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[SPMC17] Video playback stutters on my s905 android box #974

Open Dmac220 opened 6 years ago

Dmac220 commented 6 years ago

I'm having some issues with the video playback being jerky/choppy on spmc17.4 using my s905 qbox. I tested my box on kodi18 and the video playback plays smooth with no judder . I don't know why it wouldn't play smooth on spmc 17.4, maybe it has something to do with the amcodec not working properly on my andriod box, but i didn't have those problems with spmc 16.7 . My log file http://paste.semperpax.com/pq42ri8mz

koying commented 6 years ago

Try with amcodec disabled. Might work better for you...

Dmac220 commented 6 years ago

@koying It help a little bit, but it still doesn't play smooth like 16.7

jeancar09 commented 6 years ago

Same to me.

JeymyAV commented 6 years ago


I have the same problem with my s912 and android 6.

it don't happen with the last spmc 16.7 with amcodec enabled. Some info to help you on trying to fix this bug with a sample video fullhd 24hz: 1º With spmc 17.4 aplha 8 and amcodec enabled the framerate is not stable. it run between 22 to 26 frames and finally it lost all sync. 2º With spmc 17.4 aplha 8 and amcodec disabled the framerate is a bit more stable but only get 14-16 frames, so the motion is not smooth. 3º With spmc 16.7 and amcodec enabled the framerate is stable to 23-24 frames and the motion is smooth. 4º With Kodi 18 the framerate is more stable close to 16 frames, but the motion is not smooth at all.

Hope this info can help you.

Btw: is it possible to get better results with android nougat because it have a higher api?

SaEt9000 commented 6 years ago


this problem seems to be improved since SPMC alpha9 but still not resolved (in alpha 10 as well). On my minix U1 (S905) with enabled amlcodec the Video speeds up or stops almost until audio and video is in synch. I did not had the time to proove how long it stays in synch. I will test it later. Video: HD (1920i) in h264 with AC3 and 25 fps.

The interesting thing is: when I choose adjust display refresh rate = "on start / stop" or "always" the video starts in sync and after some seconds (maybe after more then a minute) the video suddenly speeds up and then slows down again until video and audio is in sync and smooth again. When I choose adjust display refresh rate = never, the video starts completely out of sync, video speeds up / slows down and is in sync after roghly 30 seconds. This is repoduceable with different videos.

I hope I find the time this week to check whether the video stays in sync after this "resync-process" and I will check the log as well.

BTW: when I choose mediacodec this effect seems not to occur. But the video is not smooth with mediacodec - al lot of small stutters and skipped frames (more then one per second).

Thanks for your work, @koying :-)


SaEt9000 commented 6 years ago

In between I did some longer tests with spmc alpha 10. What I wrote above is still correct so far... but after playback video some minutes it starts to stutter visible with enabled amlcodec in the same way using mediacodec. Independendly of any video-settings in spmc.
