kpine / zwave-js-server-docker

A minimal docker container for zwave-js-server
MIT License
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Unable to flash firmware to Zooz S2 Stick 700 #33

Closed aplsms closed 1 year ago

aplsms commented 1 year ago

Hello, i have a problem flashing firmware using the latest release. Error message: Failed to update firmware: The controller is not in bootloader mode! (ZW0103)

Hardware: Raspberry Pi 3,

# cat /etc/lsb-release

Command line:

 docker run --rm -it   --device /dev/ttyUSB0:/dev/zwave   --volume /root:/fw  flash /fw/Zooz_ZST10-700_SDK_7.18.3_US.gbl --verbose


Starting driver...
23:42:23.892 DRIVER   ███████╗ ██╗    ██╗  █████╗  ██╗   ██╗ ███████╗             ██╗ ███████╗
                      ╚══███╔╝ ██║    ██║ ██╔══██╗ ██║   ██║ ██╔════╝             ██║ ██╔════╝
                        ███╔╝  ██║ █╗ ██║ ███████║ ██║   ██║ █████╗   █████╗      ██║ ███████╗
                       ███╔╝   ██║███╗██║ ██╔══██║ ╚██╗ ██╔╝ ██╔══╝   ╚════╝ ██   ██║ ╚════██║
                      ███████╗ ╚███╔███╔╝ ██║  ██║  ╚████╔╝  ███████╗        ╚█████╔╝ ███████║
                      ╚══════╝  ╚══╝╚══╝  ╚═╝  ╚═╝   ╚═══╝   ╚══════╝         ╚════╝  ╚══════╝
23:42:23.908 DRIVER   version 10.12.0
23:42:23.911 DRIVER
23:42:23.914 DRIVER   starting driver...
23:42:23.999 DRIVER   opening serial port /dev/zwave
23:42:24.042 DRIVER   serial port opened
23:42:24.047 SERIAL » 0x15                                                                 (1 bytes)
23:42:25.074 DRIVER   beginning interview...
23:42:25.084 DRIVER   added request handler for AddNodeToNetwork (0x4a)...
                      1 registered
23:42:25.087 DRIVER   added request handler for RemoveNodeFromNetwork (0x4b)...
                      1 registered
23:42:25.090 DRIVER   added request handler for ReplaceFailedNode (0x63)...
                      1 registered
23:42:25.095 CNTRLR   querying controller IDs...
23:42:26.064 SERIAL » 0x01030020dc                                                         (5 bytes)
23:42:26.072 DRIVER » [REQ] [GetControllerId]
23:42:26.092 SERIAL « [ACK]                                                                   (0x06)
23:42:26.112 SERIAL « 0x01080120e9c5644301dc                                              (10 bytes)
23:42:26.119 SERIAL » [ACK]                                                                   (0x06)
23:42:26.128 DRIVER « [RES] [GetControllerId]
                        home ID:     0xe9c56443
                        own node ID: 1
23:42:26.170 CNTRLR   received controller IDs:
                        home ID:     0xe9c56443
                        own node ID: 1
23:42:26.172 CNTRLR   querying API capabilities...
23:42:26.207 SERIAL » 0x01030007fb                                                         (5 bytes)
23:42:26.209 DRIVER » [REQ] [GetSerialApiCapabilities]
23:42:26.219 SERIAL « [ACK]                                                                   (0x06)
23:42:26.227 SERIAL « 0x012b0107070d000000040004f6873e88cf2bc04ffbd7fde00700008000808680b (45 bytes)
23:42:26.233 SERIAL » [ACK]                                                                   (0x06)
23:42:26.238 DRIVER « [RES] [GetSerialApiCapabilities]
                        payload: 0x070d000000040004f6873e88cf2bc04ffbd7fde00700008000808680ba0500700
23:42:26.260 CNTRLR   received API capabilities:
                        firmware version:    7.13
                        manufacturer ID:     0x00
                        product type:        0x04
                        product ID:          0x04
                        supported functions:
                        · GetSerialApiInitData (0x02)
                        · SetApplicationNodeInformation (0x03)
                        · GetControllerCapabilities (0x05)
                        · SetSerialApiTimeouts (0x06)
                        · GetSerialApiCapabilities (0x07)
                        · SoftReset (0x08)
                        · GetProtocolVersion (0x09)
                        · SerialAPIStarted (0x0a)
                        · SerialAPISetup (0x0b)
                        · SetRFReceiveMode (0x10)
                        · FUNC_ID_ZW_SEND_NODE_INFORMATION (0x12)
                        · SendData (0x13)
                        · SendDataMulticast (0x14)
                        · GetControllerVersion (0x15)
                        · SendDataAbort (0x16)
                        · FUNC_ID_ZW_GET_RANDOM (0x1c)
                        · GetControllerId (0x20)
                        · UNKNOWN_FUNC_MEMORY_GET_BYTE (0x21)
                        · UNKNOWN_FUNC_MEMORY_PUT_BYTE (0x22)
                        · UNKNOWN_FUNC_MEMORY_GET_BUFFER (0x23)
                        · UNKNOWN_FUNC_MEMORY_PUT_BUFFER (0x24)
                        · EnterBootloader (0x27)
                        · UNKNOWN_FUNC_UNKNOWN_0x28 (0x28)
                        · GetNVMId (0x29)
                        · ExtNVMReadLongBuffer (0x2a)
                        · ExtNVMReadLongByte (0x2c)
                        · NVMOperations (0x2e)
                        · undefined (0x37)
                        · undefined (0x38)
                        · UNKNOWN_FUNC_ClearNetworkStats (0x39)
                        · UNKNOWN_FUNC_GetNetworkStats (0x3a)
                        · GetBackgroundRSSI (0x3b)
                        · undefined (0x3c)
                        · UNKNOWN_FUNC_RemoveNodeIdFromNetwork (0x3f)
                        · GetNodeProtocolInfo (0x41)
                        · HardReset (0x42)
                        · FUNC_ID_ZW_REPLICATION_COMMAND_COMPLETE (0x44)
                        · FUNC_ID_ZW_REPLICATION_SEND_DATA (0x45)
                        · AssignReturnRoute (0x46)
                        · DeleteReturnRoute (0x47)
                        · RequestNodeNeighborUpdate (0x48)
                        · ApplicationUpdateRequest (0x49)
                        · AddNodeToNetwork (0x4a)
                        · RemoveNodeFromNetwork (0x4b)
                        · FUNC_ID_ZW_CONTROLLER_CHANGE (0x4d)
                        · AssignPriorityReturnRoute (0x4f)
                        · FUNC_ID_ZW_SET_LEARN_MODE (0x50)
                        · AssignSUCReturnRoute (0x51)
                        · FUNC_ID_ZW_REQUEST_NETWORK_UPDATE (0x53)
                        · SetSUCNodeId (0x54)
                        · DeleteSUCReturnRoute (0x55)
                        · GetSUCNodeId (0x56)
                        · UNKNOWN_FUNC_SEND_SUC_ID (0x57)
                        · AssignPrioritySUCReturnRoute (0x58)
                        · FUNC_ID_ZW_EXPLORE_REQUEST_INCLUSION (0x5e)
                        · undefined (0x5f)
                        · RequestNodeInfo (0x60)
                        · RemoveFailedNode (0x61)
                        · IsFailedNode (0x62)
                        · ReplaceFailedNode (0x63)
                        · GetRoutingInfo (0x80)
                        · UNKNOWN_FUNC_LOCK_ROUTE_RESPONSE (0x90)
                        · GetPriorityRoute (0x92)
                        · SetPriorityRoute (0x93)
                        · UNKNOWN_FUNC_UNKNOWN_0x98 (0x98)
                        · FUNC_ID_SERIAL_API_SLAVE_NODE_INFO (0xa0)
                        · FUNC_ID_ZW_SEND_SLAVE_NODE_INFO (0xa2)
                        · FUNC_ID_ZW_SET_SLAVE_LEARN_MODE (0xa4)
                        · FUNC_ID_ZW_GET_VIRTUAL_NODES (0xa5)
                        · FUNC_ID_ZW_IS_VIRTUAL_NODE (0xa6)
                        · BridgeApplicationCommand (0xa8)
                        · SendDataBridge (0xa9)
                        · SendDataMulticastBridge (0xab)
                        · UNKNOWN_FUNC_GET_LIBRARY_TYPE (0xbd)
                        · UNKNOWN_FUNC_SEND_TEST_FRAME (0xbe)
                        · UNKNOWN_FUNC_GET_PROTOCOL_STATUS (0xbf)
                        · UNKNOWN_FUNC_UNKNOWN_0xD2 (0xd2)
                        · UNKNOWN_FUNC_UNKNOWN_0xD3 (0xd3)
                        · UNKNOWN_FUNC_UNKNOWN_0xD4 (0xd4)
                        · undefined (0xd6)
23:42:26.311 CNTRLR   Performing soft reset...
23:42:26.345 SERIAL » 0x01030008f4                                                         (5 bytes)
23:42:26.347 DRIVER » [REQ] [SoftReset]
23:42:26.355 SERIAL « [ACK]                                                                   (0x06)
23:42:26.374 CNTRLR   Waiting for the controller to reconnect...
23:42:27.456 SERIAL « 0x011a000a0300030201115e7a70858659728a556c2256735a74989f1c          (28 bytes)
23:42:27.465 SERIAL » [ACK]                                                                   (0x06)
23:42:27.471 DRIVER « [REQ] [SerialAPIStarted]
                        wake up reason:        WatchdogReset
                        watchdog enabled:      false
                        generic device class:  0x02
                        specific device class: 0x01
                        always listening:      false
                        supports Long Range:   false
23:42:27.482 CNTRLR   reconnected and restarted
23:42:27.526 CNTRLR   querying version info...
23:42:27.551 SERIAL » 0x01030015e9                                                         (5 bytes)
23:42:27.553 DRIVER » [REQ] [GetControllerVersion]
23:42:27.560 SERIAL « [ACK]                                                                   (0x06)
23:42:27.566 SERIAL « 0x011001155a2d5761766520372e3133000795                              (18 bytes)
23:42:27.569 SERIAL » [ACK]                                                                   (0x06)
23:42:27.574 DRIVER « [RES] [GetControllerVersion]
                        payload: 0x5a2d5761766520372e31330007
23:42:27.590 CNTRLR   received version info:
                        controller type: Bridge Controller
                        library version: Z-Wave 7.13
23:42:27.592 CNTRLR   querying protocol version info...
23:42:27.616 SERIAL » 0x01030009f5                                                         (5 bytes)
23:42:27.626 DRIVER » [REQ] [GetProtocolVersion]
23:42:27.631 SERIAL « [ACK]                                                                   (0x06)
23:42:27.638 SERIAL « 0x0119010900070d06014730313233343536373839414243444546a2            (27 bytes)
23:42:27.644 SERIAL » [ACK]                                                                   (0x06)
23:42:27.648 DRIVER « [RES] [GetProtocolVersion]
                        payload: 0x00070d06014730313233343536373839414243444546
23:42:27.669 CNTRLR   received protocol version info:
                        protocol type:             Z-Wave
                        protocol version:          7.13.6
                        appl. framework build no.: 327
                        git commit hash:           30313233343536373839414243444546
23:42:27.684 CNTRLR   supported Z-Wave features:
                        · SmartStart
23:42:27.685 CNTRLR   querying controller capabilities...
23:42:27.714 SERIAL » 0x01030005f9                                                         (5 bytes)
23:42:27.716 DRIVER » [REQ] [GetControllerCapabilities]
23:42:27.724 SERIAL « [ACK]                                                                   (0x06)
23:42:27.729 SERIAL « 0x010401053cc3                                                       (6 bytes)
23:42:27.733 SERIAL » [ACK]                                                                   (0x06)
23:42:27.736 DRIVER « [RES] [GetControllerCapabilities]
                        payload: 0x3c
23:42:27.754 CNTRLR   received controller capabilities:
                        controller role:      primary
                        is the SUC:           true
                        started this network: true
                        SIS is present:       true
                        was real primary:     true
23:42:27.755 CNTRLR   querying serial API setup capabilities...
23:42:27.782 SERIAL » 0x0104000b01f1                                                       (6 bytes)
23:42:27.786 DRIVER » [REQ] [SerialAPISetup]
                        command: GetSupportedCommands
                        payload: 0x01
23:42:27.799 SERIAL « [ACK]                                                                   (0x06)
23:42:27.805 SERIAL « 0x0105010b017e8f                                                     (7 bytes)
23:42:27.810 SERIAL » [ACK]                                                                   (0x06)
23:42:27.814 DRIVER « [RES] [SerialAPISetup]
                        command: GetSupportedCommands
                        payload: 0x7e
23:42:27.831 CNTRLR   supported serial API setup commands:
                      · GetSupportedCommands
                      · SetTxStatusReport
                      · SetPowerlevel
                      · GetPowerlevel
                      · GetMaximumPayloadSize
                      · GetRFRegion
                      · SetRFRegion
23:42:27.834 CNTRLR   Enabling TX status report...
23:42:27.854 SERIAL » 0x0105000b02ff0c                                                     (7 bytes)
23:42:27.858 DRIVER » [REQ] [SerialAPISetup]
                        command: SetTxStatusReport
                        enabled: true
23:42:27.864 SERIAL « [ACK]                                                                   (0x06)
23:42:27.869 SERIAL « 0x0105010b0201f3                                                     (7 bytes)
23:42:27.872 SERIAL » [ACK]                                                                   (0x06)
23:42:27.877 DRIVER « [RES] [SerialAPISetup]
                        command: SetTxStatusReport
                        success: true
23:42:27.891 CNTRLR   Enabling TX status report successful...
23:42:27.892 CNTRLR   Querying configured RF region...
23:42:27.916 SERIAL » 0x0104000b20d0                                                       (6 bytes)
23:42:27.919 DRIVER » [REQ] [SerialAPISetup]
                        command: GetRFRegion
                        payload: 0x20
23:42:27.924 SERIAL « [ACK]                                                                   (0x06)
23:42:27.929 SERIAL « 0x0105010b2001d1                                                     (7 bytes)
23:42:27.933 SERIAL » [ACK]                                                                   (0x06)
23:42:27.938 DRIVER « [RES] [SerialAPISetup]
                        command: GetRFRegion
                        region:  USA
23:42:27.952 CNTRLR   The controller is using RF region USA
23:42:27.953 CNTRLR   finding SUC...
23:42:27.980 SERIAL » 0x01030056aa                                                         (5 bytes)
23:42:27.982 DRIVER » [REQ] [GetSUCNodeId]
23:42:27.988 SERIAL « [ACK]                                                                   (0x06)
23:42:27.992 SERIAL « 0x0104015601ad                                                       (6 bytes)
23:42:27.995 SERIAL » [ACK]                                                                   (0x06)
23:42:27.999 DRIVER « [RES] [GetSUCNodeId]
                        payload: 0x01
23:42:28.012 CNTRLR   This is the SUC
23:42:28.014 CNTRLR   querying additional controller information...
23:42:28.035 SERIAL » 0x01030002fe                                                         (5 bytes)
23:42:28.038 DRIVER » [REQ] [GetSerialApiInitData]
23:42:28.046 SERIAL « [ACK]                                                                   (0x06)
23:42:28.051 SERIAL « 0x0125010208081d010000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000 (39 bytes)
23:42:28.057 SERIAL » [ACK]                                                                   (0x06)
23:42:28.060 DRIVER « [RES] [GetSerialApiInitData]
                        payload: 0x08081d01000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000
23:42:28.076 CNTRLR   received additional controller information:
                        Z-Wave API version:         8 (legacy)
                        Z-Wave chip type:           EFR32ZG14 / ZGM130S
                        node type                   Controller
                        controller role:            primary
                        controller is the SIS:      true
                        controller supports timers: false
                        nodes in the network:       1
23:42:28.121 CNTRLR   [Node 001] [translateValueEvent: metadata updated]
                        commandClass: Manufacturer Specific
                        endpoint:     undefined
                        property:     manufacturerId
                        propertyKey:  undefined
                        internal:     false
                        secret:       false
                        event source: undefined
23:42:28.125 CNTRLR   [Node 001] [Manufacturer Specific] manufacturerId: metadata updated
23:42:28.130 CNTRLR   [Node 001] [translateValueEvent: metadata updated]
                        is root endpoint:        true
                        is application CC:       false
                        should hide root values: false
23:42:28.133 CNTRLR   [Node 001] [translateValueEvent: metadata updated]
                        commandClass: Manufacturer Specific
                        endpoint:     undefined
                        property:     productType
                        propertyKey:  undefined
                        internal:     false
                        secret:       false
                        event source: undefined
23:42:28.134 CNTRLR   [Node 001] [Manufacturer Specific] productType: metadata updated
23:42:28.138 CNTRLR   [Node 001] [translateValueEvent: metadata updated]
                        is root endpoint:        true
                        is application CC:       false
                        should hide root values: false
23:42:28.141 CNTRLR   [Node 001] [translateValueEvent: metadata updated]
                        commandClass: Manufacturer Specific
                        endpoint:     undefined
                        property:     productId
                        propertyKey:  undefined
                        internal:     false
                        secret:       false
                        event source: undefined
23:42:28.143 CNTRLR   [Node 001] [Manufacturer Specific] productId: metadata updated
23:42:28.146 CNTRLR   [Node 001] [translateValueEvent: metadata updated]
                        is root endpoint:        true
                        is application CC:       false
                        should hide root values: false
23:42:28.151 CNTRLR   [Node 001] [translateValueEvent: value added]
                        commandClass: Manufacturer Specific
                        endpoint:     undefined
                        property:     manufacturerId
                        propertyKey:  undefined
                        internal:     false
                        secret:       false
                        event source: undefined
23:42:28.155 CNTRLR   [Node 001] [+] [Manufacturer Specific] manufacturerId: 0
23:42:28.157 CNTRLR   [Node 001] [translateValueEvent: value added]
                        is root endpoint:        true
                        is application CC:       false
                        should hide root values: false
23:42:28.160 CNTRLR   [Node 001] [translateValueEvent: value added]
                        commandClass: Manufacturer Specific
                        endpoint:     undefined
                        property:     productType
                        propertyKey:  undefined
                        internal:     false
                        secret:       false
                        event source: undefined
23:42:28.162 CNTRLR   [Node 001] [+] [Manufacturer Specific] productType: 4
23:42:28.164 CNTRLR   [Node 001] [translateValueEvent: value added]
                        is root endpoint:        true
                        is application CC:       false
                        should hide root values: false
23:42:28.167 CNTRLR   [Node 001] [translateValueEvent: value added]
                        commandClass: Manufacturer Specific
                        endpoint:     undefined
                        property:     productId
                        propertyKey:  undefined
                        internal:     false
                        secret:       false
                        event source: undefined
23:42:28.169 CNTRLR   [Node 001] [+] [Manufacturer Specific] productId: 4
23:42:28.171 CNTRLR   [Node 001] [translateValueEvent: value added]
                        is root endpoint:        true
                        is application CC:       false
                        should hide root values: false
23:42:28.177 CNTRLR   [Node 001] [translateValueEvent: metadata updated]
                        commandClass: Version
                        endpoint:     undefined
                        property:     firmwareVersions
                        propertyKey:  undefined
                        internal:     false
                        secret:       false
                        event source: undefined
23:42:28.179 CNTRLR   [Node 001] [Version] firmwareVersions: metadata updated
23:42:28.181 CNTRLR   [Node 001] [translateValueEvent: metadata updated]
                        is root endpoint:        true
                        is application CC:       false
                        should hide root values: false
23:42:28.186 CNTRLR   [Node 001] [translateValueEvent: value added]
                        commandClass: Version
                        endpoint:     undefined
                        property:     firmwareVersions
                        propertyKey:  undefined
                        internal:     false
                        secret:       false
                        event source: undefined
23:42:28.188 CNTRLR   [Node 001] [+] [Version] firmwareVersions: 7.13
23:42:28.190 CNTRLR   [Node 001] [translateValueEvent: value added]
                        is root endpoint:        true
                        is application CC:       false
                        should hide root values: false
23:42:28.193 CNTRLR   [Node 001] [translateValueEvent: metadata updated]
                        commandClass: Version
                        endpoint:     undefined
                        property:     zWaveProtocolVersion
                        propertyKey:  undefined
                        internal:     false
                        secret:       false
                        event source: undefined
23:42:28.195 CNTRLR   [Node 001] [Version] zWaveProtocolVersion: metadata updated
23:42:28.197 CNTRLR   [Node 001] [translateValueEvent: metadata updated]
                        is root endpoint:        true
                        is application CC:       false
                        should hide root values: false
23:42:28.200 CNTRLR   [Node 001] [translateValueEvent: value added]
                        commandClass: Version
                        endpoint:     undefined
                        property:     zWaveProtocolVersion
                        propertyKey:  undefined
                        internal:     false
                        secret:       false
                        event source: undefined
23:42:28.202 CNTRLR   [Node 001] [+] [Version] zWaveProtocolVersion: "7.13.6"
23:42:28.204 CNTRLR   [Node 001] [translateValueEvent: value added]
                        is root endpoint:        true
                        is application CC:       false
                        should hide root values: false
23:42:28.208 CNTRLR   [Node 001] [translateValueEvent: metadata updated]
                        commandClass: Version
                        endpoint:     undefined
                        property:     sdkVersion
                        propertyKey:  undefined
                        internal:     false
                        secret:       false
                        event source: undefined
23:42:28.209 CNTRLR   [Node 001] [Version] sdkVersion: metadata updated
23:42:28.218 CNTRLR   [Node 001] [translateValueEvent: metadata updated]
                        is root endpoint:        true
                        is application CC:       false
                        should hide root values: false
23:42:28.221 CNTRLR   [Node 001] [translateValueEvent: value added]
                        commandClass: Version
                        endpoint:     undefined
                        property:     sdkVersion
                        propertyKey:  undefined
                        internal:     false
                        secret:       false
                        event source: undefined
23:42:28.223 CNTRLR   [Node 001] [+] [Version] sdkVersion: "7.13.6"
23:42:28.225 CNTRLR   [Node 001] [translateValueEvent: value added]
                        is root endpoint:        true
                        is application CC:       false
                        should hide root values: false
23:42:28.226 CNTRLR   Interview completed
23:42:28.231 DRIVER   No network key for S0 configured, communication with secure (S0) devices won't
23:42:28.232 DRIVER   No network key for S2 configured, communication with secure (S2) devices won't
23:42:28.234 DRIVER   driver ready
Flashing firmware...
23:42:28.244 CNTRLR   Entering bootloader...
23:42:28.252 CNTRLR   Performing soft reset...
23:42:28.287 SERIAL » 0x01030008f4                                                         (5 bytes)
23:42:28.291 DRIVER » [REQ] [SoftReset]
23:42:28.299 SERIAL « [ACK]                                                                   (0x06)
23:42:28.313 CNTRLR   Waiting for the controller to reconnect...
23:42:29.398 SERIAL « 0x011a000a0300030201115e7a70858659728a556c2256735a74989f1c          (28 bytes)
23:42:29.402 SERIAL » [ACK]                                                                   (0x06)
23:42:29.406 DRIVER « [REQ] [SerialAPIStarted]
                        wake up reason:        WatchdogReset
                        watchdog enabled:      false
                        generic device class:  0x02
                        specific device class: 0x01
                        always listening:      false
                        supports Long Range:   false
23:42:29.413 CNTRLR   reconnected and restarted
23:42:29.418 SERIAL » 0x01030027db                                                         (5 bytes)
23:42:29.510 SERIAL « �
23:42:29.515 CNTRLR   [BOOTLOADER] �
23:42:29.517 SERIAL «
23:42:29.519 CNTRLR   [BOOTLOADER]
23:42:30.021 CNTRLR   [BOOTLOADER] ^zp��Yr�Ul"VsZt��
23:42:31.038 SERIAL «
23:42:31.040 CNTRLR   [BOOTLOADER]
23:42:31.042 SERIAL «
23:42:31.043 CNTRLR   [BOOTLOADER]
23:42:31.545 CNTRLR   [BOOTLOADER] ^zp��Yr�Ul"VsZt��
23:42:32.566 SERIAL «
23:42:32.568 CNTRLR   [BOOTLOADER]
23:42:32.570 SERIAL «
23:42:32.572 CNTRLR   [BOOTLOADER]
23:42:33.075 CNTRLR   [BOOTLOADER] ^zp��Yr�Ul"VsZt��
23:42:34.095 SERIAL «
23:42:34.097 CNTRLR   [BOOTLOADER]
23:42:34.099 SERIAL «
23:42:34.101 CNTRLR   [BOOTLOADER]
23:42:34.425 CNTRLR   Leaving bootloader...
Failed to update firmware: The controller is not in bootloader mode! (ZW0103)
kpine commented 1 year ago

~No information provided at all, what kind of response are you expecting here?~ (issue edited)

You can contact Zooz for support.

kpine commented 1 year ago

You can submit an issue to

aplsms commented 1 year ago

information provided, but anyway, thanks.

kpine commented 1 year ago

I just tested the same container image version here, working for my UZB7, so I don't have any ideas. You can try an alternate method such as using npx directly:

npx -y @zwave-js/flash /dev/ttyUSB0 /path/to/fw/fw.gbl

If you don't have node installed, you can use a node docker container to achieve the same. The node-zwave-js devs might ask you to use that or Z-Wave JS UI.

$ docker run --rm -it   --device /dev/ttyUSB0:/dev/zwave   --volume $PWD:/fw  flash /fw/zwave_ncp_serial_api_controller_BRD4206A.gbl
Starting driver...
Flashing firmware... 100%
Firmware update successful