kpcyrd / sn0int

Semi-automatic OSINT framework and package manager
GNU General Public License v3.0
1.92k stars 177 forks source link

Failed to start sn0int with docker on wsl #237

Closed SherkeyXD closed 1 year ago

SherkeyXD commented 1 year ago

sn0int ... [+] Connecting to database Error: Failed to download public suffix list Because: Permission denied (os error 13)

In my system, sn0int is an alias to docker run --rm --init -it -v /home/kali/.cache:/cache -v /home/kali/.data:/data kpcyrd/sn0int

And I also tried sudo docker run --rm --init -it -v /home/kali/.cache:/cache -v /home/kali/.data:/data kpcyrd/sn0int, but the result is the same.

I wonder if there is anything wrong with my network, or the command I use



kpcyrd commented 1 year ago

It looks like docker hub removed automatic builds so the image you pulled is very old:


I've changed the readme to a deprecation notice, you can use the image on the github registry instead:
% docker run -it --rm

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        osint | recon | security

[+] Connecting to database
[+] Downloading public suffix list
[+] Loaded 0 modules
[*] No modules found, run pkg quickstart to install default modules
[*] New to sn0int? Follow
[sn0int][default] >