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TrakT not working on Nvidia Shield TV #1067

Open Tech-Ninja opened 6 years ago

Tech-Ninja commented 6 years ago

Anyone else having a problem with TrakT with SPMC 16.7 on the Shield? Was working fine yesterday (and STILL works fine on SPMC on my Fire TV and also on Kodi on the Shield and Fire TV). On the Shield I just keep getting 'TrakT error - check the log for information'. I've not changed anything on the Shield or otherwise done anything. It just packed up working.

As ever when something goes wrong with these applications, wasted hours trying to resolve it. Tried uninstalling and re-installing TrakT from the Kodi Repo. No good. Same result. Error message on start up. As a last resort I could uninstall SPMC I suppose and start again from scratch but can't be asked. If I uninstall it, it'll stay uninstalled!!

Tried going to the Configure section on Trak and it no longer shows my account and clicking the 'How to Authorise' no longer brings up the link with a code to enter on the TrakT link site.

Tech-Ninja commented 6 years ago

Well, ended up dealing with this myself. Uninstalled SPMC, re-installed and TrakT downloaded and activated fine. After deleting it from the app before I noticed when it downloaded again it didn't seem to bring all the other dependencies with it. Damn nuisance having to set it all up again.

Mainly only bothered as I wanted to see what all the fuss is about with the support SPMC seems to have with Shield users. To be blunt, I'm not that impressed. TMDB doesn't work with it, forcing you to use the (crap) Universal Scraper, then this issue with TraktT and being stuck with the Confluence skin (which feels really dated and clunky for me once you get used to Estuary on K17). Since K17 offers a much more Android TV friendly approach these days, AND works!, I'm not sure why SPMC is still held in seemingly such high regard.

mLgz0rn commented 6 years ago

The issues are clearly on your end. Non has posted about the issues you have, and I myself has no issues. If you don't post any logs, it's kinda hard to help you. But I can assure you that tmdb and the trakt issues you got is not spmc related. Koying is also working on a krypton build of spmc which is still in alpha, so expect bugs, but you can get it here http://download.semperpax.com/spmc/ The reason spmc is favoured for android tv boxes is because of the wide support for low end to high end devices. Codecs that kodi has discontinued using and the ability to use voice search and control spmc with your voice, which as far as I know, kodi doesn't have.

Tech-Ninja commented 6 years ago

I'm not sure they 'clearly' are. I have tried a an uninstall and reinstall of SPMC on a Shield TV that has not been modified or rooted in any way. I have also not changed any of the default settings in SPMC or Trak. On Kodi 17.4 Trak works fine without problem every single time.

On SPMC, following a reinstall, TrakT downloaded and worked fine. After that I added a few video locations and installed Covenant. Again, fine. Then, after I quit SPMC and opened it again, problem. "TrakT error - see log for more information".

Tried a re-install AGAIN. TrakT installed and continued to work after doing the following, rebooting after each time:

Adding Movie files/location Adding TV files Playing a movie, checking the scrobbling, replaying to check resume point Installing Covenant Playing form Covenant (not so easy as the returns on searches are far fewer than from Kodi/Covenant) Authorising TrakT with Covenant Playing, checking scrobbling, replaying to check resume point

At this point still working OK. Trouble is, I did all this yesterday, it was all working fine, opened up after a few hours and TrakT packed up again got the error message upon SPMC opening up. I'll see how it goes, merely to see if any problem can be identified that might help others if it is wider than just my install. If it's 'clearly' a problem my end it'll should be affecting anyone using SPMC on a Shield with default settings. I don't view people posting / not posting on forums as an indicator of there being / not being problems. I find it surprising just how many folks don't know about forums, less surprising when people encounter problems with apps and merely bin them in favour of something that just works, without problems.

One thing I find tiresome, how the heck do you quickly get to the OK section when scrolling down long lists of selectable options (such as providers in Covenant)? Something I'm missing in terms of a key press? maybe a consequence of making things Apple TV friendly with (mostly) just up / down / left / right remote options available I guess.