koying / SPMC

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Setting Plex add-on to autostart crashes SPMC on startup (NVidia Shield) #1180

Open gbeekmans opened 6 years ago

gbeekmans commented 6 years ago

I'm using the latest SPMC available from the App Store on an NVidia Shield. About half the time I consume media, it's outside the house so I am all but "forced" to use Plex for this.

Because I can't use the Plex app directly on the Shield (it crashes after about 10 minutes of playback. This appears to be a common problem that's all over the Plex forums and there appears to be no traction in getting it fixed by Plex), I have taken to use the Plex add-on inside SPMC and before this in Kodi. I'm not a real big fan of doing this but I also don't want to get into a situation where all members of my household have to manage two sets of libraries, their individual watch statuses, etc.

So, I configured the Plex add-on to automatically start when SPMC starts. This saves a bunch of a few steps of manually launching Plex after running SPMC.

Except, it doesn't work. SPMC starts, Plex appears to want to start and then it crashes. I have hit the button to submit logs a couple of times but I failed to write down the submission IDs to reference here.

When I set up a similar setup inside the Kodi app with Plex automatically starting, it doesn't crash.
