koying / SPMC

fork of xbmc/kodi
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Jarvis Fork #863

Open bossbrody opened 7 years ago

bossbrody commented 7 years ago

Apparently a new version of Jarvis now exists to fix the lack of HD STREAMS and SSL PROBLEMS in Exodus, FINGERS CROSSED Koying will have an opportunity to implement the fix for SPMC.

thomfam commented 7 years ago

Link please

LostEchoes commented 7 years ago

@bossbrody probably refers to FTMC which was recently bumped to > Python 2.7.9 . by Superceleron. FTMC is based on SPMC (and is not a new fork).

mrvanity commented 7 years ago

koying has already implemented the changes in jit.Compiling is required. So i guess the next version with have the necessary changes.

koying commented 7 years ago

The latest test builds (hash d937365) have python 2.7 (eg http://download.semperpax.com/spmc/android-arm/SPMC-spmc-jarvis-d937365-armeabi-v7a.apk)

mrvanity commented 7 years ago


mrvanity commented 7 years ago

koying do you have any plans of pushing this build to play store? My regards!

unlocKing commented 7 years ago

@koying Cheers! :)

janolapin2016 commented 7 years ago

Uuuuuuhhhhhhh its darker on my AMLogic device S912... !!! Contrast and luminosity tweak disappear from tweaking which is the best of SPMC ...

Does this tweak will come back in final version ??

bossbrody commented 7 years ago

Many thanks koying..

ghost commented 7 years ago

@koying Can we get a test thread here going. Thanks 👍

manny729 commented 7 years ago

anyone test this yet ????

HeXDeMoN commented 7 years ago

I just tested it, on first boot up none of my addons were working, I rebooted , addons would sorta work but after 5 minutes or so everything worked perfect.. I use mysql db not sure if that played a part into my initial issue. Anyways I can confirm the new python version works by testing 9anime addon which requires it and didn't previously work on 16.6.0.

Thanks for putting out this test version @koying

janolapin2016 commented 7 years ago

@Koying hey thank you so much I love SPMC but this build doent have any contrast/luminosity tweak and this is too bad. This tweak are the best of SPMC ! Does this tweak will come back in final build ??

JFG90 commented 7 years ago

Is there a aarch64 version?

manny729 commented 7 years ago

Can we get a test thread here going.?@Koying thanks for ur hard work

bossbrody commented 7 years ago

Definite drop in the contrast/luminosity but just increase in the video setting also running AMLogic device S912.

janolapin2016 commented 7 years ago

Heyyyyyy the contrast and brightness settings reappeared !!! ??? May be they only work with files locally ? I dont know Or I had not seen them because I'm tired ? Anyways They are well good implemented

TommyGunn69 commented 7 years ago

Any links to the aarch64 version? Checked but can't find it in the aarch64 directory

wrxtasy commented 7 years ago

So S912 users, you now expect Koying to fix your dark video output Firmware issues ?


janolapin2016 commented 7 years ago

Kodi already do that perfectly and SPMC too, there is a tweak for both contrast and brightness that S912 users can use...

janolapin2016 commented 7 years ago

@wrxtasy you sound/look so frustrated about S912 device... why ??? Its really good one cheap faster and heavy and some are not from china like some nvidia device...