kozlovsky / tribler

Privacy enhanced BitTorrent client with P2P content discovery
GNU Lesser General Public License v3.0
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[Draft] Components #3

Open kozlovsky opened 2 years ago

kozlovsky commented 2 years ago

I'm excited about the prospect of an offline all-dev-team meeting for discussing components. I'm sure that with the collective discussion, we can make the components architecture much better.

The current version of the components architecture has not emerged from an empty initial state. It was an incremental refactoring of the previous approach that you can see here.

First, I want to describe the component architecture that we have right now. The current implementation of components is trying to achieve the following goals:

  1. Make clear statically typed boundaries between different parts of Tribler.
  2. Allow flexible configuration of Tribler when some components can be turned off with predictable consequences.
  3. Solve the problem of circular imports between components and avoid the loading of expensive modules for components that are disabled in the current Tribler configuration.
  4. Allow components to communicate directly without a mandatory use of an intermediate Session object.
  5. Allow asynchronous initialization of components.
  6. Allow assembling arbitrary configurations of components.

Let's see how the current components implementation achieves that.

Static typing of components

With the current approach, a developer can implement a **component interface**, which statically describes all fields provided by a component. It is possible to implement methods in a component interface. Still, usually, it is just some other objects provided by a component, such as a community, a store, or a manager implemented by some Tribler module. ```python class FooComponent(Component) community: FooCommunity manager: DownloadManager store: MetadataStore ... ``` A component is treated as a container for some values (such as communities) which are statically typed. A component interface specifies field types, while the component implementation provides the actual values of these fields. Some other component's implementation can specify its dependency on `FooComponent` in its implementation: ```python class BarComponentImp(BarComponent): ... async def run(self): ... foo_component = await self.use(FooComponent) # the type of foo_component variable is FooComponent community = foo_component.community # strongly typed! the type is FooCommunity manager = foo_component.manager # strongly typed! the type is DownloadManager store = foo_component.store # strongly typed! the type is MetadataStore ``` If your PyCharm is configured correctly and you try to play with current components in PyCharm IDE, you will see that PyCharm can perfectly understand that the result of the `self.use(FooComponent)` call has the `FooComponent` type. It is beneficial, as it allows PyCharm and various type checkers to highlight many errors early on. You can navigate easily through the code by clicking on a component field like `foo_component.manager`. That should bring you to the right place, where you can click on the field type to see the `DownloadManager` class definition. Also, you can click on `FooComponentImp` and see all details of the `DownloadManager` instance initialization. So, in responding to: > 2. Interfaces are not what they seem (technically, they looks more like Facades (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Facade_pattern)) I disagree with that. Interfaces in the current implementation of components are real interfaces, as they: 1. statically define types of component fields. 2. does not provide actual values for these fields, leaving that for the component's implementation. I need to say that the component's interfaces in the current implementation are not *pure* interfaces, as, in addition to the Interface pattern, they also implement the Factory pattern. In the current component architecture, each component's interface and its implementation are coupled: each interface is linked to a single "real" implementation and a single "dummy" implementation. This is done for simplification: no Tribler interface needs to have more than one "real" implementation.

Flexible configuration of Tribler

Our current component architecture allows us to use a subset of components. Depending on configuration options, some components can be turned off. For this, a class of component's interface needs to provide `should_be_enabled` classmethod: ```python class FooComponent(Component) ... @classmethod def should_be_enabled(cls, config: TriblerConfig): return config.foo.enabled and config.xyz.enabled # elaborate conditions are possible ``` Again, the reason to place this classmethod in the component's interface class was to simplify architecture as much as possible and don't introduce unnecessary new entities. In the current Tribler architecture, it is enough to have this method hardcoded inside the component interface. We can extract it later when (and if) a reason for this will appear. It is possible that other components are trying to use component which is not currently enabled: ```python class BarComponentImp(BarComponent): ... async def run(self): ... foo_component = await self.use(FooComponent) # FooComponent can be disabled ``` What should be the value of the `foo_component` variable in that case? One option was to set it to `None`. But it turns out to be pretty inconvenient. Currently, a component is basically a container for some fields which are initialized indirectly in a Dependency Injection style. We don't use the component itself. We use fields that this component provides to us, like in the following example: ```python class BarComponentImp(BarComponent): ... async def run(self): ... foo_component = await self.use(FooComponent) community = foo_component.community manager = foo_component.manager store = foo_component.store ``` If `foo_component` can be `None`, then direct access to `foo_component.community` and other fields becomes impossible - we need to check if `foo_component is None` or not before that. In practice, it turns out to be inconvenient and error-prone. In order to avoid this, each component has a second dummy implementation which is returned when the component is disabled. This dummy implementation has the same set of fields as the real component implementation, so we can access the `foo_component.community` attribute even if `foo_component` is actually disabled. The actual value of `foo_component.community` for dummy implementation of `FooComponent` can be `None` or some dummy version of the community depending on what is more convenient for other components, which depends on `FooComponent`. Currently, the class for dummy `FooComponent` implementation is named `FooComponentMock`, but the name is actually pretty misleading. The `Mock` ending gives the impression that this class is for tests. It actually **can** be used for tests, especially if we are testing some other component and want to disable everything that is not relevant to the current test. But the main purpose of this class is to be used in real Tribler run when the component was disabled in configuration settings, but other components can attempt to use it. For that reason, I think that it is better to rename dummy components implementations from `FooComponentMock` to `DummyFooComponent` or something like that. An attribute `foo_component.enabled` allows us to understand whether we have an actual component implementation or its dummy version. This allows us to write code in the following style: ```python class XyzComponentImp(XyzComponent): ... async def run(self): ... foo_community = await self.use(FooComponent).community # will not crash if FooComponent is disabled bar_component = await self.use(BarComponent) # can be real or dummy implementation if bar_component.enabled: # this is the real implementation for sure # do something with fields of bar_component ```

How components solve the problem of circular imports

This part is straightforward. Each component's implementation refers to interfaces of other components, but not to their implementation: ```python from tribler_core.components.interfaces.foo import FooComponent ... class BarComponentImp(BarComponent): ... async def run(self): ... foo_component = await self.use(FooComponent) # the value of foo_component variable is FooComponentImp instance ``` This way, components can link each other easily. Cross-dependencies are possible and will not cause any problems during the module import. The same is with optional component dependencies. Let's consider the situation when `BarComponent` has a dependency on `FooComponent`, but that dependency is optional, so `BarComponent` can work fine if `FooComponent` is disabled in config settings. Then `BarComponent` can be written this way: ```python from tribler_core.components.interfaces.foo import FooComponent ... class BarComponentImp(BarComponent): ... async def run(self): ... foo_component = await self.use(FooComponent, required=False) # optional component dependency if foo_component.enabled: # do something useful with foo_component content ``` If `FooComponent` is disabled, then `BarComponent` will load `FooComponent` interface, but not the implementation. If the implementation of `FooComponent` contains imports of some expensive modules, this time will not be spent, and the Tribler startup time will be reduced.

Direct communication of components

In the previous code of Tribler, modules communicate with each other using a god-like `Session` object as an intermediary object. It was typical for `Session` to have all communities as its fields, and then other components should access `session.ipv8`, `session.dlmgr` etc., to access necessary objects. The result of it was a highly coupled architecture when all possible "components" should be specified in Session. It kind of works but might be error-prone when not all "components" are actually enabled. In the new component architecture, the components don't use the `Session` object at all to communicate with each other. Instead, they directly use other components in their code: ```python class BarComponentImp(BarComponent): ... async def run(self): ... foo_component = await self.use(FooComponent) # no usage of Session object here ``` This made component dependencies clean and explicit, and it became possible to understand which components are using other components easily.

Asynchronous initialization of components

There are some tricky questions regarding components initialization: * In which order components should be initialized? * What to do, if some component refers to another component that is not fully initialized yet? * What to do if some component requires a long time for its initialization? The simplest solution would be to specify some strict linear order for component initialization and then initialize components in that order one by one. This approach is possible but has two big drawbacks: * Someone needs to analyze the code of all components carefully to derive the correct initialization sequence. This may be error-prone. * Some components can take a really big and unpredictable time for initialization, and it may significantly delay the initialization of other components placed further in the initialization sequence. In the current architecture, another approach was implemented, which allows all components to be initialized asynchronously and in parallel. If some component A refers to another component B, the initialization process of component A is paused until component B becomes fully initialized. Then component A receives the reference to component B, and the initialization process of component A resumes. You can see it in the following example: ```python class BarComponentImp(BarComponent): ... async def run(self): ... foo_component = await self.use(FooComponent) # the execution is paused until FooComponent is ready ``` A similar logic is applied to the component shutdown - a component finalization procedure starts when all other components that depend on this component were already stopped. With the current implementation, it is possible to have a graph of dependencies between components to detect cyclic dependencies during component initialization. It was already implemented but then removed to simplify code a bit, as it was unnecessary to have this detection mechanism. It can be added again afterward.

Assembling arbitrary configurations of components

In the current component architecture, the role of `Session` was heavily reduced. Previously the session object was the central place where references to all important "components" were stored, and many "components" access the session object to find references to other "components". Now components can talk to each other directly without the direct use of the `Session` object. Nevertheless, the Session object remains an important part of the architecture. Its main purpose now is to keep the mapping of component interfaces to component implementations. As I said previously, now each component interface has two implementations - one is "real" implementation which is used in the normal Tribler run, and another is "dummy" implementation which is used when the component is disabled. But in tests, it may be important to replace some specific components with mock implementations. I'm speaking not about classes like `FooComponentMocks`, that really should be renamed to something like `DummyFooComponent`, and that is used in the real application when the corresponding component is disabled, but about some test-specific mocks which can be implemented differently in different tests. `Session` object in a new component architecture can assemble an arbitrary collection of component implementations in the following way: ```python components = [foo_mock, bar_component] session = Session(tribler_config, components) with session: await session.start() ``` Here, `foo_mock` is some mock implementation that inherits from the `FooComponent` interface. It should have an `interface` attribute that refers to that interface. Then the code of the `bar_component` will be executed: ```python class BarComponentImp(BarComponent): ... async def run(self): ... foo_component = await self.use(FooComponent) # will return the foo_mock instance ``` This way, the current component architecture allows you to test arbitrary assemblies of components with arbitrary implementation for each component.
kozlovsky commented 2 years ago

Now I can return to Andrey's notes about the current realization of components:

For each of the components, there are two types of objects:

  • Implementation
  • Interface

My main notes for interfaces are:

  1. Interfaces are unnecessary here (we can remove them)

Speaking about component objects, it is useful to separate the interface and the implementation of a component for the following reasons:

Speaking about component modules, you are correct that we can put an interface and the main implementation of the same component into the same module. But having different modules for interface and implementation is helpful for two reasons:

  1. Interfaces are not what they seem (technically, they looks more like Facades (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Facade_pattern))

As I already wrote above, I disagree with this. In the current implementation, interfaces describe component fields in a strongly typed way. Inside your component, you can write (await self.use(LibtorrentComponent)).download_manager, and PyCharm will correctly identify that the result's type is a DownloadManager instance.

Let me compare the current way how components work with the previous iteration of the component architecture.

On the previous iteration, components indeed do not have interfaces. Each component had a single value which was provided by that component:

class TunnelsComponent(Component):
    async def run(self, mediator):
        await super().run(mediator)
        config = mediator.config

        ipv8 = await self.use(mediator, IPV8_SERVICE)
        bandwidth_community = await self.use(mediator, BANDWIDTH_ACCOUNTING_COMMUNITY)
        peer = await self.use(mediator, MY_PEER)
        dht_community = await self.use(mediator, DHT_DISCOVERY_COMMUNITY)
        download_manager = await self.use(mediator, DOWNLOAD_MANAGER)
        bootstrapper = await self.use(mediator, IPV8_BOOTSTRAPPER)
        rest_manager = await self.use(mediator, REST_MANAGER)

In my opinion, this approach had the following drawbacks:

  1. The value returned by a component was untyped. Because of this, it was harder to analyze code properly - PyCharm cannot guess what is the type of ipv8 or peer here.
  2. A component could provide a single value only. So, in the code example above, it was necessary to have a group of three components: IPV8_SERVICE, MY_PEER, and DHT_DISCOVERY_COMMUNITY to pass three related values to TunnelsComponent.

With component interfaces, we now have typed values, and a single component can hold more than one value. Now the same code looks like this:

class TunnelsComponentImp(TunnelsComponent):
    async def run(self):
        await self.use(ReporterComponent, required=False)

        config = self.session.config
        ipv8_component = await self.use(Ipv8Component)
        ipv8 = ipv8_component.ipv8
        peer = ipv8_component.peer
        dht_discovery_community = ipv8_component.dht_discovery_community

        bandwidth_component = await self.use(BandwidthAccountingComponent, required=False)
        bandwidth_community = bandwidth_component.community if bandwidth_component.enabled else None

        download_component = await self.use(LibtorrentComponent, required=False)
        download_manager = download_component.download_manager if download_component.enabled else None

        rest_component = await self.use(RESTComponent, required=False)
        rest_manager = rest_component.rest_manager if rest_component.enabled else None

It does not look more concise because the code now takes into account that some optional components can be disabled in the Tribler configuration. But you can see the following differences:

  1. A part of the interface's implementation has to be moved to the tests (see comments in the example below)

As I wrote above, in my opinion, this is confusion caused by an unfortunate naming. FoobarComponentMock class is not intended to be used in tests exclusively. Its main purpose is to be used as a dummy replacement for the component when it is disabled in Tribler configuration. I think it is better to rename such classes to something like DummyFoobarComponent.

We have the following folder structure: https://github.com/Tribler/tribler/tree/main/src/tribler-core/tribler_core

  • components
  • config
  • modules
  • restapi
  • tests
  • upgrade
  • utilities

Components and modules should be merged into one single folder (as new "components" is old "modules").

Eventually, we should probably merge components and modules into a single folder. But right now, we don't have a one-to-one mapping between components and files in the modules folder.

In previous iteration of components architecture, components reside in the modules directory. The directory structure looked like this (a subset of files and subdirectories):

        ... (no component.py here)
        ... (no component.py here)
            ... (no component.py here)
    (...other subdirectories, some of them with components, others without)
    component.py (base component class)

Was this directory layout more convenient as compared to having all components in a dedicated directory? To me, it wasn't, for the following reasons:

  1. It was hard to answer the question: how many components do we have? As you can see, the files with components were placed on different levels of a directory structure, like metadata_store/component.py, metadata_store/community/component.py, metadata_store/manager/component.py, etc. With this layout, it is easy to miss a component hidden in some subfolder of another component.
  2. When a developer opens multiple component implementations in IDE at the same time, the names of the tabs, depending on IDE settings, can look either very uninformative (ten tabs with the same name "component.py") or pretty long (when IDE adds a directory name to the file name)

Having component implementations in a separate folder solves these two problems:

  1. All components are listed in the same directory, so it is easy to answer the question "which components do we currently have";
  2. It becomes possible to give components concise names that IDE can display nicely on tabs:
        (... and so on)

    But in return, you need to have one more separate directory.

Each layout has some benefits and drawbacks. So, choosing the directory layout is a trade-off. We need to discuss it and choose a less annoying layout that has the least number of drawbacks. Then we can switch to the most desired layout quickly, with a simple IDE-supported refactoring.

There are no comments for the new complex logic (base.py).

Agree with that. I need to add comments and probably some internal documentation. Probably descriptions from the current thread can be used as a start for it.

In conclusion, I think that the current implementation of components has its warts. I usually don't like to have a big number of files and directories, as well as boilerplate code. I hope we can improve the current architecture after the discussion. But we need to have a common understanding of component architecture goals, possible trade-offs, and viable alternatives. Hopefully, with the forthcoming meeting, we can achieve this.