kpetremann / mqtt-exporter

Simple generic MQTT Prometheus exporter for IoT working out of the box
MIT License
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Hubitat support #57

Closed michalzxc closed 1 year ago

michalzxc commented 1 year ago

I configured Hubitat Zigbee hub with

I am trying to export metrics it produces to Prometheus image Specially I am interested in power metrics: image

kpetremann commented 1 year ago

hi @michalzxc,

Could you please provide the MQTT original topic + payload please?

It should look like: topic '<prefix>/<name>', payload '{"temperature":26.24,"humidity":45.37}' or topic '<prefix>/<name>/sensor/temperature' '20.00'

Also please elaborate on the problem: is it crashing or just not exposing the metrics?

michalzxc commented 1 year ago

It is not exposing it

<prefix=hubitat>/<hub name=home-hub>/<device name, including spaces>/"attributes"/<name>/"value"

Inside "value" there is an actual value, not JSON, but raw

kpetremann commented 1 year ago

thanks do you mean that the value is in the topic and not in the payload?

kpetremann commented 1 year ago

ok I got a look to the doc you provided.

Can you please try using the hubitat_support branch please?

michalzxc commented 1 year ago

The entire topic for power consumption for device called "PC Power Switch":

hubitat/home-hub/PC Power Switch/attributes/power/value

Voltage is here:

hubitat/home-hub/PC Power Switch/attributes/voltage/value

Inside of the first one there is RAW output with 7, representing 7W.

Picture from MQTT Explorer: image

On/Off example: I have topic

hubitat/home-hub/Storage light/attributes/switch/value

It has value on what means light is on, if I want to turn it off I need to publish payload off to hubitat/home-hub/Storage light/attributes/switch/value image

michalzxc commented 1 year ago

Building container from hubitat branch

In yours example, what you called "some room" is actually a "device name" And temperature should be under attributes string

kpetremann commented 1 year ago

thanks for the details.

In yours example, what you called "some room" is actually a "device name"

yes, a device is usually a room in my example, so don't worry for this one.

And temperature should be under attributes string

did you do something custom? because the doc you provided says that the metrics look like: hubitat/[hubname]/[device name]/[attribute name]/value

michalzxc commented 1 year ago
hubitat/[hubname]/[device name]/attributes/[attribute name]/value

Like for example:

hubitat/home-hub/PC Power Switch/attributes/power/value

There is static attributes as a string here

michalzxc commented 1 year ago

I did nothing custom, it doesn't really have any configuration options: image image

michalzxc commented 1 year ago

IP, username, password, and selecting devices to expose, that is all that I can configure here

michalzxc commented 1 year ago

kpetremann commented 1 year ago

actually it works with both:

hubitat/[hubname]/[device name]/[attribute name]/value
hubitat/[hubname]/[device name]/attributes/[attribute name]/value

So all good in any case. I've updated the branch to remove a breakpoint and to update the test.

Please test and let me know if it works for you.

michalzxc commented 1 year ago

Thank you! That works 🎉

# TYPE mqtt_message_total counter
mqtt_message_total{topic="hubitat_home-hub_bedroom button aircon"} 2.0
mqtt_message_total{topic="hubitat_home-hub_bedroom light"} 1.0
mqtt_message_total{topic="hubitat_home-hub_big desk button monitors"} 2.0
mqtt_message_total{topic="hubitat_home-hub_pc power switch"} 7.0
mqtt_message_total{topic="hubitat_home-hub_living room main light"} 1.0
mqtt_message_total{topic="glow_C4DD57D80A24_STATE"} 3.0
mqtt_message_total{topic="glow_C4DD57D80A24_SENSOR_electricitymeter"} 3.0
# HELP mqtt_message_created Counter of received messages
# TYPE mqtt_message_created gauge
mqtt_message_created{topic="hubitat_home-hub_bedroom button aircon"} 1.6881450690604203e+09
mqtt_message_created{topic="hubitat_home-hub_bedroom light"} 1.6881450690609236e+09
mqtt_message_created{topic="hubitat_home-hub_big desk button monitors"} 1.688145069061259e+09
mqtt_message_created{topic="hubitat_home-hub_pc power switch"} 1.688145069062229e+09
mqtt_message_created{topic="hubitat_home-hub_living room main light"} 1.6881450691002738e+09
mqtt_message_created{topic="glow_C4DD57D80A24_STATE"} 1.6881450716572747e+09
mqtt_message_created{topic="glow_C4DD57D80A24_SENSOR_electricitymeter"} 1.6881450716623971e+09
# HELP mqtt_lastCheckinEpoch metric generated from MQTT message.
# TYPE mqtt_lastCheckinEpoch gauge
mqtt_lastCheckinEpoch{topic="hubitat_home-hub_bedroom button aircon"} 1.688143195759e+012
mqtt_lastCheckinEpoch{topic="hubitat_home-hub_bedroom light"} 1.688144134114e+012
mqtt_lastCheckinEpoch{topic="hubitat_home-hub_big desk button monitors"} 1.688143616701e+012
mqtt_lastCheckinEpoch{topic="hubitat_home-hub_living room main light"} 1.688143460225e+012
michalzxc commented 1 year ago

I confused myself in last couple of comments (deleted them), it is all good :) Thank you again

# HELP python_gc_objects_collected_total Objects collected during gc
# TYPE python_gc_objects_collected_total counter
python_gc_objects_collected_total{generation="0"} 462.0
python_gc_objects_collected_total{generation="1"} 145.0
python_gc_objects_collected_total{generation="2"} 0.0
# HELP python_gc_objects_uncollectable_total Uncollectable objects found during GC
# TYPE python_gc_objects_uncollectable_total counter
python_gc_objects_uncollectable_total{generation="0"} 0.0
python_gc_objects_uncollectable_total{generation="1"} 0.0
python_gc_objects_uncollectable_total{generation="2"} 0.0
# HELP python_gc_collections_total Number of times this generation was collected
# TYPE python_gc_collections_total counter
python_gc_collections_total{generation="0"} 44.0
python_gc_collections_total{generation="1"} 4.0
python_gc_collections_total{generation="2"} 0.0
# HELP python_info Python platform information
# TYPE python_info gauge
python_info{implementation="CPython",major="3",minor="10",patchlevel="12",version="3.10.12"} 1.0
# HELP process_virtual_memory_bytes Virtual memory size in bytes.
# TYPE process_virtual_memory_bytes gauge
process_virtual_memory_bytes 2.7455488e+07
# HELP process_resident_memory_bytes Resident memory size in bytes.
# TYPE process_resident_memory_bytes gauge
process_resident_memory_bytes 1.9673088e+07
# HELP process_start_time_seconds Start time of the process since unix epoch in seconds.
# TYPE process_start_time_seconds gauge
process_start_time_seconds 1.68814506766e+09
# HELP process_cpu_seconds_total Total user and system CPU time spent in seconds.
# TYPE process_cpu_seconds_total counter
process_cpu_seconds_total 0.22999999999999998
# HELP process_open_fds Number of open file descriptors.
# TYPE process_open_fds gauge
process_open_fds 8.0
# HELP process_max_fds Maximum number of open file descriptors.
# TYPE process_max_fds gauge
process_max_fds 1.048576e+06
# HELP mqtt_message_total Counter of received messages
# TYPE mqtt_message_total counter
mqtt_message_total{topic="hubitat_home-hub_bedroom button aircon"} 2.0
mqtt_message_total{topic="hubitat_home-hub_bedroom light"} 1.0
mqtt_message_total{topic="hubitat_home-hub_big desk button monitors"} 2.0
mqtt_message_total{topic="hubitat_home-hub_pc power switch"} 7.0
mqtt_message_total{topic="hubitat_home-hub_living room main light"} 1.0
mqtt_message_total{topic="glow_C4DD57D80A24_STATE"} 3.0
mqtt_message_total{topic="glow_C4DD57D80A24_SENSOR_electricitymeter"} 3.0
# HELP mqtt_message_created Counter of received messages
# TYPE mqtt_message_created gauge
mqtt_message_created{topic="hubitat_home-hub_bedroom button aircon"} 1.6881450690604203e+09
mqtt_message_created{topic="hubitat_home-hub_bedroom light"} 1.6881450690609236e+09
mqtt_message_created{topic="hubitat_home-hub_big desk button monitors"} 1.688145069061259e+09
mqtt_message_created{topic="hubitat_home-hub_pc power switch"} 1.688145069062229e+09
mqtt_message_created{topic="hubitat_home-hub_living room main light"} 1.6881450691002738e+09
mqtt_message_created{topic="glow_C4DD57D80A24_STATE"} 1.6881450716572747e+09
mqtt_message_created{topic="glow_C4DD57D80A24_SENSOR_electricitymeter"} 1.6881450716623971e+09
# HELP mqtt_lastCheckinEpoch metric generated from MQTT message.
# TYPE mqtt_lastCheckinEpoch gauge
mqtt_lastCheckinEpoch{topic="hubitat_home-hub_bedroom button aircon"} 1.688143195759e+012
mqtt_lastCheckinEpoch{topic="hubitat_home-hub_bedroom light"} 1.688144134114e+012
mqtt_lastCheckinEpoch{topic="hubitat_home-hub_big desk button monitors"} 1.688143616701e+012
mqtt_lastCheckinEpoch{topic="hubitat_home-hub_living room main light"} 1.688143460225e+012
# HELP mqtt_battery metric generated from MQTT message.
# TYPE mqtt_battery gauge
mqtt_battery{topic="hubitat_home-hub_bedroom button aircon"} 100.0
mqtt_battery{topic="hubitat_home-hub_big desk button monitors"} 97.0
# HELP mqtt_power metric generated from MQTT message.
# TYPE mqtt_power gauge
mqtt_power{topic="hubitat_home-hub_pc power switch"} 7.0
# HELP mqtt_voltage metric generated from MQTT message.
# TYPE mqtt_voltage gauge
mqtt_voltage{topic="hubitat_home-hub_pc power switch"} 250.0
# HELP mqtt_energy metric generated from MQTT message.
# TYPE mqtt_energy gauge
mqtt_energy{topic="hubitat_home-hub_pc power switch"} 4.33
# HELP mqtt_amperage metric generated from MQTT message.
# TYPE mqtt_amperage gauge
mqtt_amperage{topic="hubitat_home-hub_pc power switch"} 0.242
# HELP mqtt_energyCost metric generated from MQTT message.
# TYPE mqtt_energyCost gauge
mqtt_energyCost{topic="hubitat_home-hub_pc power switch"} 0.92
# HELP mqtt_hourlyEnergy metric generated from MQTT message.
# TYPE mqtt_hourlyEnergy gauge
mqtt_hourlyEnergy{topic="hubitat_home-hub_pc power switch"} 0.01
# HELP mqtt_han_rssi metric generated from MQTT message.
# TYPE mqtt_han_rssi gauge
mqtt_han_rssi{topic="glow_C4DD57D80A24_STATE"} -54.0
# HELP mqtt_han_lqi metric generated from MQTT message.
# TYPE mqtt_han_lqi gauge
mqtt_han_lqi{topic="glow_C4DD57D80A24_STATE"} 184.0
# HELP mqtt_electricitymeter_energy_export_cumulative metric generated from MQTT message.
# TYPE mqtt_electricitymeter_energy_export_cumulative gauge
mqtt_electricitymeter_energy_export_cumulative{topic="glow_C4DD57D80A24_SENSOR_electricitymeter"} 0.0
# HELP mqtt_electricitymeter_energy_import_cumulative metric generated from MQTT message.
# TYPE mqtt_electricitymeter_energy_import_cumulative gauge
mqtt_electricitymeter_energy_import_cumulative{topic="glow_C4DD57D80A24_SENSOR_electricitymeter"} 24245.852
# HELP mqtt_electricitymeter_energy_import_day metric generated from MQTT message.
# TYPE mqtt_electricitymeter_energy_import_day gauge
mqtt_electricitymeter_energy_import_day{topic="glow_C4DD57D80A24_SENSOR_electricitymeter"} 11.4
# HELP mqtt_electricitymeter_energy_import_mpan metric generated from MQTT message.
# TYPE mqtt_electricitymeter_energy_import_mpan gauge
mqtt_electricitymeter_energy_import_mpan{topic="glow_C4DD57D80A24_SENSOR_electricitymeter"} 1.30000117248e+012
# HELP mqtt_electricitymeter_energy_import_price_unitrate metric generated from MQTT message.
# TYPE mqtt_electricitymeter_energy_import_price_unitrate gauge
mqtt_electricitymeter_energy_import_price_unitrate{topic="glow_C4DD57D80A24_SENSOR_electricitymeter"} 0.3476
# HELP mqtt_electricitymeter_energy_import_price_standingcharge metric generated from MQTT message.
# TYPE mqtt_electricitymeter_energy_import_price_standingcharge gauge
mqtt_electricitymeter_energy_import_price_standingcharge{topic="glow_C4DD57D80A24_SENSOR_electricitymeter"} 0.6018
# HELP mqtt_electricitymeter_power_value metric generated from MQTT message.
# TYPE mqtt_electricitymeter_power_value gauge
mqtt_electricitymeter_power_value{topic="glow_C4DD57D80A24_SENSOR_electricitymeter"} 0.419
kpetremann commented 1 year ago

sounds great! :tada:

I'll merge the branch and do the release.

kpetremann commented 1 year ago

v1.3.0 released