Tracking, so I use the Google cache instead.

kowith337 commented 5 years ago

Need to lookup this report from Comodo

kowith337 commented 5 years ago


kowith337 commented 5 years ago

This repo below contains some ThinkSmart domains https://github.com/Tksm-Attaphon/dtacplay-github

kowith337 commented 5 years ago
Incomplete lists related to Shinee (aka. AD Venture) - `https://www.google.co.th/search?num=100&no_sw_cr=1&pws=0&safe=off&hl=th&lr=lang_th&q=%22Girl+Clip%22+SMS+-site%3Afacebook.com+-site%3Apantip.com+-site%3Acommunity.*` - `https://www.google.co.th/search?num=100&no_sw_cr=1&pws=0&safe=off&hl=th&lr=lang_th&q=022076805+OR+02-2076805+OR+02-207-6805+-site%3Afacebook.com+-site%3Apantip.com+-site%3Acommunity.*`
kowith337 commented 5 years ago
Conference data, I don't know... `http://mobile.shinee.com/01/rqf_v1.0/reqform/ReqForm_list.asp`
Note: Username parameter are needed to view conference properly... - `http://mobile.shinee.com/01/rqf_v1.0/reqform/reqform_list.asp?usert=all&user=nadtinee` - `http://mobile.shinee.com/01/rqf_v1.0/reqform/reqform_list.asp?usert=co&user=nadtinee` - `http://mobile.shinee.com/01/rqf_v1.0/reqform/reqform_list.asp?usert=sp&user=nadtinee` - `http://mobile.shinee.com/01/rqf_v1.0/reqform/reqform_list.asp?usert=rm&user=nithi`

Edited note: They're many types of user teams and also give different topics, only matched username and group team can browse those conversations.

kowith337 commented 5 years ago
TrueHits Cache `http://webcache.googleusercontent.com/search?hl=en&q=cache%3Ahttps%3A%2F%2Ftruehits.net%2F2018%2Findex.php%3Fcateid%3D10`
kowith337 commented 5 years ago

An operator exposed VAS portal from some services providers


From: https://m.pantip.com/topic/38924839

kowith337 commented 5 years ago

ThinkSmart use ZeroPark to show ads and redirect traffics and/or web page to directly subscribe their services without any user-side confirmations!



With the picture above, expected that ThinkSmart use ZeroPark to serve ads, then redirect to the web page that hosted on CTrackz for performing quick subscribe!

kowith337 commented 5 years ago
... `https://olimob.com/inc/ajax/offers_pubstat.php`
A tool to generate full-width text to prevent URL clicking https://lingojam.com/VaporwaveTextGenerator
kowith337 commented 5 years ago
https://pantip.com/topic/39082267 ![image](https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/16535467/61809789-2f9a8b80-ae68-11e9-8627-99e3a08507df.png)
Search with 025414xxx in this spreadsheet! https://docs.google.com/viewer?url=http%3A%2F%2Fservices.totiti.net%2Fskl%2Fwp-content%2Fdocument%2FSME_Inactive%2FSMEs_Inactive_%25E0%25B8%25994.xlsx
kowith337 commented 5 years ago

Update from https://github.com/kowith337/ThaiConsentHosts/issues/6#issuecomment-496233994

... `http://mobile.shinee.com/01/rqf_v1.0/reqform/ReqForm_Detail.asp?user=nadtinee&usert=all&rq_id=5391&brqno=01201907220001`

TMC = TeleInfo Media Co.,Ltd. (Thailand Yellow Pages)

kowith337 commented 5 years ago

From https://pantip.com/topic/39093998

SumOne (aka. RakContent) - `https://www.google.co.th/search?num=100&no_sw_cr=1&pws=0&safe=off&hl=th&lr=lang_th&q=025592997+OR+02-5592997+OR+02-559-2997+OR+0-2559-2997+-site%3Afacebook.com+-site%3Apantip.com+-site%3Acommunity.*` - `https://www.google.co.th/search?num=100&no_sw_cr=1&pws=0&safe=off&hl=th&lr=lang_th&q=025592913+OR+02-5592913+OR+02-559-2913+OR+0-2559-2913+-site%3Afacebook.com+-site%3Apantip.com+-site%3Acommunity.*`
Spreadsheet Exposed, gotta find something more in there! ``
kowith337 commented 5 years ago

Relationship of company: HexCube

kowith337 commented 5 years ago

More interesting information

kowith337 commented 5 years ago

Reference to e559c2ae62c90f02dd2e9f1dc1159a967a7829a1

kowith337 commented 5 years ago

Todo: b8a735f2a8f01fbaf0f89874d7f91331bcfd3b2b

NotRealPaz commented 4 years ago

I think *****.bemobtrk.com is just a ad-tracker according to this website bemob.com

kowith337 commented 4 years ago

Yes, it's deserve to blocked due to it's possible to redirecting to AOC supscription page, but they may have lots of random subdomains, however.

NotRealPaz commented 4 years ago

Then the file it's gonna be very large due to host file doesn't support wildcards. around 60 million lines of host file.

kowith337 commented 4 years ago

Hmm, I don't think it's site will use 11111, aaaaa till zzzzz.

If they really do, their site and/or server might be large enough like a server farm, or have lots of virtual servers/containers?

NotRealPaz commented 4 years ago

They just point to same server. You can try to ping them. I think they are around 2-10 servers.

kowith337 commented 4 years ago

That might still be return to a same point by adding randomized sub hosts, since this is a hosts file, not wildcard, direct DNS name block or top-level blocking or something.

Unless it have some possible ways, e.g.

However, not everyone use any good tools, and any browsers than Chrome, either.

Because Chrome itself are able to bypass blocking and use their own built-in DNS, unless you've turn off this flag!

kowith337 commented 4 years ago


Hook to https://github.com/kowith337/ThaiConsentHosts/issues/6#issuecomment-496233994

kowith337 commented 4 years ago


kowith337 commented 3 years ago

About recent commit: 5df5b18957cc1f9ceac92e83854a1dd68b3b10f4 + https://pantip.com/topic/40352230 ba047b70-308d-11eb-8299-03e28962d52d_original

Found from TrueID news articles that have its promo banner, all links below are converted to Outline.

So, it's clear that Truemove create subscription services by their own!

kowith337 commented 3 years ago

New affiliate lists to check along with OilMob


Trend Micro report of malware that written with Kotlin

https://www.trendmicro.com/en_us/research/18/a/first-kotlin-developed-malicious-app-signs-users-premium-sms-services.html In images and extracted URL are pointed to GMPMobi