koxudaxi / ruff-pycharm-plugin

PyCharm plugin for ruff. This plugin provides reformat code using ruff.
MIT License
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Ignoring per-file-ignores configuration #359

Open FieryDruid opened 6 months ago

FieryDruid commented 6 months ago

Describe the bug

After updating to version 0.0.29, the plugin began to highlight rules that are ignored for specific files using the per-file-ignores section in ruff.toml. If ruff is run from the console with the same config, it does not find any errors.

To Reproduce Steps to reproduce the behavior:

  1. create package with some module in project
  2. write any code that is recognized by ruff as an error
  3. add this error code with path to this file in per-file-ignores
  4. check this error highlighting

Expected behavior Since ruff itself ignores the rule, the plugin should also not highlight it


Test code with error: image

project structure with new folder project_tests: image

per-file-ignores section: image

ruff check resuilt from command line: image

Environments (please complete the following information):

Additional context It is likely that this may be related to the path to the config file in Windows + WSL: https://github.com/koxudaxi/ruff-pycharm-plugin/issues/358

but i fix this error by editing ruff.xml in .idea/. Everything worked fine on the previous version without any changes.

Skorpyon commented 5 months ago

Same thing. @koxudaxi maybe it happen, because Ruff team moved "per-file-ignores" config from root into "lint" subsection:

"tests/**" = ["INP001", "S101"]
koxudaxi commented 4 months ago


I'm sorry for my late reply. I tested your example. I can't reproduce the issue.

It is likely that this may be related to the path to the config file in Windows + WSL: https://github.com/koxudaxi/ruff-pycharm-plugin/issues/358

Do you set your ruff.toml config path in the settings?

FieryDruid commented 4 months ago


I'm sorry for my late reply. I tested your example. I can't reproduce the issue.

It is likely that this may be related to the path to the config file in Windows + WSL: #358

Do you set your ruff.toml config path in the settings?

Yes, the config file is specified, but, due to the problem described in https://github.com/koxudaxi/ruff-pycharm-plugin/issues/358 I had to edit ruff.xml in .idea folder and specify a relative path in it

<option name="ruffConfigPath" value="ruff.toml" />

Could there be a problem due to such usage?

Still reproduced on this simple project: pythonProject.zip image

Pycharm: 2023.3.5 Ruff: 0.1.9 Plugin: 0.0.31/0.0.29

And I tested this case on Ruff 0.3.4 with updated config:

select = ["S101"]

"tests/*" = ["S101"]

Plugin show me only assert: image

Ruff from CLI says: image

FieryDruid commented 3 months ago


Thanks for 0.0.33 release!

Problem is actual with fixed https://github.com/koxudaxi/ruff-pycharm-plugin/issues/358

Pycharm: 2024.1 Ruff: 0.3.5 Plugin: 0.0.33

koxudaxi commented 3 months ago

@FieryDruid Thank you for checking it :)

FieryDruid commented 3 months ago


sorry, it is not completed :(

I meant that error is still being reproduced after release

koxudaxi commented 3 months ago

@FieryDruid I tested the toml file from settings, which means it may not be taking relative paths into account. Could you test the absolute path?

FieryDruid commented 3 months ago


I changed config settings: image

ruff.xml contains:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<project version="4">
  <component name="RuffConfigService">
    <option name="globalRuffExecutablePath" value="\\wsl.localhost\Ubuntu-22.04\home\fierydruid\.local\bin\ruff" />
    <option name="ruffConfigPath" value="\\wsl.localhost\Ubuntu-22.04\home\fierydruid\work\schedule\pythonProject\ruff.toml" />

I test some cases on: Pycharm: 2024.1 Ruff: 0.3.5 Plugin: 0.0.33 OS: Windows 11 + WSL (Ubuntu 22.04) (My secondary computer on Windows 10 + WSL (Ubuntu 22.04) has same bug)

Use test project from my previous comment:

Still reproduced on this simple project: pythonProject.zip

1 case

Select all rules and check without ignores

2 case

Select all rules and check with ignore S101

3 case

Select only S101 and check with ignore S101:

mihirsamdarshi commented 2 months ago

Hi, This is happening for me as well.

However, unlike the other bug reporters, I am running on macOS, and I don't have a ruff.toml. I specify the per-file-ignores under [tool.ruff.lint.per-file-ignores] in pyproject.toml.

I've had different issues with PyCharm before because this (newer) Python project is not in the root of my Pycharm workspace. Perhaps this could be a reason this isn't working for me?

Here is my .idea/ruff.xml

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<project version="4">
  <component name="RuffConfigService">
    <option name="globalRuffExecutablePath" value="$USER_HOME$/.pyenv/shims/ruff" />
    <option name="globalRuffLspExecutablePath" value="$USER_HOME$/.pyenv/shims/ruff" />
    <option name="projectRuffExecutablePath" value="$USER_HOME$/Library/Caches/pypoetry/virtualenvs/server-N8UJI-q9-py3.12/bin/ruff" />
    <option name="ruffConfigPath" value="$PROJECT_DIR$/server/pyproject.toml" />
    <option name="runRuffOnSave" value="true" />
    <option name="useRuffFormat" value="true" />
mihirsamdarshi commented 1 month ago

I did some source code spelunking and I suspect that this might be an error with ruff/working directories when it gets the --config option?

I have two projects, one which is known good (does not show annotations for lint codes are excluded in the [tool.ruff.lint.per-file-ignores]), and one which is known bad (does show annotations for lint codes are excluded in the [tool.ruff.lint.per-file-ignores]). The known bad one has the pyproject.toml file in a non-root project path.

The bad project:

folder1/ (root)
  └── backend
  │   ├── pyproject.toml
  │   └── src
  │   │    └── foo_package
  │   │        └── __init__.py
  │   └── tests
  │       ├── __init__.py
  │       └── test_foo.py
  └── frontend
      └── ...

The good project:

folder2/ (root)
  ├── pyproject.toml
  ├── src
  │   └── example_project
  │       └── __init__.py
  └── tests
      ├── __init__.py
      └── test_main.py

Both had the exact same config in pyproject.toml

"tests/*.py" = ["ANN201", "D100", "D102", "D103", "S101", "SLF001"]

I built and ran the plugin from scratch and enabled debug logging for the com.intellij.execution handler, which is where runRuff, then runCommand, then CapturingProcessHandler end up.

In the good project, I noticed that the command being run was: /Users/user/good_project/.venv/bin/ruff check --exit-zero --no-cache --force-exclude --no-fix --output-format json --stdin-filename tests/test__lib.py -, and the working directory was /Users/user/good_project. This produces a list of annotations, which (erroneously) get displayed in PyCharm. I verified that the output when running this command manually in the terminal (with the venv activated) is the exact same as the one logged in the application, listing errors that are excluded in the [tool.ruff.lint.per-file-ignores] key.

And in the bad project the command was: /Users/user/bad_project/server/.venv/bin/ruff check --exit-zero --no-cache --force-exclude --no-fix --output-format json --stdin-filename server/tests/test_app.py --config /Users/user/bad_project/server/pyproject.toml -, and the working directory was /Users/user/bad_project. Again, the output when run manually is the same as seen the output seen in the log.

I believe the working directory of the command is the issue, because when I cd into /Users/user/bad_project/server/ and run the exact same command manually, I see the expected output (no errors).