koying / SPMC

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Sync error SPMC 17a10 amcodec S812 #1054

Open atomizasser opened 6 years ago

atomizasser commented 6 years ago

Hello. I've tested last Alpha 10 build of SPMC17 in a X8-H Plus Box, but I have strange behaviour playing videos. Out of box, smpc sync correctly frame rate of tv with video, setting at 24hz a 23,978 video, without any problem. But after exactly 50 seconds video and audio start to de-sync. If your jump video, is playing correctly after another 50 seconds, and again video is out of sync with skipping frames...Its very very strange. If tested with a different convination of player options, but always after 50 seconds, video start to skipping frames. On SPMC 16, no problem with the same video.

I've attached the log if someone can help to try to find a solution

Kinds regards.


joggs commented 6 years ago

I have the same problem with my box with s912 chip that has the frameratefix app that i think origins from the x8-h.

atomizasser commented 6 years ago

Anyone knows if with the last build the issue is resolved? I haven't tested it yet.


atomizasser commented 6 years ago

i've tested the new version and it has the same behaviour. After exactly 50 seconds playing video, video and audio starts to desync.