kpiwko / el-profile-activator-extension

Support for expression languages in profile activation in Maven
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Artifact deployment on Maven central #1

Open wikier opened 10 years ago

wikier commented 10 years ago

Would be possible to get it deployed there? There are some organizations (such as ASF) that strictly require having all dependencies there.

The easiest way would be via Sonatype:

kpiwko commented 10 years ago

Hi, I'd need to think about groupId and artifactId in such case. I'm wondering, what would be your the workflow to use the extension?

Do you have some tooling that downloads it from Maven Central and puts it into ${MAVEN_HOME}/lib/ext directory?

seanf commented 7 years ago

This would be very useful now, because core extensions can be downloaded and activated automatically by putting .mvn/extensions.xml into a source tree:

EDIT: To be honest, though, I'm probably more interested in JSR223 than MVEL:

jlmuir commented 5 years ago

@seanf wrote:

This would be very useful now, because core extensions can be downloaded and activated automatically by putting .mvn/extensions.xml into a source tree


This would be an excellent improvement that would enable me to use this extension in production! I would like to use this extension, but I can't expect users and developers to install two JARs into ${MAVEN_HOME}/lib/ext, and on top of that, they'd have to build el-profile-activator-extension.jar from source. But if there were a Maven artifact, I could add a few lines to the project's .mvn/extensions.xml file, and it would just work for users and developers.