kpreisser / MouseClickSimulator

Mouse Click Simulator for Toontown Rewritten and Corporate Clash
MIT License
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Will there be golfing added? #45

Open blakeyoung81 opened 1 year ago

blakeyoung81 commented 1 year ago

Hello! I looked at the code and I was very impressed. I don't have much experience in C or compiling, but i was wondering if it would be possible to add golfing? It seems like a couple of duration key presses would ensure a hole in one (one quick xml doc for each hole might suffice. Is that something you could see yourself adding in soon? Thanks

0x526f6d656f commented 1 year ago

Considering golfing physics are pretty random and broken you cannot guarantee a hole-in-one.

You can try generating your own .xml which presses left/right and ctrl on a hotkey, try it 20-30 times on the same map and see if the results are somewhat consistent.