koying / SPMC

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The Addon Bubbles Won't Load #806

Open thomfam opened 7 years ago

thomfam commented 7 years ago

I am unable to install this addon I am told by the developer because it seems the version of python used in SPMC is not compatible with Bubbles. Any comment?

ghost commented 7 years ago

Seems odd, never had any addon issues with SPMC. Link please, as i have never heard of this bubbles one. Thanks

just seen this, maybe python version is outdated @koying ? https://github.com/koying/SPMC/issues/789

thomfam commented 7 years ago

The new Bubbles addon is ranked quite highly as a new trending Kodi addon.

My original post on the issue is here: https://www.tvaddons.ag/forums/addon-releases/56140-bubbles-stream-movies-tv-kodi-post402631.html#post402631 This has the kodi log link. He responded re the compatibility problem in the post directly beneath this one.

If you follow the thread down you will see his responses. Because of time differences (I am in Australia) P4 post 33 and below. I have again responded today post 53.

koying commented 7 years ago

See here to solve the syntax error on python 2.6: http://stackoverflow.com/questions/21069668/alternative-to-dict-comprehension-prior-to-python-2-7

thomfam commented 7 years ago

Thanks Koying. I respect your knowledge and expertise so when it comes to this sort of stuff I am in the dark. However I have passed your info along to Bubbles developer and hopefully it will be included in an update.

thomfam commented 7 years ago

Bubbles is hopeful of a fix for this in the next release. due this weekend.

thomfam commented 7 years ago

Bubbles now loads but the developer says python 2.6 creates more problems than if using 2.7. His response is here: Ok, the new SPMC error is due to missing module (ordereddict) in python 2.6, I'll see what I can do about it.

Now, these errors indicate that a number of other bugs might pop up at different places, because python 2.6 has a lot of missing functionality compared to 2.7 an up. Is there any specific reason why the dev of SPMC does not want to upgrade to 2.7?

The Support thread is here. This post is on page 9:


ghost commented 7 years ago

Hi koying. I've decided to come here, since I've been struggling to get my addon working on SPMC. Is there a specific reason why SPMC still uses Python 2.6 (it's already 9 years old)?

I've now detected these problems with 2.6 (the only ones I currently aware of, there are probably a lot more):

  1. No inline dictionary creation with key-value pairs (Solution: use an extensive for-loop)
  2. No OrderedDict class (Solution: import the module manually from newer Python version)
  3. Very poor to no support for HTTPS connections.

Now point 3 is a huge bummer. Python 2.6 only uses SSL23 which has major security flaws. TLS is not "really" nativley supported in 2.6. Although there are 2 solutions:

https://gist.github.com/LordGaav/4674198 https://gist.github.com/flandr/74be22d1c3d7c1dfefdd

Both of them do not work with SPMC. Now, even looking past the vulnerabilities of SSL23 (which is a very bad idea), I can simply not manage to create a secure connection over HTTPS, with these exceptions raised in SSL23:

<urlopen error [Errno 1] _ssl.c:510: error:14077438:SSL routines:SSL23_GET_SERVER_HELLO:tlsv1 alert internal error>

<urlopen error [Errno 1] _ssl.c:510: error:14094438:SSL routines:SSL3_READ_BYTES:tlsv1 alert internal error>

This is a bit weird, does no one in SPMC (or the addons that run on it) establish a secure connection via TLS? If you guys are indeed doing this, what am I then missing?

koying commented 7 years ago

I've started checking 2.7.

ghost commented 7 years ago

Ok, just ran a check on the latest Windows SPMC and it uses 2.7.8, not sure about Android though. So it not just 2.6, but everything 2.7.8 and lower.