kpi-web-guild / django-girls-blog-Martolivna

django-girls-blog-Martolivna created by GitHub Classroom
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Proceed with the Django Girls tutorial #16

Open webknjaz opened 1 year ago

webknjaz commented 1 year ago

Do a PR per each tutorial page or less, trying to identify atomic sets of changes or an easily reviewable size. For simplicity of tracking the progress, you may add a checkboxed markdown list here. Do your best to apply what you learned in the previous tasks.

The main objective here is not to blindly follow the tutorial (it has a lot of oversimplifications and the practices describe don't follow the real-world professional development standards) but to do better and practice development according to our GitHub Flow flavor in the environment of linters, tests and code reviews. We'll also do more integrations with other systems along the way.

Martolivna commented 1 year ago

Go through the Django Girls Tutorial pages: